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Kinda a little off topic, this sh*t been eating me for a long time

To be honest my problem with pakistani girls are not rejection or anything related to the realm of romance. its just there. I just connect with non pakistani's better, it has been like that from the days of uni, i just lose my confidence when it comes to them, its like all of a sudden i become an introvert person, which i am not, i am very social person, i party, have dated some irish ladies, i talk to clients but when it comes to them its just idk. about a month ago my mum told me to talk to my cousin and i blanked out, i could not utter a word. The point is i don't have these problems with non pakistani's but why with them.
Then like I said, there's something in you that's perceiving them as a threat which makes you so as a response.
they Probably remind him of his mother when she's about to go pyscho with the wooden spoon on him
Then like I said, there's something in you that's perceiving them as a threat which makes you so as a response.
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they Probably remind him of his mother when she's about to go pyscho with the wooden spoon on him
Not for us to say, brother, usually the simplistic reasons don't really apply. That's why therapy is therapy. It's much more nuanced than anything that can be so simply conceptualised.
Alright!. I will think about it.
It would also help if you consider therapy. It's not just for severely disturbed people. A good therapist or counselor can help you look inwards in a safe and conducive environment.
It would also help if you consider therapy. It's not just for severely disturbed people. A good therapist or counselor can help you look inwards in a safe and conducive environment.
Taking such things as problems or lapses is one way, brother; however you can also see them as pathways of the unexplored. All great wisdom of the world holds knowing oneself as a difficult but ultimately rewarding endeavor. So it may be an enlightening journey
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