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Khalistan Movement to start Again: KLA – KZF Sikh Separatists’ Bid to Gang Up Again

Kuchh Baat Hai Ke Hasti Mit-ti Nahin Hamaari
Sadion Raha Hai Dushman Daur-e-Zamaan Hamaara

Jako rakhe sayeyan maar sake na koi, bal na banka kar sake so jag varee hoi

:yahoo: :yahoo:

brovo kiddo:rofl::rofl:

i am not enemy i just feel pity:rofl:
Yes India is unnatural hence we need an 'ideology' based on 'foreign culture' and an 'ideology council' for cultural intimidation of our 'free minded' citizens :)

Yes and even after all that we can't keep our state intact :)
Canada has the largest Sikh community outside India and I have many friends and having met with many sikhs here I can tell you Khalistan is very much alive in their hearts and minds.
Many sikhs have portraits of their martyred fellows and leaders of the Blue operation in their homes and have Khalistan engraved on articles of clothing such as their daggars.

Firefighter, this is something I have been trying to explain to a lot of Pakistanis on PDF. Support from Canadian SIkhs dont matter. I have lived in Canada myself and have seen the things that you mentioned first hand. But trust me, its the complete opposite in India. There's no Khalistan support anywhere in any Gurudwara in India. And there are a hell lot more Sikhs in India than Canada. So what matters more for Khalistan is the support of Indian Sikhs. And at this moment Khalistan isn't the top of the agenda for Punjabis and Indian Sikhs. We are too well integrated with other communities and the country to ever feel the need for Khalistan.

Heck my Sikh friend wears a steel necklace with two swords and Khalistan engraved on it.

Did you mean this?

Its called the Khanda. Its the symbol of the Khalsa, the pure. A sect started by the tenth guru. Khalistani followers just borrowed it. It belongs to all Sikhs and the Khalsa. I have a bumber sticker of that on my car. Does that mean I want Khalistan. Heck no...!

Only Indians living in Mumbai or Shiv Sena's fools paradise wouldn't acknowledge it.
You better add "all the 20 million Sikhs living in India" to that. I m amongst them.
There are still great many Sikhs in India supportive of the Khalistan movement and eventual separation of the state. The ones i interacted with here are all Indian born/raised immigrants.
Talk to the ones who haven't been to Canada and you will get a better picture. As a Indo-Canadian I can be your best reference person!

Having said this, the Sikhs havn't forgotten their martyrs nor the sacrifices they made for Khalistan...i know bringing up Khalistan doesn't please your eyes or ears, but at least be honest in acknowledging the facts
Yes, we haven't. But I get more a feeling of regret than pride when looking at those who gave their lives for Khalistan. They were misguided to a large extent. And we lost a good number of bright students and brilliant academics in that wave of violence. I know that from a personal loss.

If you don't believe me than do yourself a favour and open up Yahoo Chat you'll find plenty of khalistan groups there under India...go ask the sikhs there what the think.

it's really a no-brainer

Here's a proud Sikh born and brought up in India telling you that we Indian Sikhs don't want Khalistan. What more do you need?
:yahoo: :yahoo:

brovo kiddo:rofl::rofl:

i am not enemy i just feel pity:rofl:

Raising such issue like khalistan by a patriotic Pakistani who love his nation's sovereignty and integrity can get a back fire at both.

Khalistan is a sensitive issue for India not for you. We are absolutely not obliged to condemn or favour that black chapter of our nation for the likes of your pity or irony.

I would have given you a proper answer but we all know what you are doing here and what is your evil design to raise that issue like this.

The above news has nothing for you and your country men to make scores on India but like a citizen of a sovereign nation you could have condemned those out laws.

You are setting precedent here for your own people by encouraging those powers conspiring against another nation when your own nation has many such issues pending and when a overwhelming force would be required to curb those dividing powers here in Pakistan as well.

Don't play with the fire mate, such scoring game lack foreseeability on your part.

Khalistan movement again ain't happening squat .The sikhs or Punjab puttars as they are called are on a roll in India and they won't support it sureshot.This Khalistan movement seems to be the wet dream and fantasy of Pakistanis rather than sikhs
I believe that its too early to say whether its really a massive movement, or already they are planning to get a seperate state. We should just wait and see what happens. And if it don't happens, then the Indians are right, the Sikhs do want to be part of India.

But one thing that really makes me wonder, why would Sikhs do a strike movement of a seperate state,when India is doing quite well in the economy?

Look at my country Singapore for example, its made up of many ethnic groups and religious groups, from Chinese all the way to Nigerian, from Buddhism, all the way to Jainism. , but that doesn't mean the racial or different religious group want a seperate state, cos Singapore is doing quite well in the economy,and its politics is very stable, and its multi racial and religious policy is very strong.

But the bad part is,even if the multi racial group wants a seperate state, it probably be only 3km square or something, Singapore is a small island.

Well this is just my opinion though.
I believe that its too early to say whether its really a massive movement, or already they are planning to get a seperate state. We should just wait and see what happens. And if it don't happens, then the Indians are right, the Sikhs do want to be part of India.

But one thing that really makes me wonder, why would Sikhs do a strike movement of a seperate state,when India is doing quite well in the economy?

Look at my country Singapore for example, its made up of many ethnic groups and religious groups, from Chinese all the way to Nigerian, from Buddhism, all the way to Jainism. , but that doesn't mean the racial or different religious group want a seperate state, cos Singapore is doing quite well in the economy,and its politics is very stable, and its multi racial and religious policy is very strong.

