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Khobragade to USA: You have lost a good friend. In return, you got a maid and drunken driver


Jan 4, 2014
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United States
NEW DELHI — Two dozen revved-up television crews were clustered outside a V.I.P. exit at Indira Gandhi International Airport on Friday, waiting for the flight from New York. They had been in place for two hours, and every time a trickle of passengers came into view, they all jumped up and pressed their cameras against the glass.

Few passengers in recent memory could match the celebrity of Devyani Khobragade, the diplomat who was arrested on charges of visa fraud and making false statements in New York in connection with her treatment of a domestic worker. When Ms. Khobragade’s father appeared — she had been spirited away through another door — he beamed at the cameras, and told them, “I am impressed by your love and affection.”

Ms. Khobragade’s return seemingly brought to a climax a monthlong diplomatic spat between the United States and India that at times threatened to open a breach in the countries’ relations. While American prosecutors stood firm, India removed security barriers at the United States Embassy in New Delhi, canceled the embassy’s food and alcohol import privileges, and issued new identity cards to American consular employees and their families specifying that they could be arrested for serious offenses.

Only on Friday, with the reluctant agreement from the State Department to expel a diplomat of equal rank from its embassy in New Delhi, was the matter seemingly resolved.

Yet the incident has uncovered a gaping cultural disconnect between the world’s two largest democracies. While Americans reflexively came to the defense of a maid who the authorities said was subjected to abuse, Indians reflexively sympathized with the diplomat.

This is partly because middle- and upper-class Indians typically have their own servants, who often work long hours for far less than the $573 a month that Ms. Khobragade had promised to pay. But the bigger reason, especially compelling in an election year, is national pride. In the month that has passed since Ms. Khobragade’s arrest, she has been transformed into a symbol of India’s sovereignty, pushed around and humiliated by an arrogant superpower.

“There is always this sense, since the end of the Soviet Union, that America is too big for its britches,” said Sandip Roy, senior editor at Firstpost, a news website. “What happened to Devyani is seen in a larger, cosmic sense as that kind of unilateral thing, like, ‘I will go and invade Afghanistan, and I don’t care what anyone thinks.' ”

The dispute was brought to a rapid finish in the last 72 hours, in what appeared to be an effort by American officials to relax tensions.

Daniel N. Arshack, Ms. Khobragade’s lawyer in New York, agreed that once negotiations with prosecutors broke down last weekend, “this week turned into a focus on diplomatic solutions.” Mr. Arshack said that his client’s husband, a college professor, and two young daughters, ages 4 and 7, who are all American citizens, had remained in New York.

The domestic worker, Sangeeta Richard, told prosecutors that she was forced to work 94 to 109 hours a week, with limited breaks for calls and meals, according to an indictment handed up on Thursday in Federal District Court in Manhattan. Last summer, it said, Ms. Richard told Ms. Khobragade that she was unhappy with the work conditions and wanted to return home, but her employer refused the request and would not return her passport.

Ms. Khobragade was arrested Dec. 12 when she was dropping off her daughters at school, and charged with misrepresenting Ms. Richard’s pay to obtain a work visa for a housekeeper. Indian newspapers reported that she was strip-searched, something Indians found especially offensive, and then kept in a police holding pen with drug addicts before being released on bond. India responded with a raft of retaliatory steps, including the removal of security barriers around the embassy in New Delhi, and the case was the lead story in the Indian news media for weeks.

On Wednesday, India granted Ms. Khobragade the full immunity and privileges of a diplomat, a set of rights not accorded those posted in consulates, as she was at the time of the arrest. Though the United States appealed to India to waive that immunity, India refused, and transferred her to a new position at the Foreign Ministry in Delhi. The State Department then told her to leave the United States, which she did Thursday night.

Ms. Khobragade’s father, Uttam Khobragade, said his daughter was under strict orders not to give interviews, but told an anecdote suggesting that she left with bitter feelings — toward Ms. Richard, Ms. Richard’s husband and the United States government.

“Devyani was seen off at the airport by an official of the State Department,” he told reporters Friday morning. “He told Devyani that, ‘Madam, I am sorry, and it was wrong.’ She told the official, ‘You have lost a good friend. It is unfortunate. In return, you got a maid and a drunken driver. They are in, and we are out.' ”

Mr. Khobragade, a retired bureaucrat who has led small protests in recent days at the American Consulate in Mumbai, said his daughter is seen so positively in India that political parties have approached both her and him to run in parliamentary elections, and that he was inclined to do so.

