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Kerala confirms 3rd positive case of coronavirus

Haris Ali2140

May 20, 2019
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Kerala confirms 3rd positive case of coronavirus in student returned from Wuhan

03 Feb 2020, 12:41PM ISTSource: Times Now

A third case of the coronavirus has been confirmed in Kerala’s Kasaragod district, according to Kerala health Minister Kk Shailaja. The patient is a medical student who returned from China’s virus-hit Wuhan and is being kept at the isolation ward of the government district hospital. The health ministry also updated its travel advisory and asked people to refrain from travelling to China.

So 3rd case has come to fore and God knows how many others are also infected.

Other countries like CAD, US, UK and AUS etc possess infrastructure and capacity to deal with the outbreak, does India have it too? Why I dont see comments of Indians in this thread, who were using "Pakistani students video", as tool for cheap point scoring?

As I said earlier, I will repeat again, once arrived in India, they could be quarantined for up to 14 days for monitoring but what if symptoms show up and become sever within few days? Than what will you do? Do you have guys have invented its cure or vaccine?
So 3rd case has come to fore and God knows how many others are also infected.

Other countries like CAD, US, UK and AUS etc possess infrastructure and capacity to deal with the outbreak, does India have it too? Where are Indians who were using "Pakistani students video" as tool for cheap point scoring?

As I said earlier, I will repeat again, once arrived in India, they could be quarantined for up to 14 days for monitoring but what if symptoms show up and become sever within few days? Than what will you do?

Having seen some of the quarantine conditions, and the complete lack of protection for the doctors/nurses; I can guarantee that there will be a lot of cases coming out of those students.

Also according to that possible cases map, there are suspected cases in nearly every part of India. Watch what happens in the next 10 days or so.
Having seen some of the quarantine conditions, and the complete lack of protection for the doctors/nurses; I can guarantee that there will be a lot of cases coming out of those students.

Also according to that possible cases map, there are suspected cases in nearly every part of India. Watch what happens in the next 10 days or so.

Thank you and thats why I am questioning them - do they have cure or vaccine already, if yes, than please share with others and if not than gear up for worse to come.
Having seen some of the quarantine conditions, and the complete lack of protection for the doctors/nurses; I can guarantee that there will be a lot of cases coming out of those students.

Also according to that possible cases map, there are suspected cases in nearly every part of India. Watch what happens in the next 10 days or so.

Can you show us the complete lack of protection for the doctors / nurses that you saw.

Thank you and thats why I am questioning them - do they have cure or vaccine already, if yes, than please share with others and if not than gear up for worse to come.

The Thailand doctors have found that oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir are useful in treating this. All of these are manufactured in India. Maybe you do not know that India is called the pharmacy of the world.
The Thailand doctors have found that oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir are useful in treating this. All of these are manufactured in India. Maybe you do not know that India is called the pharmacy of the world.

oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir are useful in treating

Is it novel coronavirus vaccine?

Heck even US and China dont have it atm.
The Thailand doctors have found that oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir are useful in treating this. All of these are manufactured in India. Maybe you do not know that India is called the pharmacy of the world

India is also called a poverty stricken overpopulated slum

And overpopulated slum + new virus = Big problem
Their government recommended treatment should help - or mutate the virus into another stronger pandemic strain.
Their government recommended treatment should help - or mutate the virus into another stronger pandemic strain.
China health admi already confirmed that "Recovered cases" aren't safe from nCov, mostly because of its endless mutation...
The thing, is they don't even know if recovered cases are patient with "no more" virus in them or is the virus still present in the organism but weaken to a point of being inactive...
A few Indians were claiming point of entry testing of all returnees from China. I was quietly sceptical of this highly impressive claim.


Whadda load if rubbish it turned out to be. I advise Indian superheroes read the last line of this article.


Out of tens of thousands of returnees, hardly a couple of hundred have been tested.


I've said it before and will say it again. Pakistan and India can't just copy paste western outbreak containment protocols - they will fail. If a high volume of point of entry testing is not possible for logistical/economic reasons, leave your citizens in China.

Yes friends, you heard that right. India has cut and pasted Euro or US protocols without any consideration for its actual public health realities or the nature of this virus. While proudly claiming some kind of surjeekal striikk in the public health sphere, nobody in India bothered to ask if their government was doing a smart thing in copy pasting the western world. Instead, Indian media slept soundly because Pakistanis in China were criticising Khan for "abandoning" them.

You can't even make this blissful self immolation crap up honestly.

Instead of a functional Indian media, it is reduced to scoring 1 goal against Pakistan while scoring 3 own goals.

