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Khalil ur rahman Qamar : From " Mera pass tum hoo" to feminism (verbal assault)

if only womens right were protected by someone pleasing to eyes then khalils of todays would shut the fk up and give them their right!

please someone request womens right organization to ditch miss fat mouth sarmad and send some hottie!
well i have been following it since 2 days.
and every one i mean every sane person is supporting khalil qamar .

yesterday mansoor amir liaqat and raisham ...
all very much abused khalil sab but he didn't even replied to them.
and he always in the starting request to not cut when he is talking.
Amir liaqat (scumbag) said every thing from Psycho to ... everything that ba...trd could say. but khalil did not replied a single word.
I guess, these feminazis are also avenging the “Mere paas tum ho” plot made by him according to the reality of many women which burnt these liberal aunty’s as*es
I tend to usually stay away from topics like this as my views are incredibly complicated on this matter.. but this topic is everywhere and I am having a hard time ignoring it like usual. Everyone is discussing it.. My brain is usually processing the following:

1. Quran and it's guidance on the affairs and conduct of women.
2. Hadith - Detailed backstories that are most likely absolute for the time they were written.
3. The ways of thinking of the white man (The society I grew up in).

I believe the beauty of our holy book, The Quran, is that it is timeless. The view and conduct in all Hadith is bound by the time they are written in - this is the problem - e.g. In Hadith's you'll find that it is a sunnat to brush your teeth with Miswak because our nabi (P.b.u.h) used to do so, so everyone here thinks that a stick of Miswak is better than fluoride toothpaste. They are not focusing on the fact that "cleaning" your teeth might be sunnat, and not the use of miswak. So in all essense, they start bringing medieval acts into the modern day.

Just look at it yourself, you'll see thousands of Islamic quotes on facebook.. and a humongous majority of them are quoting the Hadith (Making it seem like the law) and not the Quran.

Read the Quran, you will see it is incredibly simple and easy and very clear.

Just my $0.02.
Try to recall the social media and media attention this drama march got the first time and compare it with the dramatically increased attention they are getting now, hell, even they have groups of students in colleges and universities, who as i have been informed by some cousins that aurat march joining posters are being put in their institutions...
As for counter protest, just like i said, feed these same people money to do counter protest, next day marvi sarmad will come wearing abaya and a book of sahih bukhatir in her hands...
Some small groups do try to arrange counter protests but they don’t get attention by this liberal media which promotes and feeds its own ideology to the masses...

@Mangus Ortus Novem i know you are not interested in these petty topics but these are getting serious as they attract mindless masses by feeding fake sympathetic lies just to get wrong attention, what are your views ?

So what is the stance of the unofficial first lady? No celestial dreams on the matter as of yet?
I tend to usually stay away from topics like this as my views are incredibly complicated on this matter.. but this topic is everywhere and I am having a hard time ignoring it like usual. Everyone is discussing it.. My brain is usually processing the following:

1. Quran and it's guidance on the affairs and conduct of women.
2. Hadith - Detailed backstories that are most likely absolute for the time they were written.
3. The ways of thinking of the white man (The society I grew up in).

I believe the beauty of our holy book, The Quran, is that it is timeless. The view and conduct in all Hadith is bound by the time they are written in - this is the problem - e.g. In Hadith's you'll find that it is a sunnat to brush your teeth with Miswak because our nabi (P.b.u.h) used to do so, so everyone here thinks that a stick of Miswak is better than fluoride toothpaste. They are not focusing on the fact that "cleaning" your teeth might be sunnat, and not the use of miswak. So in all essense, they start bringing medieval acts into the modern day.

Just look at it yourself, you'll see thousands of Islamic quotes on facebook.. and a humongous majority of them are quoting the Hadith (Making it seem like the law) and not the Quran.

Read the Quran, you will see it is incredibly simple and easy and very clear.

Just my $0.02.
Although your topic was off topic, but hats off man !!!
Massive respect for you, You proved yourself a mature and an understanding person in terms of interpretation understanding as a normal muslim (not a scholar).
Beauty of Quran is indeed timelessness and That it can be interpreted at any given century according to time’s needs while Ahahdith are like Tuzke Babri, Tuzke akbar or the books and doings of Kings or leaders.

