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Kerry is in China to press Beijing to halt projects in South China Sea

As I said, Kerry pressed zilch. China is doing today what it was doing yesterday across its sovereign territories in the SCS. Building stuff is China's internal matter.

You may read the body language or gestures of Kerry, his Vietnamese-heart warmer laughter, or even observe and diligently study the stars' alignment the night he was in Beijing, but that will not help.

You must keep in mind that Kerry stopped in Beijing after he gracefully ceded Crimea to Putin and sold out the Nazi/NATO-Ukrainian failed state in cold. How do you know the same won't happen to you, Vietnamese and Philippino brothers?

So, the US might send its entire entire naval fleet to SCS, but so long as that does not change the facts on the ground, it is just some pub visits and hotel bookings for US soldiers. The legal rapists will have nice time for sure, but you will keep to be on the tenterhooks.
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What was the purpose of Kerry's visit to Moscow? Was it to warn Putin about more sanctions to come? :rofl:
What's the purpose of his visit to Beijing now? Warning China about the US fleet patrolling SCS ensuring the freedom of navigation in the region? :rofl:

Lets face it, whatever the messages Kerry wanted to convey to both mighty powers they were wasted on deaf man's ears. Both didn't get it and nothing has changed really. It was nice of him to drop by and say hello but we weren't intimidated :lol:. Tell the Vietcongs and the Pinoys mission accomplished while we keep on with the construction works.
Beijing rebukes US over South China Sea islands row
Published: 16 May 2015 4:14 PM

China's foreign minister told top US diplomat John Kerry today that Beijing was "unshakeable" in its defence of sovereignty, as tensions between the powers mount over Chinese island-building in strategic but disputed waters.

The United States is weighing sending warships and surveillance aircraft within 12 nautical miles – the normal territorial zone around natural land – of artificial islands that Beijing is building in the South China Sea.

Such a move could lead to a standoff on the high seas in an area home to vital global shipping lanes and believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits.

Beijing regards almost the whole of the South China Sea as its own and after talks in the Chinese capital foreign minister Wang Yi said: "The determination of the Chinese side to safeguard our own sovereignty and territorial integrity is as firm as a rock and it is unshakeable."

"It is the request of our people on our government as well as a legitimate right of ours," he added sternly at their joint press conference.

Kerry was less assertive in public, saying Washington was "concerned about the pace and scope of China’s land reclamation" and urged it "to take actions that will join with everyone to reduce tensions".

The region needed "smart diplomacy", he said, rather than "outposts and military strips".

Senior State Department officials had said ahead of the meeting that Kerry would take a tough line and "leave his Chinese interlocutors in absolutely no doubt that the United States remains committed to maintain freedom of navigation".

"That's a principle that we are determined to uphold," the official added.

The world's top two economies have significant commercial ties and Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to pay a state visit to the United States in September.

But China's ambitions for a place on the world's political stage commensurate with its economic role have seen it cross the United States in multiple fields, and the two have long-running disputes over issues ranging from trade to cyberspying to human rights.

At the same time the United States is China's second-biggest trading partner after the European Union, with two-way commerce worth US$555 billion (RM1.97 trillion) last year, according to Chinese figures.

Beijing is the heavily indebted US government's biggest foreign creditor, figures from Washington showed Friday, reclaiming top spot from Japan with more than US$1.26 trillion in Treasury bonds.

Kerry was due to meet senior political and military leaders later.

Beijing bases its territorial claims in the South China Sea on a segmented line dating back to Chinese maps of the 1940s.

Pentagon officials last week revealed that it is building artificial islands on top of South China Sea coral reefs at an unprecedented pace, in a land reclamation effort dubbed a "great wall of sand" by one American commander.

The rapid construction comes to 800 hectares, with 75% of the total created in the last five months alone, and includes a runway said to be 3,100 long.