“At this moment, through the agony my family has gone through in the past month, you people stood with me like a rock,” he said at the airport. “One thing is clear from this: If this country, with 1.2 billion people, if they come together for a cause, justice is inevitable.”

Ms. Richard, in a statement issued through Safe Horizon, a victim services agency that has been representing her in New York, said that she was disappointed to learn that Ms. Khobragade had left the United States. “I stood up for my rights as a worker and I only wish that Defendant Khobragade would stand up in court and address the charges against her,” Ms. Richard said.

One thing that has baffled American observers — in particular Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan — is why there is so little outrage about the treatment of Ms. Richard. In fact, Indian newspapers routinely carry articles about abuse of domestic workers, and many people interviewed said the sympathy would have been with the accuser had the case occurred in India.

But because it emerged in the United States, and Ms. Khobragade represented India, many people interviewed saw her treatment as a humiliation for the country.

“You have to take Devyani out of this, the support is for her position,” said Subhajit Sengupta, one of the journalists who camped outside Terminal 3. “What she has done is wrong. What the U.S. has done is also wrong. Since what the U.S. has done is against a country, it will be taken as a matter of prestige.”

Maneesha Puri, 53, said the pay given to domestic help is “our concern.” And she expressed sputtering indignation that a woman of Ms. Khobragade’s social position would be strip-searched.

“What kind of checking are they doing, strip-checking?” she said. “She is a diplomatic person and you strip her and check her because the maid says she was ill-treated? It’s ridiculous. It’s not that she had employed an American servant. This was an Indian servant.”

Whether the case now fades off the national agenda depends in part on whether Ms. Khobragade speaks publicly about it.

Shweta Bajaj, one of the journalists who spent Friday night staking the diplomat out, said she had been shocked and a little mystified by the intensity of the attention given to the Khobragade case this winter. She said it was the first time in her career as a journalist that she had seen India “make such a stand against America.”

“It’s not even Pakistan,” she said.

Source: NY Times
Cry me a river, let the issue die out, she out of the US and back to India where she can hire all the maids with slave wage.
There appears to be some what of confusion in relation to Ms Khobragade reporting in the media.

At the time of Ms Khobragade arrest, she was on a consul visa and did not have diplomatic immunity in the United States.

With respect to the allegation in relation to the conduct of law enforcement officials, I am satisfied that their conduct has been consistent with protocol. And that no misconduct in relation to her handling upon arrest has occurred.

She was indicted by the court because the court was satisfied on a balance of probabilities exists to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there has been a breach of law perpetrated by her. I am satisfied that no corruption in relation to her indictment has occurred and that the courts handling of her was consistent with the criminal procedures in place.

On 8 January 2014, Ms Khobragade visa was approved to diplomatic, and as such was accorded with diplomatic immunity in the United States. The court was subsequently advised of this change, and she was discharged from her duties with the court.

In relation her lawyers allegation that she is innocent, I would say that the police did have probable cause to commence prosecution. However her diplomatic immunity provides legal provision which prevent the administration of criminal procedures. At any time this provision is retracted, the police will commence prosecution.

In response to India retaliation, that traffic law and other violation of the Vienna convention be enforced upon US officials in India. I commend this, and welcome this as a positive step forward to the rule of law in India.
NEW DELHI — Two dozen revved-up television crews were clustered outside a V.I.P. exit at Indira Gandhi International Airport on Friday, waiting for the flight from New York. They had been in place for two hours, and every time a trickle of passengers came into view, they all jumped up and pressed their cameras against the glass.

Few passengers in recent memory could match the celebrity of Devyani Khobragade, the diplomat who was arrested on charges of visa fraud and making false statements in New York in connection with her treatment of a domestic worker. When Ms. Khobragade’s father appeared — she had been spirited away through another door — he beamed at the cameras, and told them, “I am impressed by your love and affection.”

Ms. Khobragade’s return seemingly brought to a climax a monthlong diplomatic spat between the United States and India that at times threatened to open a breach in the countries’ relations. While American prosecutors stood firm, India removed security barriers at the United States Embassy in New Delhi, canceled the embassy’s food and alcohol import privileges, and issued new identity cards to American consular employees and their families specifying that they could be arrested for serious offenses.

