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Kashmiri killed for saving women from Indian soldiers' harrasment

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So whats your point. How does this say its occupation or has anything to prove about the Kashmiris fight for freedom. This only points towards the social blackouts that our society suffers from.

Last year a policeman was jailed for raping a girl in Mumbai, and such incidents happen elsewhere in India. Probably this was a muslim and hence your blood might have boiled a bit more than when a hindu,a sikh or a christian was given similar treatment. But then i dont blame you for that.

Issues such as these become even more noticeable when they happen in areas where people feel short-changed. The case in point is the rape of a woman in Baluchistan. Even Musharraf took a black eye for it. So the point is not about a rape (they go on unfortunately all over the world), rather the circumstances in which they happen. If the Indians cared, then they would ensure that Kashmiris do not feel slighted with regard to their women.

Also this is not an issue of Muslim vs. Sikh/Hindu/Christian (give people some credit for being humans and not being self-centered and concerned with their own at times). Anyone who has a sister or daughter would feel for a rape victim. The fact that this sort of thing goes on with people who feel like they are occupied is what makes this more prominent.
Some of them are barbaric, sad, and pathetic.
Some of them have some shame left in them, dats Y they commit suicide instead of Raping or killing people.

Issues such as these become even more noticeable when they happen in areas where people feel short-changed. The case in point is the rape of a woman in Baluchistan. Even Musharraf took a black eye for it. So the point is not about a rape (they go on unfortunately all over the world), rather the circumstances in which they happen. If the Indians cared, then they would ensure that Kashmiris do not feel slighted with regard to their women.

Also this is not an issue of Muslim vs. Sikh/Hindu/Christian (give people some credit for being humans and not being self-centered and concerned with their own at times). Anyone who has a sister or daughter would feel for a rape victim. The fact that this sort of thing goes on with people who feel like they are occupied is what makes this more prominent.

Who in his or her right senses would jutsify rape? Even im here to condemn it, but then judgement has been already drawn - IA is called rapist army, lines have been drawn to link it up as Delhi's consipracy ( dont know hw delhi can appease kashmiris by raping women), Jana says she finds it hard to imagine ( as it doesnt happen anywhere else). And so instead of replying to the event i end up banging my head against such **** comments.
Read my post again. I am not suggesting that you are defending or justifying rape, nobody in their right mind would do so. My point is simply that when there are people with gripes and grudges, then anything that you do (intentionally or unintentionally) that offends their honor will get massive attention. No rape has happened here and nobody is accusing the IA in this instance of rape, however, given the precedence, people are thinking that maybe the motivation behind the murder is harassment of women.
Rape is a form of psychological torture used by the Indian Army in Kashmir

Indian security forces have raped women in Kashmir during search operations, particularly in remote areas outside of major cities and towns. The difficulties inherent in documenting such attacks on women are many. The victims are unlikely to seek medical attention unless their injuries are severe and are reluctant to report their assaults because of the shame and stigma that they may bear as a result. Nonetheless, Human Rights Watch documented one case of rape by the Indian army in Doda and received consistent reports of such abuse from elsewhere in Doda and from the border areas of Punch and Rajouri. Significantly, army authorities have demonstrated some concern about rape and have initiated a number of courts-martial of soldiers for rape. However, many reports of rape, particularly by federal or local police forces, are never investigated.

Behind the Kashmir Conflict - Summary (Human Rights Watch Report, July 1999)
Personal experience?

Or acquired through the Pakistani media?

In my case stories from a very close relative of Asiya Andrabi who went to school with me. I should point out that this friend of mine was not for Kashmiris joining Pakistan either...but the tales of atrocities were plenty that I heard from him. Aside from him, I do not know any original Kashmiri (rest are Kashmiris from AK etc.)
Personal experience?

Or acquired through the Pakistani media?

Its something i really believe in.

