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Kashmiris can opt for independence even after accession: PM


Jan 21, 2015
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Reiterating an earlier commitment to the Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday twice assured them that Islamabad would grant them the right to live as an independent nation if they decided to do so even after acceding to Pakistan through the United Nations-sponsored plebiscite.

Speaking at two big election rallies in the towns of Tarar Khal and Kotli on the last day of election campaign, he brushed aside allegations by his opponents that he wanted to convert Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) into a province and said he did not know as to where this idea had stemmed from.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their more than a century-old struggle for emancipation, he said the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by them would not go in vain and they would exercise their right to self-determination and decide to accede to Pakistan and not India through a UN-sponsored referendum.

“Afterwards, we will hold another referendum whereby Kashmiri people will be asked to decide whether they want to live with Pakistan or as an independent nation,” he said at both places in almost identical words, amid rounds of applause from the charged gatherings.

He said a nation that had waged a struggle for more than 150 years had a right to get what it wanted. “Remember, the decision has to be made by the Kashmiris themselves… And the day is not far when you will decide about your future status of your own free accord.”

Speaking at two rallies, Imran rubbishes talk of rigging in upcoming polls

He said the struggle of the Kashmiris was not for land but for their fundamental human and democratic rights to decide about their fate.

He said although the people of occupied Kashmir were going through the most difficult times of their history at the moment, he foresaw that soon India would be compelled to honour its pledge about plebiscite. “However brute force India may employ it will fail to quell the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.”

Describing himself as an ambassador of Kashmiris, Mr Khan promised that he would raise voice for them at all international forums as well as before the world leaders and international media.

Why PM imran khan has to deviate from decades old undisputed state policy of Kashmir??
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Lol...what happened to siraiki province ?
Sub politics Hai. No one cares for poor and powerless.
Reiterating an earlier commitment to the Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday twice assured them that Islamabad would grant them the right to live as an independent nation if they decided to do so even after acceding to Pakistan through the United Nations-sponsored plebiscite.

Speaking at two big election rallies in the towns of Tarar Khal and Kotli on the last day of election campaign, he brushed aside allegations by his opponents that he wanted to convert Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) into a province and said he did not know as to where this idea had stemmed from.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their more than a century-old struggle for emancipation, he said the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by them would not go in vain and they would exercise their right to self-determination and decide to accede to Pakistan and not India through a UN-sponsored referendum.

“Afterwards, we will hold another referendum whereby Kashmiri people will be asked to decide whether they want to live with Pakistan or as an independent nation,” he said at both places in almost identical words, amid rounds of applause from the charged gatherings.

He said a nation that had waged a struggle for more than 150 years had a right to get what it wanted. “Remember, the decision has to be made by the Kashmiris themselves… And the day is not far when you will decide about your future status of your own free accord.”

He said the struggle of the Kashmiris was not for land but for their fundamental human and democratic rights to decide about their fate.

He said although the people of occupied Kashmir were going through the most difficult times of their history at the moment, he foresaw that soon India would be compelled to honour its pledge about plebiscite. “However brute force India may employ it will fail to quell the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.”

Describing himself as an ambassador of Kashmiris, Mr Khan promised that he would raise voice for them at all international forums as well as before the world leaders and international media.

And when will Pakistan conduct that plebiscite ?
Sub politics Hai. No one cares for poor and powerless.

And when will Pakistan conduct that plebiscite ?
Yup ..sub drama bazi ha..
There was no saraiki province rather south Punjab. Well lahori babus won
How about government bring resolution in parliament? Lahori babus have nothing to do with it...or people should ask these landloards which they sent in assembly ?
Future of Kashmiris lie either with India or Pakistan. Anyone talking of Independence needs to have a reality check. Pakistan will only conduct the referendum when it is sure of it's outcome.
Most of kashmiris wont agree mate.
Reiterating an earlier commitment to the Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday twice assured them that Islamabad would grant them the right to live as an independent nation if they decided to do so even after acceding to Pakistan through the United Nations-sponsored plebiscite.

