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Killings of newborn babies on the rise in Pakistan


May 25, 2010
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Killings of newborn babies on the rise in Pakistan

KARACHI (AFP) – The lifeless bodies of two tiny babies are being given their final bath before burial in Karachi, after they were left to die in the southern Pakistani city's garbage dumps.
"They can only have been one or two days old," says volunteer worker Mohammad Saleem, pointing at the two small corpses being gently washed by his colleagues at a charity's morgue.
In the conservative Muslim nation, where the birth of children outside of marriage is condemned and adultery is a crime punishable by death under strict interpretations of Islamic law, infanticide is a crime on the rise.
More than 1,000 infants -- most of them girls -- were killed or abandoned to die in Pakistan last year according to conservative estimates by the Edhi Foundation, a charity working to reverse the grim trend.
The infanticide figures are collected only from Pakistan's main cities, leaving out huge swathes of the largely rural nation, and the charity says that in December alone it found 40 dead babies left in garbage dumps and sewers.
The number of dead infants found last year -- 1,210 -- was up from 890 in 2008 and 999 in 2009, says the Edhi Foundation manager in Karachi, Anwar Kazmi.
Tragic tales abound.
Kazmi recounts the discovery of the burnt body of a six-day-old infant who had been strangled. Another child was found on the steps of a mosque having been stoned to death on the orders of an extremist imam who has since disappeared, he says.
"Do not murder, lay them here," reads a sign hanging outside the charity's Karachi base where it has left cradles in the hope that parents will abandon their unwanted children there, instead of leaving them to die.
"People leave these children mostly because they think they are illegitimate, but they are as innocent and loveable as all human beings," says the charity's founder, well-known humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi.
Most children found are less than a week old.
Khair Mohammad, 65, works as a watchman in the charity's vast graveyard in the city outskirts. It is dotted with tiny unnamed graves.
"We acquired this land to bury children after another plot was filled with hundreds of bodies," he says.
The death toll is far worse among girls, says manager Kazmi, with nine out of ten dead babies the charity finds being female.
"The number of infanticides of girls has substantially increased," Kazmi says, a rise attributed to increased poverty across the country.
Girls are seen by many Pakistanis as a greater economic burden as most women are not permitted to work and are considered to be the financial responsibilty of their fathers, and later their husbands.
A Pakistani family can be forced to raise more than one million rupees (11,700 dollars) to marry their daughter off.
Edhi says that up to 200 babies are left in its 400 cradles nationwide each year and that it handles thousands of requests for adoption by childless couples.
Abortion is prohibited in Pakistan, except when the mother's life is at risk from her pregnancy, but advocates say that legalisation would reduce infanticide and save mothers from potentially fatal back-street terminations.
According to Pakistani law, anyone found to have abandoned an infant can be jailed for seven years, while anyone guilty of secretly burying a child can be imprisoned for two years. Murder is punishable with life imprisonment.
But crimes of infanticide are rarely prosecuted.
"The majority of police stations do not register cases of infanticide, let alone launch investigations into them," said lawyer Abdul Rasheed.

Killings of newborn babies on the rise in Pakistan - Yahoo! News
IF THAT IS TRUE, I honestly dont know what to say about these Imams.

This type of imam should be executed Saudi style (beheaded in public) for killing an innocent life.
These people are not just a shame for a country or religion... but to the whole humanity.
There should be an awareness program for those bastarrds males and females who give birth to illegitimate children as result of their inappropriate relations that atleast for heaven sake dont kill or abandoned these newborns but hand them over to Edhi Centre.

Edhi welfare centre has started program many years back for saving all such newborns as result of inappropriate relations,
This is an alarming situation for our social system and there is need to strengthen the values of family. Government has to take actions against such conservative & heartless persons who have not any importance & love to a new born baby. This is very sad to listen because in Western countries we listened but now in our country it is happened!
shame on anyone who does this. Having a newborn in lap is such a devine feeling. How can you do this?

My god where this world is going.
Very unfortunate to hear this... If there is such an imam who has done such a thing.. He does not even deserve to be called an imam or a Muslim even. He should be made an example for all others of his type..
Imams goes nuts.....

It is highly time to change "Islamic" republic of Pakistan to "Secure Pakistan" or 'freedom' Pakistan or 'Western-style christianity' Pakistan!

Religion goes worst these days! :hitwall:

Brother the thing is that the fault lies in us. We have made illeterate mullaz and now this is what they had to do. We ourselves don't study our religion, we are champions in Nazra or recitation of the Holy Quran in Arabic but not many of us know what Islam teaches or what that recitation means..
It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) observed: Avoid the seven noxious things. It was said (by the hearers): What are they, Messenger of Allah (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)? He (the Holy Prophet... (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)) replied: Associating anything with Allah, magic, killing of one whom God has declared inviolate without a just cause, consuming the property of an orphan, and consuming of usury,turning back when the army advances, and slandering chaste women who are believers, but unwary.
Well, I myself read Quran (Arabic/English translation)....Is there something wrong on translations?

Oh man, Mullah unable to read Arabic, Urdu and English. If you going to Mosque yourself, you don't know who is educated smart Mullahs or illiterate Mullahs??

All Mullahs/Imams talking the same verses in Quran. sick!

Sorry brother but I cannot understand what you are saying. Hence, I am unable to answer you correctly.
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