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Khameinists indoctrinating Kashmir’s youths

If you have something to say then say it, make your point,

I have already, but it is typical for kaliyaa-hating Pakistanis that they claim otherwise, just as in another thread I provided tons of evidences of how fanatically Pakistanis hate the kaliyaa, and they just over and over post that I have not, because that's all you can, no matter what the topic is.

I can guarantee you, nobody will ever be able to drag me into a long, useless discussion!
I have already, but it is typical for kaliyaa-hating Pakistanis that they claim otherwise, just as in another thread I provided tons of evidences of how fanatically Pakistanis hate the kaliyaa, and they just over and over post that I have not, because that's all you can, no matter what the topic is.

I can guarantee you, nobody will ever be able to drag me into a long, useless discussion!

Ok, now this is a normal discussion.

I honestly do not know what you are saying.

First I do not know what you mean by "Kaliyaa" or what does that have to do with anything.
Second, I can only go by what you write in this thread. I hope you understand that every time people respond to a post in a thread, they don't go and check that persons entire history, it would be silly to expect to do so

The only requirement is to check what has been written in that thread, not anywhere else, so my response to you can only be based on what I read here. I am not here to do homework, or read anyone's biography, neither am I responsible for your discussions with anyone else. I am responsible for my opinions and my statements, just mine, and nobody else's. I hope you understood.
Ok, now this is a normal discussion.

No it's not.

First I do not know what you mean by "Kaliyaa" or what does that have to do with anything.

It is an example for the method guys like you always use, no matter what the topic is:"Provide evidence or shut up!", while I already provided the evidence!
Islamic revolutionary ideology as proposed by Imam Khomeini and put into practice by the Islamic Republic of Iran, is free from sectarianism already. It is not a sectarianist ideology by any means, and actually opposes and rejects sectarianism unequivocally. The very constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was co-written by a Sunni scholar.

Also, in the "Iranian Chill Thread", user Pan-Islamic-Pakistan was arguing that Imam Khomeini had Kashmiri ancestry. I proceeded to show how this is most likely inaccurate, but fact is that some Pakistanis nonetheless hold the belief Imam Khomeini was no foreigner to Kashmir.

Even if we accept that Imam Khomeini's ancestry is in fact Iranian, the Islamic ideology he promoted cannot be "foreign"-based by simple virtue of the fact that it is Islamic in nature, and is therefore equally relevant to the entire Muslim world.

It was in relation to Khomeini, whom even many Deobandis love. It has nothing to do with the present Iranian regime.

Tag me properly next time so I came give the sources.

Amidst all this confusion and furore, Aga Yusuf wrote a letter to Khomeini asking him to elaborate on his Kashmir ancestry, so that he could do the genealogical ground work in Kashmir by consulting historians and genealogists and find out for sure about the Imam’s ancestral links to Kashmir.

In reply, Khomeini had said that “it was the popular belief here that his ancestor who migrated from Kashmir to Khomeyn was a man named Syed Ahmed and was sometimes called Syed Hindi, as one would call a man from Hindustan.”

“He came to Najaf from India or (then) Kashmir. From Najaf, he went to Khomeyn and settled there,” Khomeini had said.
This man, Syed Ahmed, was Khomeini’s grandfather. In his letter, he further asked the Kashmiri Aga if any ‘Syed Ahmed’ had left from Kashmir over a century earlier.

“In Khomeyn, it is said that he (Syed Ahmed) came from Kashmir. Sometimes it is also said that he came from India,” he had added.

Ok, now this is a normal discussion.

I honestly do not know what you are saying.

First I do not know what you mean by "Kaliyaa" or what does that have to do with anything.
Second, I can only go by what you write in this thread. I hope you understand that every time people respond to a post in a thread, they don't go and check that persons entire history, it would be silly to expect to do so

The only requirement is to check what has been written in that thread, not anywhere else, so my response to you can only be based on what I read here. I am not here to do homework, or read anyone's biography, neither am I responsible for your discussions with anyone else. I am responsible for my opinions and my statements, just mine, and nobody else's. I hope you understood.

This guy had created a long running thread about how Pakistanis hate black people. It was pretty ridiculous.

I don't think he is Iranian at all, and esp not now.
No it's not.

It is an example for the method guys like you always use, no matter what the topic is:"Provide evidence or shut up!", while I already provided the evidence!

If it is not a proper discussion than there is no point talking.

You keep making accusations without justifying your statements, bunch of irrelevant videos is not evidence. You original statement was regarding Kashmir, the videos are regarding Suleimani.

Anyway I am done with you, you really need to learn how to argue your point. Also, just to be clear we have never interacted before, so you cannot accuse me of having used any method before. If anyone else did, then you cant blame me for that.

It was in relation to Khomeini, whom even many Deobandis love. It has nothing to do with the present Iranian regime.

Tag me properly next time so I came give the sources.

It's still the same "regime" in Iran, as no regime change took place. The current Supreme Leader was fully trusted by Imam Khomeini, and was the only president in the history of the Islamic Republic (he served in that position in the 80's) not to try and challenge or rival the acting Leader (i. e. Imam Khomeini back in those days). So Ayatollah Khamenei is in fact the best heir there could be to Imam Khomeini, is of the same ideology and continued the latter's policies.

I was replying to a user who qualified the ideological orientation of the Kashmiri protesters evoked in the OP as a foreign-based one. However, their ideology is khomeinism. Hence my reference to your hypothesis about Imam Khomeini's ancestry wasn't unjustified.
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