Only on Friday, with the reluctant agreement from the State Department to expel a diplomat of equal rank from its embassy in New Delhi, was the matter seemingly resolved.

Yet the incident has uncovered a gaping cultural disconnect between the world’s two largest democracies. While Americans reflexively came to the defense of a maid who the authorities said was subjected to abuse, Indians reflexively sympathized with the diplomat.

This is partly because middle- and upper-class Indians typically have their own servants, who often work long hours for far less than the $573 a month that Ms. Khobragade had promised to pay. But the bigger reason, especially compelling in an election year, is national pride. In the month that has passed since Ms. Khobragade’s arrest, she has been transformed into a symbol of India’s sovereignty, pushed around and humiliated by an arrogant superpower.

“There is always this sense, since the end of the Soviet Union, that America is too big for its britches,” said Sandip Roy, senior editor at Firstpost, a news website. “What happened to Devyani is seen in a larger, cosmic sense as that kind of unilateral thing, like, ‘I will go and invade Afghanistan, and I don’t care what anyone thinks.' ”

The dispute was brought to a rapid finish in the last 72 hours, in what appeared to be an effort by American officials to relax tensions.

Daniel N. Arshack, Ms. Khobragade’s lawyer in New York, agreed that once negotiations with prosecutors broke down last weekend, “this week turned into a focus on diplomatic solutions.” Mr. Arshack said that his client’s husband, a college professor, and two young daughters, ages 4 and 7, who are all American citizens, had remained in New York.

The domestic worker, Sangeeta Richard, told prosecutors that she was forced to work 94 to 109 hours a week, with limited breaks for calls and meals, according to an indictment handed up on Thursday in Federal District Court in Manhattan. Last summer, it said, Ms. Richard told Ms. Khobragade that she was unhappy with the work conditions and wanted to return home, but her employer refused the request and would not return her passport.

Ms. Khobragade was arrested Dec. 12 when she was dropping off her daughters at school, and charged with misrepresenting Ms. Richard’s pay to obtain a work visa for a housekeeper. Indian newspapers reported that she was strip-searched, something Indians found especially offensive, and then kept in a police holding pen with drug addicts before being released on bond. India responded with a raft of retaliatory steps, including the removal of security barriers around the embassy in New Delhi, and the case was the lead story in the Indian news media for weeks.

On Wednesday, India granted Ms. Khobragade the full immunity and privileges of a diplomat, a set of rights not accorded those posted in consulates, as she was at the time of the arrest. Though the United States appealed to India to waive that immunity, India refused, and transferred her to a new position at the Foreign Ministry in Delhi. The State Department then told her to leave the United States, which she did Thursday night.

Ms. Khobragade’s father, Uttam Khobragade, said his daughter was under strict orders not to give interviews, but told an anecdote suggesting that she left with bitter feelings — toward Ms. Richard, Ms. Richard’s husband and the United States government.

“Devyani was seen off at the airport by an official of the State Department,” he told reporters Friday morning. “He told Devyani that, ‘Madam, I am sorry, and it was wrong.’ She told the official, ‘You have lost a good friend. It is unfortunate. In return, you got a maid and a drunken driver. They are in, and we are out.' ”

Mr. Khobragade, a retired bureaucrat who has led small protests in recent days at the American Consulate in Mumbai, said his daughter is seen so positively in India that political parties have approached both her and him to run in parliamentary elections, and that he was inclined to do so.

“At this moment, through the agony my family has gone through in the past month, you people stood with me like a rock,” he said at the airport. “One thing is clear from this: If this country, with 1.2 billion people, if they come together for a cause, justice is inevitable.”

Ms. Richard, in a statement issued through Safe Horizon, a victim services agency that has been representing her in New York, said that she was disappointed to learn that Ms. Khobragade had left the United States. “I stood up for my rights as a worker and I only wish that Defendant Khobragade would stand up in court and address the charges against her,” Ms. Richard said.

One thing that has baffled American observers — in particular Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan — is why there is so little outrage about the treatment of Ms. Richard. In fact, Indian newspapers routinely carry articles about abuse of domestic workers, and many people interviewed said the sympathy would have been with the accuser had the case occurred in India.

But because it emerged in the United States, and Ms. Khobragade represented India, many people interviewed saw her treatment as a humiliation for the country.