Ahadith narrate the life examples and messages of our Prophet SA directly while Quran is the word of Allah.

As for this Aurat March, Surah Nisa and Surah Muminoon is enough to give them a tight slap.

So what is the stance of the unofficial first lady? No celestial dreams on the matter as of yet?
I wish for a taveez from her to marry a lady who is already married to someone else... :lol::lol:

How about Imaan Mazari? I bet she can convince mum of human rights.
I would vote for Bilawal instead... That would bring equality to all 3 Genders
Pretty much every classmate of mine is supporting Khalil, why? Because he's just trying to maintain our values that we hold dear of course.

Yet I can't help but notice the fact that all my classmates who support Khalil for defending our religious values are the same people who would lose their minds if they saw a woman outside in western clothing, that woman is the only thing that occupies their minds for a few days, these are the same classmates who support TLP but at the same time brag about watching ****. I would imagine that most of Khalil's supporters are just like these classmates of mine, maybe there are some old men in there who are true to their preachings but I cannot say that for a single younger male of this society.

Our youth is rotten to the core, they just have a nice covering of conservative values that hides all the rot from their parents. They are like animals, there is a complete absence of critical thought, like animals their lust controls their minds, and this is very dangerous for the future of our society.

Why? Because its like these kids are trying to hide a fire that keeps growing within them until they cannot control it anymore and eventually, God fobid, that fire will escape and burn an innocent for the rest of her life.

There are no values that this youth has, they're brainless animals who are unable to notice the stark difference between what they practice and what they preach.

However that does not mean that I think the other side is good necessarily, there are a lot of women who are motivated more by their hate of men than their care for other women, especially the poorer women whose world is way different from theirs.

I'd rather side with the Liberal feminists here because the people supporting Khalil are just putting up a show, in my mind the majority of them are nothing more than animals that are completely devoid of any critical thought. It's a truly sad state of the majority of this youth.
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I wish for a taveez from her to marry a lady who is already married to someone else... :lol::lol:
Well at times like these hedonists look to the king and queen for guidance. you can too. no harm in it.
I would vote for Bilawal instead... That would bring equality to all 3 Genders

Afterall his father is Bhaari.

aint she a homo?

how would you know? you voted for PTI from the rich enclaves so maybe you do know
Well at times like these hedonists look to the king and queen for guidance. you can too. no harm in it.

Afterall his father is Bhaari.

how would you know? you voted for PTI from the rich enclaves so maybe you do know

twitter fakenews my true source of fake news
During a discussion surrounding Aurat March, writer and director Khalil-Ur-Rehman Qamar, known for his intolerance of women, is preaching his views. He is angry that the court has denied the petition to halt the movement, and women will now march for their rights.

Amidst this very anger, he is blatantly abusing guest Marvi Sirmed on the show, shredding the same izzat he advocates for, through the use of repulsive and obnoxious slurs.

You are being looked completely biased towards Respected Mr. Khalil Ur Rahman Qamar ..............
Although your topic was off topic, but hats off man !!!
Massive respect for you, You proved yourself a mature and an understanding person in terms of interpretation understanding as a normal muslim (not a scholar).
Beauty of Quran is indeed timelessness and That it can be interpreted at any given century according to time’s needs while Ahahdith are like Tuzke Babri, Tuzke akbar or the books and doings of Kings or leaders.

Ahadith narrate the life examples and messages of our Prophet SA directly while Quran is the word of Allah.

As for this Aurat March, Surah Nisa and Surah Muminoon is enough to give them a tight slap.

I wish for a taveez from her to marry a lady who is already married to someone else... :lol::lol:

I would vote for Bilawal instead... That would bring equality to all 3 Genders

Thank you for your kind words - I must apologize that I took it off-topic
Thank you for your kind words - I must apologize that I took it off-topic

yeah be careful. this dharam karam discussions are not allowed.

unless PM Niazi can benefit from it

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