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Khaqan, Sana claim 35 PTI MNAs in contact with PMLN

Yes they have, who wants to join the sinking ship of Godfather clan where most of the family live in posh parts of London.
Um pmln mpa defected two weeks ago baki is tarha ki khabrein market mein in rehny key loye khud urati jatien hein
Everyother Patwari i know has enough money to feed their kids fot next 10 years, because they are going in loss. As far as Poor People, 1000 ka note pakra kr ap kisi se bhe vote le saktey ho. Islamabad ke government hospitals esp Pims has improved alot, Rooftops for people sleeping outside with fans. Langar Khanas for people who cant afford. Choti choti chezain ha jo eik insaan ka din bana leti hain 😊


Pakistani(& lebanese) delimma in three pictures
When u bring in old lotay on a parachute overnight, they then leave the same way. Imran Khan wasted his 22 yrs of hard work by filling PTI with old lotas and not evolving a genuine ideological leadership.

Pti ideologues were sidelined to accommodate super rich electables. No wonder the grass root support has eroded significantly and the class conscious burger kids of pti just don't get along with the masses
If this is the case than why PML-N is not moving the no confidence motion against IK government .... ???
Everyother Patwari i know has enough money to feed their kids fot next 10 years, because they are going in loss. As far as Poor People, 1000 ka note pakra kr ap kisi se bhe vote le saktey ho. Islamabad ke government hospitals esp Pims has improved alot, Rooftops for people sleeping outside with fans. Langar Khanas for people who cant afford. Choti choti chezain ha jo eik insaan ka din bana leti hain 😊
Doesnt matter ..pakistanis love nawaz sharif & zardari

Doesnt matter that they killed a 80,000 pakistanis, allowed drones or forced pakistanis to beg.

Pakistanis as a nation is still a slave ..

Indians & bengalis have moved to true freedom..no wonder bengalus wanted to get rid of west pakidtan
If this is the case than why PML-N is not moving the no confidence motion against IK government .... ???
Its true ...but why jump in now..wait for 2 years is better approach
If this is the case than why PML-N is not moving the no confidence motion against IK government .... ???

This is complicated....Even if no confidence motion is presented but NS stubbornly didn't accept Establishment hangover in future setup, NCM could be fails in the last minute as well.
This mutiny in electable are bait to PMLN by establishment to comeon....on-board the vessel, makes a deal with us.
Yes, IK govt is too much unpopular, there is no way things could be straighten up in economy or governance by PTI or IK in remaining period.
Yes "they" can not support this govt blindly anymore but they cannot allow democracy to flourish on its own either.
If anyone has to replace this PTI govt, they first have to deal with them, The Establishment.
Accept their Terms and Conditions in all matters.
Accept their electables into your party cadres and future important ministries.
Accept their supremacy above anything democratic.
Only then you would be allowed to bring any kind of change through vote.

Look, these electable are assets of Establishment not anyone, they are first to move in, in any prospective govt and first to move out from any sinking ship.
PMLN knows all these SOPs, Specially Nawaz Sharif. He is vary of these kind of arrangements and thinks not anymore. So, he is not taking this bait by Establishment at this time.
He Want IK to complete its full term without any change at any time by teaming up with Establishment.
Infact, Poor governance and poor economics by this govt makes this strategy more meaningful.
First time ever our Establishment want to replace a govt and the replacer holding them in wait.
NS is not doing a favor to IK but simply want Establishment out of the game altogether at any cost.

All these division stories in PMLN are self inflicted, so that Establishment pressure to accept terms and move on can be deterred.
If PMLN shows a unified command than it has to accept Establishment hangover immediately onwards, Which Nawaz Sharif absolutely rejects.
This is complicated....Even if no confidence motion is presented but NS stubbornly didn't accept Establishment hangover in future setup, NCM could be fails in the last minute as well.
This mutiny in electable are bait to PMLN by establishment to comeon....on-board the vessel, makes a deal with us.
Yes, IK govt is too much unpopular, there is no way things could be straighten up in economy or governance by PTI or IK in remaining period.
Yes "they" can not support this govt blindly anymore but they cannot allow democracy to flourish on its own either.
If anyone has to replace this PTI govt, they first have to deal with them, The Establishment.
Accept their Terms and Conditions in all matters.
Accept their electables into your party cadres and future important ministries.
Accept their supremacy above anything democratic.
Only then you would be allowed to bring any kind of change through vote.