US officials increasingly believe Washington needs to send a clear signal about China's activities around the Spratly Islands and other disputed territories, while avoiding triggering a crisis.

They also stress that under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, only natural land masses create a territorial claim, not artificial islands.

"You can't build sovereignty," an official said.

But the United States has never ratified the convention.

Beijing defends the island-building as taking place within its own territory and intended to enhance its ability to carry out international obligations such as search and rescue.

In a commentary Saturday, China's official news agency Xinhua said the United States was guilty of "thinly veiled hypocrisy".

"The United States is not a party in the South China Sea disputes, which are between China and other claimants and should be handled by those directly involved," it said.

"Washington has no valid grounds whatsoever to point an accusing finger at Beijing over South China Sea. Instead, it needs to look at itself in the mirror," it went on, accusing the United States of seeking "a pretext to maintain its hegemonic presence in the region".

The United States is in the process of a foreign policy "pivot" to Asia and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Friday denied that Washington planned to base B-1 bombers in his country, saying an American official had "misspoken" when he told the Senate the deployment was intended. – AFP, May 16, 2015.

Beijing rebukes US over South China Sea islands row - The Malaysian Insider
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Wang Yi said: "The determination of the Chinese side to safeguard our own sovereignty and territorial integrity is as firm as a rock and it is unshakeable."

China invaded in to Islands of Vietnam , occupation by force is illegal. :smokin:
Islands of Vietnam? FYI, most of the South China Sea islands are claimed by PRC and ROC. No amount of your so-called "proof" will convince us otherwise. You should seek sympathy elsewhere.

Paracel and Spratly is part of Territory Vietnam from long time ago. Here is map of Great Nam Empire (Vietnam) in the past.

I agree the chinese imperialist are too arrogant to see reason heck its illogical to begin with! But all peaceful ways must be used first but all of the options are getting fewer and fewer the chinese imperialist are pushing everyone at the edge i guess we can always wait on ITCLOS rulling and build our patnerships and defense but i hope the day will never come but just in case the alliance must be ready.
Your Banana Republic and the little Vietnam start reclamation first. We just show how it done the proper way. No amount of intimidation will change our stance to protect our national interest.
Your Banana Republic and the little Vietnam start reclamation first. We just show how it done the proper way. No amount of intimidation will change our stance to protect our national interest.

Again with the insults evidnece please calling us names and underestimating us if going to coast you but then again you people are racist bigots so its expected and besides its not jsut the Philippines and vietnam you people piss off their acutal long line of countries who has bone to pick you people so insult away d bag
Why BoQ is banned? :woot:

Though I disgree with him most of the time, oke all of the time, he didn't seem to me coming across as a troll as many un-banned Indians here.

just unfair?

Waiting for next action with keen

The action now seems apparent, doesn't it? It is a ban. :lol:
U.S should bomb China artificial islands in SCS ... is that lead to a WWIII ? Vietnam must be happy. :partay:

you are right. the US is in very bad mood now as you challenge its supremacy in Asia. once the US hardcore neocon and china hater in Congress impose sea blockade and economic sanction on you, I´m afraid, china would return to a dirty fishing village as seen under the Manchu rule.

Should we be happy about this prospect? maybe yes.
you are right. the US is in very bad mood now as you challenge its supremacy in Asia. once the US hardcore neocon and china hater in Congress impose sea blockade and economic sanction on you, I´m afraid, china would return to a dirty fishing village as seen under the Manchu rule.

Should we be happy about this prospect? maybe yes.
:omghaha: nice psycholagny as usual...
you are right. the US is in very bad mood now as you challenge its supremacy in Asia. once the US hardcore neocon and china hater in Congress impose sea blockade and economic sanction on you, I´m afraid, china would return to a dirty fishing village as seen under the Manchu rule.

Should we be happy about this prospect? maybe yes.
Very stupid idea ... no nation can avoid a WWIII, specially such weak & small nation first destoryed just like happened in past WWI, WWII.

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