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Kim Iverson and Dennis Kucinich: A Debate worth watching


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
I have long believed that the world could be a much better place for humanity and our environment and the path to solve humanity's issues lie through reforming the power apparatus in America--specifically, in Washington DC. You reform there and a lot of the problems afflicting humanity and our environment would be solved!! I think a select group of human beings in America and the Brits have figured that to stay wealthy is by fomenting wars. They have been doing it for decades. Kim Iverson, a brave, smart lady, along with Tucker Carlson, are just a few prominent voices in America who are challenging the status quo.

In this video, she has Dennis Kucinich where Kim asks some direct questions but Dennis carefully doesn't pander to her audience. This is how a real journalist with the interests of America and the world questions their invitees and this is how a real friend of humanity answers those questions. Dennis knew who was asking questions and why but he stuck to his own stand.

A lot in this video was said--but even a lot more was unsaid!! Respect to both!

who are challenging the status quo.

What’s your opinion on DeSantis being the potential nominee for the Republican Party in 2024?

Hes a good governor but a new poll showed Trump as the favorite to be the nominee. From what I read, DeSantis might challenge the woke stuff but will kowtow to RNC and broader status quo. Something trump never did.
What’s your opinion on DeSantis being the potential nominee for the Republican Party in 2024?

Hes a good governor but a new poll showed Trump as the favorite to be the nominee. From what I read, DeSantis might challenge the woke stuff but will kowtow to RNC and broader status quo. Something trump never did.

Knowing what the Democrats have been doing since Obama first term, even Republicans seem better. I'd welcome a Trump back! I actually voted for him in 2020, breaking my decades long blind support for Democratic party starting Bill Clinton 1992 (yes, I have been around!!).
DeSantis is a 'mainstream' Republican but I hope he will not ignore the anti-war sentiments in America too much.

An important predictor about DeSantis would be how much the mainstream media vilifies him: The more he's vilified, the more there is hope he'd be different enough from the likes of Senator Graham like war monger Republicans.
Another recent Kim Iverson video--this time with Ron Paul. Kim is getting the rightful attention! And what I love about people like Kucinich and Ron Paul is that they stick to their positions (Democrats and Libertarians, respectively), despite what their hosts are trying to persuade, but in a gentlemanly way. Otherwise, too many politicians pander to the audience in various shows; they are spineless or opportunists.

If the world is going to be a better place in a short timeframe then the change will come from America. I am convinced of that. Here, Ron Paul is hoping that there is change in America sooner than what happened in case of the Vietnam war. Plus there is much more in this video.

Tucker Carlson is a unabashed white supremacist who was one of the leading cheerleaders for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He's conveniently become anti-war of late because democrats have out-righted and right wing Republicans when it comes to waging war. Obama first and Biden now have led more robust and prolific kinetic action against all comers but especially poor black and brown people than George W. could have ever dreamt of doing.

Since there a bit of war-fatigue at home and economic hardship it is easy to target Democrats on from the anti-war POV. However if the next Republican president wages war on the same scale as Dems, expect Carlson to do 180 degree about face and become a cheerleader once again.

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