Speaking at two big election rallies in the towns of Tarar Khal and Kotli on the last day of election campaign, he brushed aside allegations by his opponents that he wanted to convert Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) into a province and said he did not know as to where this idea had stemmed from.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their more than a century-old struggle for emancipation, he said the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by them would not go in vain and they would exercise their right to self-determination and decide to accede to Pakistan and not India through a UN-sponsored referendum.

“Afterwards, we will hold another referendum whereby Kashmiri people will be asked to decide whether they want to live with Pakistan or as an independent nation,” he said at both places in almost identical words, amid rounds of applause from the charged gatherings.

He said a nation that had waged a struggle for more than 150 years had a right to get what it wanted. “Remember, the decision has to be made by the Kashmiris themselves… And the day is not far when you will decide about your future status of your own free accord.”

He said the struggle of the Kashmiris was not for land but for their fundamental human and democratic rights to decide about their fate.

He said although the people of occupied Kashmir were going through the most difficult times of their history at the moment, he foresaw that soon India would be compelled to honour its pledge about plebiscite. “However brute force India may employ it will fail to quell the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.”

Describing himself as an ambassador of Kashmiris, Mr Khan promised that he would raise voice for them at all international forums as well as before the world leaders and international media.

Why PM imran khan has to deviate from decades old undisputed state policy of Kashmir??
No offence but Kashmiri cause was damaged the most when Nawaz appointed Fazal Chairman of Kashmir Committee.

And I don't think Kashmiris will ever choose to live with hindutavis.
Reiterating an earlier commitment to the Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday twice assured them that Islamabad would grant them the right to live as an independent nation if they decided to do so even after acceding to Pakistan through the United Nations-sponsored plebiscite.

Speaking at two big election rallies in the towns of Tarar Khal and Kotli on the last day of election campaign, he brushed aside allegations by his opponents that he wanted to convert Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) into a province and said he did not know as to where this idea had stemmed from.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their more than a century-old struggle for emancipation, he said the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by them would not go in vain and they would exercise their right to self-determination and decide to accede to Pakistan and not India through a UN-sponsored referendum.

“Afterwards, we will hold another referendum whereby Kashmiri people will be asked to decide whether they want to live with Pakistan or as an independent nation,” he said at both places in almost identical words, amid rounds of applause from the charged gatherings.

He said a nation that had waged a struggle for more than 150 years had a right to get what it wanted. “Remember, the decision has to be made by the Kashmiris themselves… And the day is not far when you will decide about your future status of your own free accord.”

He said the struggle of the Kashmiris was not for land but for their fundamental human and democratic rights to decide about their fate.

He said although the people of occupied Kashmir were going through the most difficult times of their history at the moment, he foresaw that soon India would be compelled to honour its pledge about plebiscite. “However brute force India may employ it will fail to quell the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.”

Describing himself as an ambassador of Kashmiris, Mr Khan promised that he would raise voice for them at all international forums as well as before the world leaders and international media.

Why PM imran khan has to deviate from decades old undisputed state policy of Kashmir??
The offer is only for ajk. Maharaja parast khodmokhtars think their ajk will also include GB..😅
Independence? Then where will the money come to sustain this new nation when u are heavily landlocked between power?
UK and USA..
We may jump in to compete and may lose.
Such an independent state will just be another pain in the @ss.
IK should not have ignored the industrial troubles that the non-fulfilment of such a promise may create
Nehru too made a similar promise to Kashmiris in 1947 ... the Rest is history



Pl dont take notice of any opportunist politician. :pakistan:
UK and USA..
We may jump in to compete and may lose.
Such an independent state will just be another pain in the @ss.
They need at least USD 10 billion to sustain just a year. US and GB are no idiot to pump money. They may come out with just a billion or two but that is simply not enough for the independence nation to work.

And I doubt Pakistan and India would want to see an external influenced setfoot in this internal landlock area. They can simpy denied them air and land access and there is no way, external influenced will work.
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