“You have to take Devyani out of this, the support is for her position,” said Subhajit Sengupta, one of the journalists who camped outside Terminal 3. “What she has done is wrong. What the U.S. has done is also wrong. Since what the U.S. has done is against a country, it will be taken as a matter of prestige.”

Maneesha Puri, 53, said the pay given to domestic help is “our concern.” And she expressed sputtering indignation that a woman of Ms. Khobragade’s social position would be strip-searched.

“What kind of checking are they doing, strip-checking?” she said. “She is a diplomatic person and you strip her and check her because the maid says she was ill-treated? It’s ridiculous. It’s not that she had employed an American servant. This was an Indian servant.”

Whether the case now fades off the national agenda depends in part on whether Ms. Khobragade speaks publicly about it.

Shweta Bajaj, one of the journalists who spent Friday night staking the diplomat out, said she had been shocked and a little mystified by the intensity of the attention given to the Khobragade case this winter. She said it was the first time in her career as a journalist that she had seen India “make such a stand against America.”

“It’s not even Pakistan,” she said.

Source: NY Times
i believe this sums up the situation briliantly, we are not defending what ever Devyani did , she may or may not be guilty , thats for the courts to decide. what we as a country had an objection to was the treatment of her , especially while she was representing India.
to be some what of confusion in relation to Ms Khobragade reporting in t

I advise you that she was only a diplomat from the 8 January 2014.

At the time of her arrest, she was on not subject to diplomatic immunity. And there were no provision in place for varied handling of consul staff in the event of arrest within the judicial process.

I again reiterate that the Police conduct was consistent with the law, and that no misconduct has occurred.

The police force itself has primary responsibility for the investigation, resolution and declining of complaints about their officers. Ms Khobragade may wish to file compliant against the police.

I would also advise that Segeeta Richards may want to commerce civil proceedings in India, in relation to unpaid work.
i believe this sums up the situation briliantly, we are not defending what ever Devyani did , she may or may not be guilty , thats for the courts to decide. what we as a country had an objection to was the treatment of her , especially while she was representing India.

What courts are there ever for the elite in the third world countries ? There's always a loophole in the law or enough political or bureaucratic pressure to keep them above the law ! I know of plenty of incidents with other diplomats/political leaders arriving/departing/staying in the U.S. in the past but strangely enough she derived just too much support which is surprising since even your former president's mistreatment didn't illicit such type of response .
India government turned the blind eyes toward India law to appease foreigner station in India, took Khobragade case for the whole world to see how Indian spit on their own justice system and disregard to the law of their nation.
She told the official, ‘You have lost a good friend. It is unfortunate. In return, you got a maid and a drunken driver. They are in, and we are out.'

No, USA got rid of a person who lied on official forms for personal benefit. Not much of a diplomat given that fact. Good riddance!
Her remark that you lost a friend and got a maid comment just shows what these people think of people at the lower end.she seems a stuck up female dog.
attitude dekho madam ka!saali

baap IAS
Husband IFS,
Khud bhi IFS(wo bhi reservation ki badolat)

Saali IAS ke beti ho kar bhi khud ko backward kehti hai, baki SC/ST ko upar nahi aane deti.
,Iss ko bachpan se hi logon pe rob dalne ki aadat hogi, life me pehli baar kisi ne ek normal person ki tarah treat kiya to baap ne international issue bana dala...
aur ab baap beti politics me ghusne ke plan kar rahe hai..god save this country!
When she says 'you've lost a good friend', is she talking about herself or India? If it's India.. then there is no permanent enemies or friends in international relations. It's one's own interest that counts. If she is talking about herself... then she is full of herself.
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And whats amazing is that she is not at all repentant about what she did.
Indian govt, nay, Indian nation spent so much political capital to save her criminal *** from just punishment and she can't even say a simple "thank you" or "I am sorry for what happened" .
Instead what we get is smug arrogance and plans to enter politics to cash in on her cheap fame.
What is wrong with this country?
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And whats amazing is that she is not at all repebdant about what she did.Indian govt nay Indian nation spent so much political capital to save her criminal *** from just punishment and she can't even say sorry.Instead what we get is smug arrogance and plans to enter politics to cash in on her cheap fame.What is wrong with this country?
That is what is doing my head in the smug arrogance like you said a lot political capital was spent saving her and if she does get a elected post it would be a shame.
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