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Kayani calls emergency meeting

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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National security: Kayani calls emergency meeting
Published: September 25, 2011
RAWALPINDI: An emergency meeting of Corps Commanders was called by the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani in Rawalpindi on Sunday.
The meeting, which is currently underway, was called in the wake of the prevailing security situation and tension in relations with the United States.
An Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement said the meeting is being chaired by Kayani. Issues regarding national security are on top of the agenda.
All corps commanders and principle staff officers are attending the meeting.
According to sources, recent allegations leveled by US military chief Mike Mullen that Pakistan has links with the Haqqani network will also be discussed.
The Pakistan Army has denied accusations by senior US officials that Pakistan’s intelligence service supports the Haqqani network, saying it is based in Afghanistan.
However, spokesman for the ISPR Major General Athar Abbas did acknowledge that the ISI had contacts with the Haqqanis.
He told CNN that any intelligence agency prefers keeping contacts with opposition groups and terrorist organizations for some sort of positive outcome.
He stressed that this does not mean the ISI supports or endorses the organization.
Abbas also added that Pakistan is not the only country which maintains contacts with the Haqqanis.
He also expressed his shock at Mullen’s assertion that Pakistan was complicit in recent attacks against the US Embassy in Kabul.
In an earlier statement, Kayani termed the comments by Mullen as ‘unfortunate’, and ‘not based on facts’.
(Read: Volley heats up: ISI targeted in bitter Mullen tirade)
In the first official reaction to the slew of public statements made by various levels of the US administration against the ISI and suspected links between the Haqqani network and the Pakistan establishment, Kayani said that he had held a constructive meeting with Admiral Mullen in Spain last week.
He termed the statements following that meeting as very disturbing.
On the question of contacts with Haqqani network, Kayani said that Admiral Mullen knows well which countries are in contact with the Haqqanis. Singling out Pakistan as the chief protagonist is neither fair nor productive, he said.
‘Self-defeating blame game’
Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday rejected US allegations linking Islamabad with the Haqqani terror network, saying the “blame game is self-defeating”.
Gilani said such accusations would only benefit the militants, and added that they showed US policy in Afghanistan was in “disarray”.
“We strongly reject assertions of complicity with the Haqqanis or of proxy war,” he said in a policy statement issued by his office amid a growing rift with the United States.
“Blame game is self-defeating… It will only benefit the enemies of peace. Only terrorists and militants will gain from any fissures and divisions.”
The White House demanded Friday that Pakistan “break any link they have” with the Haqqanis, the al Qaeda-linked Taliban faction blamed for the recent attack on the US embassy in Kabul.
A day earlier top US military officer Admiral Mike Mullen directly accused Pakistan’s intelligence service of supporting the network’s attack on the embassy and a truck bombing on a NATO outpost.
“The allegations betray a confusion and policy disarray within the US establishment on the way forward in Afghanistan,” Gilani said.
National security: Kayani calls emergency meeting – The Express Tribune
Yup, wonder what happened in that meeting with the CENTCOM Chief. We'll know soon enough.
Think tanks, Administrators and Senior Members of PDF:

Can we start a poll on the forum with the following to at least get an idea of what the PDF members think. The poll can be limited to people who have certain number of posts already made.

US will engage in surgical strikes
US will conduct operations (like the "Osama Mission")
US will conduct overt operations
US will increase drone attacks

Or any other choice which you see appropriate to be listed.
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