I am a close watcher of Kashmir human rights violations, and stand by the people of Kashmir with many other Pakistanis against Indian Army crimes and transgression.

I hope people in India also feel the same way who call them right hand citizens of the state.

Do use google news once in a while and search for Kashmir. Its not just Pakistani media who cares about the people of Kashmir, but i believe other medias are also standing up in lighting up the situation and actual truth.
Read my post again. I am not suggesting that you are defending or justifying rape, nobody in their right mind would do so. My point is simply that when there are people with gripes and grudges, then anything that you do (intentionally or unintentionally) that offends their honor will get massive attention. No rape has happened here and nobody is accusing the IA in this instance of rape, however, given the precedence, people are thinking that maybe the motivation behind the murder is harassment of women.

Anti est mindset exists among the public. Wherever it may be, i have seen mass violent protests againt the govt/police for minor offences like hit and run cases. There is no need to read more into this case.
Some of them have some shame left in them, dats Y they commit suicide instead of Raping or killing people.


But i dont undersatnd why they surrender!!!
I failed to understand what is the problem of the Indian Soldiers in Indian Held Kashmir with accompanying of a Kashmiri man with women ???
Why they did harrase the man not to accompany them ???

Indian soldiers must have something in mind to with these women


Bull instead of banging your head and using abusive language give me one slolid reason for the follwoing part of the news and i will even accept your stance on Kashmir as true

Local media said Mir used to accompany two female teachers every day through a dense three-kilometre (two-mile) forest track and that soldiers told him on Thursday not to accompany them any more.
"Soldiers deployed in the forests had been harassing him for quite some time and had instructed him not to accompany the female teachers," the Greater Kashmir daily said Saturday.

"When soldiers spotted Mir accompanying the female teachers on Friday again, they first subjected him to third-degree torture and then shot him dead."

Now can you reply me why the Indian soldiers used to harrase and stop the Kashmiri man from accompanying the Kashmiri women teachers ????

Jana says she finds it hard to imagine ( as it doesnt happen anywhere else). And so instead of replying to the event i end up banging my head against such **** comments.

Yes Bull i still find it hard to understand as why the Indian soldiers asked that Kashmiri man not to accompany the Kashmiri women teachers.
Nowhere in the world i had seen or read that soldiers stopp someone from accompantying women.
Give me one incident where it happens anywhere else .
Bull instead of banging your head and using abusive language give me one slolid reason for the follwoing part of the news and i will even accept your stance on Kashmir as true .

Whats this got to do with my stance on kashmir?

Now can you reply me why the Indian soldiers used to harrase and stop the Kashmiri man from accompanying the Kashmiri women teachers ????.

Well can you explain why policemen asked a minor girl to come to the policestation and then raping her.

Yes Bull i still find it hard to understand as why the Indian soldiers asked that Kashmiri man not to accompany the Kashmiri women teachers.
Nowhere in the world i had seen or read that soldiers stopp someone from accompantying women.
Give me one incident where it happens anywhere else .

'India soldiers asked a India man', let me get something right for you.
Whats this got to do with my stance on kashmir?.
Never mind

Well can you explain why policemen asked a minor girl to come to the policestation and then raping her..

Open a thread about that if you want to discuss.
But anyway beacuse the policemen can be expected to do that kind of barbaric acts and we never ever trust our policemen.

So ok i got your Answer the Indian Soldiers asked the KASHMIRI man not to accompany the KASHMIRI women beacuse they were waiting to fulfil their lust.
Shamful indeed.
If you have any other solid reason why the Indians Soldiers KILLED that KASHMIRI Man for just accompanying the KASHMIRI Women than post.

'India soldiers asked a India man', let me get something right for you.


And if you think so than shame on your government and shame on Indian SOLDIERS who can not see Kashmiri Women protected by Kashmiri men ;)

BTW Bull You will never ever be able to answer me why the INDIAN Soldiers stopped than man from Accompanying Kashmiri women
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