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Key meetings planned as army chief arrives in US

It wouldn't be suprising if this actually happened sooner than later.
there are multiple attempts being made to sell Pakistani public the new masters or overlords.

now you tell me why that shaitan who masquerades as a maulana hasn't uttered a word on the rumours of shabaz meeting Israelis in gulf and the contingent that visited israel recently!
My only interest is that which boot polish, Mir Bajwa is employing? Cherry Blossom or Kiwi?
So he is there to get instructions for future course. Maybe he will be ordered to take over directly.
Listen from 20:51.

I do agree with Moeed on this. The plan is to absorb Pakistan into Indian hegemony and our economic situation will make it happen. The crooks brought into power by army have no solution but infact are facilitators to this plan. They dont care Pakistan sinks. As long as they can make money out of it and defend their loot.

The situation few months from now will be that Pakistan will have to barter its nuclear weapons, its sovereignty for an economic deal which only American can provide as it has all economic levers in its control. In exchange Pakistan will be asked to sign on its death warrant. These are the poisonous fruits of regime change.

Isn't the Army Chief retiring next month? What major policy decisions can he take just before his term? Seems like a waste of public funds for what seems to be a pleasure visit when the nation is under water and main focus is food, shelter and escaping from disease for millions.

Is there any other country's Army Chief who makes pleasure visits abroad (with public funds) just before retirement? When the nation is literally underwater, and millions are fighting for survival?
The soldiers are there to defend the people and state

"People" are who send their children to join Army

This is a big concept , Donald Lun (or Lu Tomatoe or Tamaaaato same thing ) does not sends his kids to join Pakitani Army
Bajwa was also in China two weeks back . Was he there as a naukar as well????
Idiots here just come and vent their frustration not giving any helpful understanding.
Pakistan has to strike a balance between China and US , a visit to china implies a visit to US was necessary as well.
Many here always forget this very fact that if pdm is supported by US and their henchman then PTi has strong support of China. China invited SM qureshi to China.
Bajwa is only playing neutral card like he says.
It's the people who need to come out and vote Imran with 2/3rd majority.. this neutral stance of army military will eventually help the winner not be called selected when they come in power.
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The Americans are already selecting their next COAS

The Americans are not very much deeply interested in selecting our COAS.

It's just our guys with slaves mentality who wanted to show how much of loyal dog they are
That's why they're visiting
IMO the agenda is as follows from the Pentagon's POV:
  • How Pak can help in the Ukrainian war that is being planned to continue over a long period to put an end to Russia as is known today. A logistics coordination command - incorporating 40 countries (NATO+10) - is being setup in Germany to train and equip the Ukrainian army in an organized manner. POF is supposed to produce the artillery rounds.
  • Now that Russia is approaching the Taliban, Pak's job is to bring out the old tricks to check Russia in Afganistan.
  • The CA republics are increasingly distancing themselves from this mad neo (Ras)Putin. How to facilitate an alternative warm waters route to them via the Pak-Afgan axis as a part of the plan to lure them put of the Russian orbit.
  • Checking China is still a numero uno priority. Pak shouldn't do too much to botch this up.
  • Reminding Pak: ask not what the USA can do for you, ask what you can do for the USA. (Off the record to Pak) we know at the end of the day you usually do what you have to do, just don't overdo it so that we can keep on overlooking it.
  • Etc.
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