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Kinda a little off topic, this sh*t been eating me for a long time

Pakistani girls connect in less than one micro second the moment you talk to them. I've never heard of this. Is something to do with actual girls in Pakistan or their heritage which is a different thing.
Ahahaha Sir there is this junior of mine who used to look at me and laugh. Rather she used to stare and then say something to her friends and they all used to laugh. I knew I was being discussed for some reason(s). So one sinister day when all of her friends were missing except one, I mustered up courage and decided to talk to her. I went and she froze. She couldn`t talk. She was confused and scared while her friend kept looking at her and was laughing. Then they both fled the scene by leaving their belongings behind. :lol:
I’ve never had a problem talking to girls because i’m naturally funny.

Also there’s a lot scarier things out there in the world. So if your scared of talking to a girl then good luck with the rest of your life. :lol:
I’ve never had a problem talking to girls because i’m naturally funny.

Also there’s a lot scarier things out there in the world. So if your scared of talking to a girl then good luck with the rest of your life. :lol:
says who? you?
I’ve never had a problem talking to girls because i’m naturally funny.

Also there’s a lot scarier things out there in the world. So if your scared of talking to a girl then good luck with the rest of your life. :lol:
Yes Sir, you are indeed very funny. I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments.
And the reason I was nervous while talking to this junior of mine is perhaps I had been laughed at for some weeks, so I was honestly puzzled and uncomfortable talking to her.
Yes Sir, you are indeed very funny. I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments.

Most of the time it’s unintentional in real life. I would just say something and all of sudden I see a bunch of girls laughing and then they start to get free with me. This has happened in Pakistan and still happens in the US.
What can i do man, its quite hard not to when other party's literally inviting u in 'em, though u can be a sigma to pakistani gals they are a differnt lot, They scare the shit out of me man and its not me only who feels this way almost every british or irish pakistani i know feels the same way and i am trying to find the reason for it @jaibi, u a psychologist, if u are can u shed some light on this matter.
I agree with you lol, there's a different feeling with Pakistani women than with other women
at least in the US, I become automatically more "reserved" I guess when I am meeting or talking to em, it's not the same with other women from any other country

I don't know why
Most of the time it’s unintentional in real life. I would just say something and all of sudden I see a bunch of girls laughing and then they start to get free with me. This has happened in Pakistan and still happens in the US.
Your comments are witty. One never gets tired.
It`s no surprise women too love your good jokes. It is a good conversation-starter.
says who? you?

Let me tell you a funny story.

One time I was standing outside fasial mover adda in Lahore ready to take the bus back home and leave that god awful place.

My bus was gonna leave in 20 minutes and I was smoking a cigarette and looking at my phone minding my business.

There was nobody standing around me and it was not crowded. All of a sudden I get bumped in the shoulder. I had my back against the glass wall too, so I was like wtf.

I was so mad that before even looking up, the words that left my mouth were ‘kussa yavon dya, ana wa?’

When I did look up, it was a fairly attractive bus hostess that probably bumped me on purpose to get my attention because she was attracted to me.

Holy shit, the look on her face was priceless! It was so funny that I turned my head the other way and started to crack the **** up.

Anyways when I turned my head back towards her she had walked further down but looked back at me and was laughing too.
Go for nude bars or lap dance joints, that will calm your stuff where it matters.

However online dating is 0 almost a battle ground in reality in connecting opposite genders.
Ahahaha Sir there is this junior of mine who used to look at me and laugh. Rather she used to stare and then say something to her friends and they all used to laugh. I knew I was being discussed for some reason(s). So one sinister day when all of her friends were missing except one, I mustered up courage and decided to talk to her. I went and she froze. She couldn`t talk. She was confused and scared while her friend kept looking at her and was laughing. Then they both fled the scene by leaving their belongings behind. :lol:

Girls back home still have the conservative cloak and hence it will affect how they speak to the opposite sex. Here it is different and our women do get chatty but there is still that shyness, as they know it can lead to more i.e. marriage match etc. I guess when there is more to play for the more nervous they get. If you note their interactions with others both female and male they are normal.
You need to update your love from ishq e majazi to ishq e Haqiqi

Try your luck there. Besides God, you may get hoors too

Besides so many things, you need to die as well in order to get qualified for hoors
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