India is merely screening returnees or encouraging self-isolation but apparently not quarantining and certainly not testing everyone. Only symptomatic returnees or those who are known contacts of positive cases are being tested. Here's the problem - some people won't report to hospital, some won't even realise they're infected because it can have a mild course. In the meantime, dozens of vulnerable household contacts will be infected. By the time someone is symptomatic enough to get pcr tested, a hundred are infected. Combine this mechanism of spread with suboptimal infrastructure/hygiene/population crowding (like all third world nations), and bingo, outbreak.

Pakistan was right to be over cautious, however, that guard also appears to be dropping. India will have an outbreak and it is likely that Pakistan will also. Not everyone returning can or will be tested.

Nevertheless, what really doesn't help is the apparent willingness of Indian citizens to make up lies to protect their government's recklessness, in stark contrast to Pakistani citizenry's zealous and vociferous holding of its government to account.
There will be more cases in India in coming days and mainly due to their unorganized evacuation from China. They had no knowledge of how virus was transmitted and how to keep their population in check.
Can you show us the complete lack of protection for the doctors / nurses that you saw.

The Thailand doctors have found that oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir are useful in treating this. All of these are manufactured in India. Maybe you do not know that India is called the pharmacy of the world.

I cant find the article but it was about doctors diagnosing a case in Delhi, and the picture showed them only using face masks and what looks like hand santizer.

Heres another one thoughof staff and patients at the hospital in kerala; touching the face is the easiest way to get infected.


Heres another one with gaps in the PPE at the wrists


Heres one with someone in full gear, likely treating the infected being next to someone with only a face mask. Same with the doctor on the left.


Heres a shot literally outside an isolation ward. Do I even need to say anything:

Indian state declares emergency after third confirmed coronavirus case

All three cases detected in students returning from the outbreak epicentre in Wuhan

ByJoe Wallen NEW DELHI3 February 2020 • 6:47pm
Three Indian students returning from Wuhan in China have all tested positive for the coronavirus CREDIT: AP/AP
An emergency has been declared in the southern state of Kerala after it was confirmed on Monday that a third person had contracted China's deadly coronavirus.

All three confirmed cases in India have so far been detected in students returning home to the state from the Chinese city of Wuhan.

At least 2,000 other Indians have now been quarantined across the country in hospitals or in their homes after displaying symptoms of the virus.

Kerala's Government described the outbreak as a “state calamity” and said it would implement strict measures to stop the virus spreading further.

All three patients are said to be in a stable condition and are receiving treatment in the Thrissur, Alappuzha and Kasaragod districts.

Coronaviruses are found in animals but they can also mutate to infect humans. This novel coronavirus – dubbed 2019-nCoV by health experts – is thought to have originated at a seafood market in Wuhan where wildlife is also traded.

It has since spread person-to-person throughout China and to more than 20 countries internationally.

The United Kingdom registered its first two cases on Friday in two Chinese tourists who reported feeling unwell in York.

So far, more than 17,350 people have been infected worldwide and at least 360 people have died.

At about 2 per cent, the fatality rate of this coronavirus is lower than the previous Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) coronavirus outbreaks.

However, this did not stop the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the virus a public health emergency on Friday.

This is largely over fears it could spread unhindered if infections take hold in a poorly prepared, densely populated developing country – as they now threaten to do in India.

The WHO has advised people to reduce their risk of exposure by frequently cleaning their hands and avoiding close contact with anyone with a fever or cough.

It has also advised against visiting live animal markets in areas with infections and from consuming raw or undercooked animal products.

The Indian Government faced criticism after officially advising homeopathy and ayurvedic, plant-based remedies to effectively treat the disease.

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These included drinking an arsenic-based solution which is toxic when consumed long-term and putting drops of sesame seed oil inside your nose.

“The number of Indian lives saved by homeopathy from the coronavirus will be exactly the same as lives saved by homeopathy from HIV,” said Oomen Kurien, the Head of the Observer Research Foundation’s Health Initiative.

“False claims without any clinical data and endangering the lives of those who are at risk of infection,” tweeted Dr Sumaiya Shaikh, an Australian neuroscientist.

Following the criticism, the Indian Government backtracked and said its advisory was issued as a ‘preventative measure’ and not as ‘treatment advice’ and that it has a clear plan in place to combat the spread of the virus.

It has screened more than 60,000 passengers arriving at its airports for coronavirus symptoms, as well as on its land border with Nepal after a case was confirmed there.

India also joined the United States and Australia in chartering an emergency flight to bring back citizens who had been stranded in Wuhan.


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