But the bad part is,even if the multi racial group wants a seperate state, it probably be only 3km square or something, Singapore is a small island.

Well this is just my opinion though.

Well comparing a 4.5 million singapore city state where the govt makes sure ghettos are not created and evenly distributes ethnicities in HDB's with the 1120 million strong india is not correct.

Its not just money btw, punjab even through the dark days had the highest per capita income and even today a sikh is 4 times more likey to own a car than a hindu.
Well comparing a 4.5 million singapore city state where the govt makes sure ghettos are not created and evenly distributes ethnicities in HDB's with the 1120 million strong india is not correct.

Yeah,thats's the reason, they is equality in Singapore with a good economy and a transparent government , you live there, so you should know what I am saying.

Its not just money btw, punjab even through the dark days had the highest per capita income and even today a sikh is 4 times more likey to own a car than a hindu

True,not about the money,but I guess,economy plays a factor too.
Yeah,thats's the reason, they is equality in Singapore with a good economy and a transparent government , you live there, so you should know what I am saying.

So India can solve these problems by ensuring even distribution of populations along religious lines so that every state and district in india has 80% hindu majority, yeah that will solve the problem ;)

The singapore govt is super efficient and i practically worship them, but their solutions are not useful in india, india's problems are different, and india is poor still. i hope you understand.

one thing is true though, with a strong economy india has indeed become better integrated and a new group is the new glue - affluent middle class, this group does not belong to religion, language, race, they belong to the new economy and speak english :)
So India can solve these problems by ensuring even distribution of populations along religious lines so that every state and district in india has 80% hindu majority, yeah that will solve the problem

one thing is true though, with a strong economy india has indeed become better integrated and a new group is the new glue - affluent middle class, this group does not belong to religion, language, race, they belong to the new economy and speak english

Totally true.

The singapore govt is super efficient and i practically worship them, but their solutions are not useful in india, india's problems are different, and india is poor still. i hope you understand.

Yeah,but Singapore was once poor too, cities were terrible, and Singapore river was polluted, But, in some ways, their problems are quite different, well, I have to wish them all the best of luck in solving their problems, and I am sure they can manage
one thing is true though, with a strong economy india has indeed become better integrated and a new group is the new glue - affluent middle class, this group does not belong to religion, language, race, they belong to the new economy and speak english :)

I agree with the statement. They only care about India if anything say.

think on what you said

degrade sikhs , shave their heads and beard and then ask them loyalty
pathatic indee

btw dont teach us first remove discriminations on basis of caste, race and religon. hindu worriers like harminder sahib and baberi masjid like incidents
they like to degrade every thing they think is low caste or anti thesis of hinduism
haha.. are you refering to manmohan singh? I think he still has his beard and turban on. lol... pathetic pak ee
there are no discrimination in india on caste , race, religion and now even sex (gayism was legalised) .
i should let you know that for the destruction of 1 babri masjid, hundreds of temples in pakistan were destroyed. So first check yourself.
Khalistan!! Nothing, but a wet dream for some Pakistanis while others are trying hard to keep the sanity intact and survive the massive onslaught of Taliban and Talibanisation of the society.

Some one from Pakistan, earlier in this thread posted – as you sow so shall you reap for India.

Irony, a word too mild.

AK47 handed down to militia, to attack the Soviets in Afghanistan and Indian Punjab in 80s to Kashmir in 90s continues till Ajmal Kasab.

With reference to the topic, yes, there were media reports. (Thank god for our free media which provide us our daily dose of news and entertainment under the flashing banner “Breaking News”) well reported in all possible media. If not to inform, then at least to fill blank news prints and empty pauses in 24 hours channels. But then again, India never had a proactive Home Minister after Sardar Patel till Mr. Chidambaram. His proactive team might have resulted in this report.

If the report is true, then Khalistan dossier being dug out for resurrection, across out western border. After all, what use is a terrorist, who does not terrorize? BKI -Wadhawa Singh, has been a honoured guest for a very long time and it’s time that he shows gratitude to his hosts.

So some people expect that person like Wadhawa Singh a Sikh would stand up and demand the creation of Khalistan to protect the Sikh community of India from an inhuman India. Would it not be ironic that the demand will be directed to the Government of India headed by a Sikh Gentleman? It is prudent to use stuff before expiry date. If not a “boom” even a fizzle will create some fun.

Can one society hate another to such extend that their collective intelligence is not able to see the obvious that the flooding of automatic weapon to group of civilians, who can be easily impressed and radicalized to fight India can turn their weapon back on them, some day?

Now you have gangs of people armed to the teeth, untrained in any skill to earn their livelihood, except pulling the trigger, which brings them their daily bread. It does not matter whether you call them good Taliban or bad Taliban.

Like one of my fellow citizen, who also happens to be a Sikh posted earlier in this thread, we as Indians have great regret for the Punjab episode of 80s. We also regret that we allowed the same to be gleefully abated and enjoyed by Pakistan. We also have great regret that we have not learned from past experience and continue to suffer at the hands of Pakistani trained terrorists and militants.

We also have great regret that Pakistan have not learned from past experience and continue to suffer at the hands of terrorists and militants trained by the elite, ruling class as part of state policy.

Call it a rant, but the fact remains that Khalistan remains a wet dream for some Pakistanis. Enjoy it while it lasts.:pakistan:
not again:hitwall:
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