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Kayani's game plan

Reported for insulting!

And yeah, I earn money off you. Your fault for buying!

Its because you donta have the balls to openly declare what you are saying here.

You must be licking Indian customers balls to sell your stuffs, but you will act like snake and not telll them the truth to save your business.

You are just a money making leech with no morals, typical of you terrorists out there.

Yup...peace loving people like our hockey team players... :hitwall:

Yeah we can see people like this truthseer who abuse our system and carry terrorist intent, better not allow anybody from there till they sort out this **** there in pakistan.
Its because you donta have the balls to openly declare what you are saying here.

You must be licking Indian customers balls to sell your stuffs, but you will act like snake and not telll them the truth to save your business.

You are just a money making leech with no morals, typical of you terrorists out there.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, ad hominem over?

Now Aman ki Asha, remember?
Yeah we can see people like this truthseer who abuse our system and carry terrorist intent, better not allow anybody from there till they sort out this **** there in pakistan.

You better be watching your **** like shev sena or RSS....As they stink not all over inside India but in whole region as well..
Is this writer mentally retard? we heard news bring 10 heads, Saffron terrorist said nuke Pakistan our players, singers sent back and he saying India didn't over reacted. Instead of poking his dirty nose in Pakistan and USA matters, he better analyze threat to Indian interests in A'stan after US pull out, i am sure this will make many piss in their pantiez :D
The righteous (India) will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked (Pakistan) - Psalm 58:10

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:44
You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? - Mathew 23:33

Quoting Bible Verses. Here's one for you!
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
Quoting Bible Verses. Here's one for you!
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Psalm 137:9 - Blessed shall he be (the righteous) who takes your(the barbaric) little ones and dashes them against the rock...foretold in Isaiah 13:16 :bunny:

Quoting Bible Verses. Here's one for you!
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Psalm 137:9 - Blessed shall he be (the righteous) who takes your(the barbaric) little ones and dashes them against the rock...foretold in Isaiah 13:16 :bunny:
I must admit, Kayani is more complex to understand as compared to Musharraf.

But one thing is for sure, dynamics will alter dramatically once US leaves next year.

More complex but same plan. Forget about analyzing him focus on the end game. Funny no Pakistani questions how grat Mushie is livingin the UK. Nobody questions the money and resources he has, yet he lives on a retired military pension. Wonder how far that goes?
What makes you think you will make it back to Pakistan with your head still remaining on your body ?

All he would have to do would be to kill people, preferably Christians or Muslims in this case, declare himself as an RSS - BJP guy (aka a terrorist) and that's it. They'll provide safe heaven for him, may be a job in the ME, the UK, the US or Australia and he be on his way to making money and then supporting the same terrorist organization with his $$ and he'll remember him as a hero..... that happens a lot actually!!!
War isn't going to benefit the vast majority of people.

If Pakistans generals wanted a war they would launch an offensive or another Mumbai style attack.
Instead they have little skirmishes to get the attention off of their own internal problems and put pressure on the elected government who they loathe, since they are not total puppets of the army.

Im not worried about war. Its not going to happen.
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