Look, these electable are assets of Establishment not anyone, they are first to move in, in any prospective govt and first to move out from any sinking ship.
PMLN knows all these SOPs, Specially Nawaz Sharif. He is vary of these kind of arrangements and thinks not anymore. So, he is not taking this bait by Establishment at this time.
He Want IK to complete its full term without any change at any time by teaming up with Establishment.
Infact, Poor governance and poor economics by this govt makes this strategy more meaningful.
First time ever our Establishment want to replace a govt and the replacer holding them in wait.
NS is not doing a favor to IK but simply want Establishment out of the game altogether at any cost.

All these division stories in PMLN are self inflicted, so that Establishment pressure to accept terms and move on can be deterred.
If PMLN shows a unified command than it has to accept Establishment hangover immediately onwards, Which Nawaz Sharif absolutely rejects.
may be sab ki videos hongi shaed ais liye, ghareeb logo ki majboori ka faida uthatay honge.

Nawaz sharif went to UK and now look the inflation of UK
This is complicated....Even if no confidence motion is presented but NS stubbornly didn't accept Establishment hangover in future setup, NCM could be fails in the last minute as well.
This mutiny in electable are bait to PMLN by establishment to comeon....on-board the vessel, makes a deal with us.
Yes, IK govt is too much unpopular, there is no way things could be straighten up in economy or governance by PTI or IK in remaining period.
Yes "they" can not support this govt blindly anymore but they cannot allow democracy to flourish on its own either.
If anyone has to replace this PTI govt, they first have to deal with them, The Establishment.
Accept their Terms and Conditions in all matters.
Accept their electables into your party cadres and future important ministries.
Accept their supremacy above anything democratic.
Only then you would be allowed to bring any kind of change through vote.

Look, these electable are assets of Establishment not anyone, they are first to move in, in any prospective govt and first to move out from any sinking ship.
PMLN knows all these SOPs, Specially Nawaz Sharif. He is vary of these kind of arrangements and thinks not anymore. So, he is not taking this bait by Establishment at this time.
He Want IK to complete its full term without any change at any time by teaming up with Establishment.
Infact, Poor governance and poor economics by this govt makes this strategy more meaningful.
First time ever our Establishment want to replace a govt and the replacer holding them in wait.
NS is not doing a favor to IK but simply want Establishment out of the game altogether at any cost.

All these division stories in PMLN are self inflicted, so that Establishment pressure to accept terms and move on can be deterred.
If PMLN shows a unified command than it has to accept Establishment hangover immediately onwards, Which Nawaz Sharif absolutely rejects.
mera bholey bhai don't give excuse ... just do it it will surely benefit PML-N as (ONLY If I accept your line of debate)

- Selector will lose his selected player

- Which mean the selector either has to play himself which will prove NS was right, Or have to adopt another player which in this case could only be PPP this will discredit PPP as well and PML-N will emerge as the ONLY POLITICAL PARTY with Democratic Narrative

- NAB-Niazi tag team against PML-N will get end

- Case against PML-N will not be pursued by interim government

- NS could return back to Pakistan

- It will discredit PPP as well and would prove that PPP was the only culprit which caused harm PDM in past

- In case of elections PML-N will win Punjab.

- Even with the support of establishment PPP will not be able to form a politically stable government in Center, therefore soon establishment and PPP will have to negotiate with PML-N in the terms set by NS or Maryum.

so even with this so many potential political benefit PML-N is not making a move than it mean it is ONLY A BLUFF.

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