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Kashmiris hatred towards India

Kashmir rahega Hindustan .... We will convert them to Hinduism or else they will have an option of resting 6 feet under.
going by that logic says the butt-hurt loser whose lands were broken into 3 over the past 70 years and still yaps about being the super-power
Are we talking about Britain now (because present day India came into being only 67 years back) ? Why ? sorry.. I forgot. Lame pakistanis start rewriting history when they dont have any answer.

and we are enjoying watching the indians go bonkers every time Kashmiri freedom fighters remind us that the cause is far from over
Bonkers? It doesn't even make it to the front page news. No one discusses it except on forums like these. And from where I see, the so called cause is dead, buried and decomposed. Only the delusional Pakistanis still have their hopes pinned on that to achieve the unrealistic aim of achieving the pay back for 1971. And in the process have got their own country to a stage where a repeat of 1971 (even without India's direct involvement) is more likely than anything else
Lol black. You shithead weak Pakistanis are inbred, wahabi terrorists who live in a failed state and end up marrying your cousins.


and the day you stop water to us is the day we bomb your country because stopping a nation's water supply isnt just illegal under int'l law but also a declaration of war....so....
Stop giving preposterous statements,more then 40% of the water has been wasted.The International court of Justice(ICJ) had appointed a netural expert,so far there is no such thing as stopping water,In short stop fooling
We hyderabadi Muslims stand in solidarity with our kashmiri brothers and sisters for their freedom from indian occupation. The atrocities commited by terrorist indian army killing lakhs of Kashmiris. The sacrifices of martyrs of kashmir will not go in vain.
There will be a day when kashmir is free from terrorist hinduvta state of india
yes from Jamaica where you will fit in with ease black man country like India .
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Betaji, why are you denying your uncles black heritage? Us Indian Punjabis would accept him for who he is but you Pakistanis are shamelessly distancing yourself from him. I have reached the conclusion that you are part black. No wonder you live in Jamaica. ;)

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