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Kaveri engine will not power Tejas MK-1 nor AMCA

ToT on critical engine tech? The french would rather drown in the english channel. Again, NO ONE will part with core engine tech.

I know , the myth of full and complete and absolute transfer of technology .
1st u have to learn that your country, pakistan don't even manufacture engines for yourscooters:pakistan:

And you have to learn that not every brain fart of yours needs to be posted especially when you haven't got the faintest clue as to what or who I'm talking to ! :)
We should push the frogs to the limit to get maximum amount TOT.

They need Rafale deal more than India.
India has the leverage.
Keep delaying until French offer more concessions or go for something else if they don't.
I know , the myth of full and complete and absolute transfer of technology .
Well it did happen (to a certain extent) once...when our MoD bought the rights to the Type-209-1500 subs..till date we've got all the data required to build more of them but we decided (for some obtuse reason) to cap production at 2 subs.

Or when countries around the world bought the tech package for the Gh-45.

And you have to learn that not every brain fart of yours needs to be posted especially when you haven't got the faintest clue as to what or who I'm talking to ! :)
Soviets made A LOT of jet engines among other things, the data/tech/blueprints were left by the Soviets when the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic became plain old Ukraine. Comprende?

Adarnia Shriman Dillinger Ji
I recently read a article Where it was written ki a lot of russian weapon industries were closing down due to reforms
Any chance we can get the know how
Adarnia Shriman Dillinger Ji
I recently read a article Where it was written ki a lot of russian weapon industries were closing down due to reforms
Any chance we can get the know how
Yes on material tech required for engine fab. .

Material technology which even Ukraine nation does not possess 100%?
Ukraine is not known to manufacture engines!!!

India is not stupid to have approached SNECMA and not Ukraine.
Is it so difficult to put together 2+2 = 4 ?
Material technology which even Ukraine nation does not possess 100%?
Ukraine is not known to manufacture engines!!!

India is not stupid to have approached SNECMA and not Ukraine.
Is it so difficult to put together 2+2 = 4 ?
Comprehension isn't exactly your strong suite it seems. The question is not whether India should approach SNECMA or Ukraine or the blessed Jamacians for that matter. The question posited was- which country has access to engine tech AND is willing to share it freely. Ukraine had the fortune of inheriting said tech from the soviets much like the data on the SU-33 which was used to develop the J-15. Do you even know what is encompassed by the term "engine tech"?
Adarnia Shriman Dillinger Ji
I recently read a article Where it was written ki a lot of russian weapon industries were closing down due to reforms
Any chance we can get the know how

They are merging with one another forming big groups like ROSTEC ,UNITED ENGINE CORPORATION etc
@he-man Its a good decision if true. Isn' it? Atleast now AMCA project won't be delayed for engine $hit like tejas. Though I think they should start building a new engine but not to link it with project and If completed in future with satisfied performance, no problem adding it in AMCA at later phase.

Dont you think Kaveri, like Arjun, Akash and many indigenous projects are being shelved in favour of foreign vendors? This is a parallel which we can never reject. GRTE is just getting the blame. Already this engine have tested successfully in Russia. But still?
Indians can't even put together a jigsaw puzzle, let alone a 2 stroke lawnmower engine.
@Dillinger I thought that the Rafale was being bought with a full transfer of technology

The full ToT is only a media and fanboy myth and the point was, that the MMRCA has not only the highest ToT requirement ever asked in such a competition, but also don't wanted "just" a certain ammount of ToT, but aimed on critical techs! That's where the US fighters lost out the most, since they might had been able to meet the 50% ToT "ammount" on paper, by diverting airframe part production via ToT to India, (which we already do at HAL for the F18SH or the Boeing 737 for the P8I), which doesn't give us anything important. The EF and the Rafale on the other side, had the best offers when it comes to industrial benefits and ToT of critical parts, as both wer offered with ToT of AESA radars, engine or avionic techs too, as part of their ToT package.
For Rafale we know that full ToT and source codes of the AESA radar was offered, if the latest news about the M88 engine being 100% produced by Indian companies is true, it also means full ToT, since it must include the diversion of technology to produce even the subcomponents of it to the Indian industry. We also know that Thales is ready to produce the FSO TV and IRST system at Samtel, which includes ToT too, just like they already do it with the Topsight HMS. So India gets a huge package of technology and offset benefits with the MMRCA deal, as it was planned by the government, which should have a huge impact for our aero industry and future R&D.
Indians can't even put together a jigsaw puzzle, let alone a 2 stroke lawnmower engine.
we have man power to do our gardening sir, chote mote kaam hum khud nhi karte ...

As for Kaveri, DRDO is issuing a tender for global partnership again , why not use the government influence to get russia on board, such a waste of time.
we have man power to do our gardening sir, chote mote kaam hum khud nhi karte ...

As for Kaveri, DRDO is issuing a tender for global partnership again , why not use the government influence to get russia on board, such a waste of time.

Because govt is uber stupid.
Comprehension isn't exactly your strong suite it seems. The question is not whether India should approach SNECMA or Ukraine or the blessed Jamacians for that matter. The question posited was- which country has access to engine tech AND is willing to share it freely. Ukraine had the fortune of inheriting said tech from the soviets much like the data on the SU-33 which was used to develop the J-15. Do you even know what is encompassed by the term "engine tech"?

And now the following from the start:
Who has the Attention Deficit Syndrome?
See your beggining posts here:


While India has its prototype tested by Russia.
Ukraine does not have such a credential/
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