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King Abdullah: Zardari is rotten

Then by insulting Zardari they are insulting the choice of the Pakistani people. Does that give you any second thoughts about your wisdom, or are you too offended to care?

No actually I found this quite hilarious.

On another note, do you think we are stupid?
Then by insulting Zardari they are insulting the choice of the Pakistani people. Does that give you any second thoughts about your wisdom, or are you too offended to care?

choice of Pakistani people... lol what a joke

choice of Britain would be more like it sir ;)

a rotten head is putting it mildly... but Abdullah himself is a big scumbag and if it were upto me I d say show the Royal House of Saud absolutely no mercy...

I m thinking of a firing squad...
another zardari bashing thread ..... we got to quit this habit of blaming the usual few for our problems ... this is plain stupidity .. like it or not zardari is chosen by the people of pakistan & i have got news for you here by calling zardari names one way or another we are swearing at our own!!! few days back i was buying cigarettes of a pan wala he asked 20rs more than the retail price ,upon questioning why ? his reply was apko nahi pata sir !? jis mulk ka sadar zardari ho wahan yahi hota hai :hitwall:!!!!
Sh!t Even the King Abdullah also knows this fact. :frown:

Now we should ticket to see Mr. Zardari (10 $ for each) and i have no doubt that our all debets will be paid in just 6 months and ofcourse we give Mr. Zardari 10% of total income:cheers:.

I now some ****** people will still support him but its true that he is the man who stopped country progress
another zardari bashing thread ..... we got to quit this habit of blaming the usual few for our problems ... this is plain stupidity .. like it or not zardari is chosen by the people of pakistan & i have got news for you here by calling zardari names one way or another we are swearing at our own!!! few days back i was buying cigarettes of a pan wala he asked 20rs more than the retail price ,upon questioning why ? his reply was apko nahi pata sir !? jis mulk ka sadar zardari ho wahan yahi hota hai :hitwall:!!!!

Good marketing though!
Not defending Mr 10%, but do keep in mind that Zardari is

- Shia
- Political rival to the Saudi puppet Nawaz Sharif

He broke the promise done to Nawaz in their Murree meetings and as being Shai is concern : Bhutto and royle family were friends. ( Bhutto was a Shai and married to a Iranain wife). Shah Faisal was a close friend of Bhutto PPP.
People like Zardari play sect card to remain in power and hide their curruption.


Zardari is a criminal, a fraud and a third rater: Musharraf

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The Saudi regime is nothing but scum and a hinderance to the progress of Muslims in particular and the whole of mankind in general...

This evil man has actually been asking Americans to attack Iran...

Read it here...

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme | World news | guardian.co.uk

So you would rather put your 100% faith in wikileaks and that too when someone else is quoting the King so as to justify a scenario of attack on Iran?
The same people would have cabled about the WMDs in Iraq as well...should we trust such things completely?

So the Saudi Royal family has caused a severe dent in the progress of Muslims and the entire world?
Did they stop Malaysia from growing?
Are they responsible for attacking Kuwait or Iran?
Why such a grave charge on Saudi Royals alone?
There are many regimes much more ruthless, corrupt and damaging to the world....
I am not denying that there is excess of wealth which most rulers in Arab world have amassed, however that does not make them worse.
Look around and you can count on fingertips the countries where rulers do not make a lot of money.

Even in the west, many political families are ****** rich and usually have a large stake in the economy due to their influence.
However as long as the country is stable, this does not bother anyone. At least KSA is stable enough and most of the people are taken care of. So the royal family is not at the bottom of the ranking in my book.

I think that the progress of Muslims is somehow also hindered by a tendency to put their firm belief in non proven "facts" while ignoring the writing on the wall.
For the most part the failure in leadership in most countries is a result of a crisis in the society which stems from a collective ignorance and lack of collective will to change things via social reform.

A leader who is perceived to be corrupt, named so by everyone and yet leads a country is a reflection of the social decay prevalent in the country.
It is a wake up call to the people who have tolerated such a person to become their leader.
It is a wake up call that there is such a dearth of alternate leaders with clear conscience that no party vehemently protested the election of Zardari to the high office.
No party took his appointment to court and no sue motto action was taken on the many open acts of mismanagement of funds and disproportionate spending on useless schemes and projects without tangible results.

We have had calls for long march over petty issues which are made into something of a critical phase in our nation building, however we have nothing to show in way of protests and long marches when such a person happened to gain power.
Such a thing may even have merited a civil disobedience, however we have more important things to be concerned about it seems.

Leaders are not appointed over us by the heavens, they are brought into power by one mean or another and similarly can be brought down if the public so chooses based on vices and virtues.
However if there are similar vices which are widespread in a society, then maybe the leader is not the odd one out, just the one who has most to gain from his vices.
Religion is personal matter therefore right words would be Saudi Arabia is not pro Iran but they never did any provocation in Iran.
While Iran has been orchestrating mutinies in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain from long time.
Iran has also been radicalizing Pakistani Shias.

why do you say they are not provocative In Iran? indeed they are.
they started game against Iran since Nasser in Egypt.
Bahrain was part of Iran 40 years ago and separated from Iran with provocation of UK and Arabs, since that time they are ruling( killing, torchering,....) %85 people with a Sunni monarch a good way to keep people silent and keep persure on them is claiming that other Shia country has influence on them.
for Iran long term strategic policy is not good to interferer in Pak as they dont.
Shia and Sunni relation in Pak is your domestic issues, but as I have Pakistani Sunni and Shia close freinds my Sunni Pakistani friends are more radical as i have same understanding from Pak news as well
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