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Kim Jong-il visits China for J-10, rejected

Personally i think North Koreans must focus more on air defenses, Better SAMs, cruise missiles...

Personally I think north korea have to go through political and economic reforms, it's un-acceptable for the north koreans to live on the poverty line and falling behind south korea on almost all aspects, with the right system and right help from China and Russia it can do way better.

That includes making peace with South Korea and focusing on building its country first, it'll be in China and Russia's interests as well to see a strong prosperous ally next to our borders that does not fall into the American camp.
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NK bit more than it can chew, it invaded SK thinking it can win (well, almost) and the end results is today. If Korean war hadn't happened it will likely still be NK and SK today, but NKers will at least be alot better off.
Agree with you but so far us/south korea is the only hurdle with their ill plans not letting the region to stabilize. South Korea are real hypocrites peace could have been achieved had they asked us to go away from the region. Currently SK is no 8/9th in Military spending while NK is on 21/22. They threat a nation every now and then, a nation with poverty impose sanctions and vice versa. Making peace is the way only if us exits that region SK reduces its military spending as well.
South Korea don't wan't reunification due to imminet influx of refugees, and santions only hurt the NK people and strengthen the regime.
NK people have no choice but to submit to thier leader or risk lives and play double agents... to south Koreans or more.

I agree that NK should look more for SAM's but again B52 can't be targeted by SAMs.
Though not officialy acknowledged but in past US have taken out NK ballastic missile launch pads, with B52 and NK could not stop it.

I wonder what is in the mind of Kim Jong, when he seek attack air craft.
Can he reach US with J-10?
^^ another US is just under his nose: more than 30,000 US troops at the border.
Agree with you but so far us/south korea is the only hurdle with their ill plans not letting the region to stabilize. South Korea are real hypocrites peace could have been achieved had they asked us to go away from the region. Currently SK is no 8/9th in Military spending while NK is on 21/22. They threat a nation every now and then, a nation with poverty impose sanctions and vice versa. Making peace is the way only if us exits that region SK reduces its military spending as well.

It's only a grand chess board for both US and China there in the NK: NK is never a concern for SK. In other words, what SK thinks about the NK (i.e. stabilise, or friendly or whatever) doesn't count . The US will make it sure that there should be "always" a danger there, to justify its troops in both SK and Japan, along with Okinawa airbase, the gateway to the Pacific.
Of course, if a dictator thinks his country is likely to be invaded at any time and any progress he made in building the nation will be lost, then he kind of has less incentives to modernise and improve his country.
Slow down dear speeder..... it is SK which is always at threat.... due to geographical factor.
NK may not have bombers but it has batteries of missiles and can significantly damage SK.. before US seals move in and neutralize, all launch pads.
But that would just be the begining of problems for SK... as their will be no more Kim to stop the NK from migrating south!!!!
welll pakistan should help them with JF 17 but with the rates which dont have any profits
No Thunders for NK, Pakistan wouldn't want to destabilize its product in the future market, NK pilots would need a lot of training and if they crash a couple of Thunders there is going to be fingers pointed at Pakistan for a product like this than the rest won't think it was the pilots.
NK bit more than it can chew, it invaded SK thinking it can win (well, almost) and the end results is today. If Korean war hadn't happened it will likely still be NK and SK today, but NKers will at least be alot better off.

Perhaps people should acquaint themselves deeper with the modern history of Koreas.
After the war, NK was well ahead of SK economically until the late 80s when oil subsidies from Russia and China ended. Then its declined, before that, it was richer and more industrialised that then South.
welll pakistan should help them with JF 17 but with the rates which dont have any profits

given that:

pakistan need the planes first for itself

pakistan is poor as well and cant afford to given jets to nk

pakistan's ally in the WOT, the usa would never allow this

pakistan's leaders will agree with whatever america says
Perhaps people should acquaint themselves deeper with the modern history of Koreas.
After the war, NK was well ahead of SK economically until the late 80s when oil subsidies from Russia and China ended. Then its declined, before that, it was richer and more industrialised that then South.

Then it proves that it wasn't using these resources properly and so mismanagement is the key.

They also defauted on their loan from every country except Japan.

But I changed my mind. Even if NK hadn't started korean war it will still eventually fall behind because it is probably going to follow either the soviet economic system or Mao's economic system and we know how well they worked. Militarily there won't be much difference as they will likely receive soviet and chinese arms.

It costed alot of lives but may actually be a blessing in disguise for China because it proved the sick man of asia era is there no more

It would have been better though, if NK followed something similar to Deng's reform. In this regards honestly speaking China owes at least a thank to US because of the opening up of western market to china. (even though the west was out to make a buck and reduce soviet influence.) without which the reform would probably bear fruit much slower. NK weren't given such chance.
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<even back then with China's backward weaponries it kicked the UN a*s back to the 38th parallel>
Beyond 38th parallel.

<NK bit more than it can chew, it invaded SK thinking it can win (well, almost) and the end results is today.>
NK did destroy SK, without the US intervention there would not be SK. Oppositely, there would not be NK without the intervention of PRC.

<I agree that NK should look more for SAM's but again B52 can't be targeted by SAMs.
Though not officialy acknowledged but in past US have taken out NK ballastic missile launch pads, with B52 and NK could not stop it.>
B52 is an archaic plane no match against SAMs. It's good only for carpet bombing once the air defense has been neutralized. The USAF would rely on the B2 that's why the USAF deployed B2s to Guam.

<It would have been better though, if NK followed something similar to Deng's reform.>
China has been doing this since Jiang Zemin era but somehow it hasn't materialized yet.

Every time KJI visits China the Chinese leaders would showcase its SEZs.

<In this regards honestly speaking China owes at least a thank to US because of the opening up of western market to china. (even though the west was out to make a buck and reduce soviet influence.) without which the reform would probably bear fruit much slower.>
No this is the reward that Nixon gave to PRC for not attacking Taiwan by military force. Nixon and Kissinger at that time have finally realized that the US can no longer play nuclear blackmail card on China. Furthermore, the US needs China to expel USSR from Afghanistan and topple the USSR.

<NK weren't given such chance.>
Not true. Read above.

<NK may not have bombers but it has batteries of missiles and can significantly damage SK.. before US seals move in and neutralize, all launch pads.>
Wow, you think it would be that easy? All NK's war fighting machines and elite commandos are forward deployed.

NK doesn't have to worry about its rear guard it's protected or guarded well by the PLA.

SK, would be really fu&king stupid to start war with NK. In a short time Seoul would be occupied by NK, since it's so closed to the DMZ.
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