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Kashmiri girl quits band after fatwa !!

Did you see the date 3rd Feb on my links, today is 5th Feb, they previously opposed it, now they changed their views after support for girls poured in.

Fair enough.

there is another side to the entire story.

The debate on FB started and the opposition to the band has more to do with its performance at a function organised by Indian CRPF which is involved in killing of hundreds of Kashmiris.

This is a wrong information.

That was claimed by most of the Indians ;) on this very forum sometimes back.

anyway my point was Kashmir was never a religious area they had been liberal

Fools Fools, I say to those who are anti this fatwa, don't you know girls?

They will do the exact opposite. Probably end up in Jammu, squeezing all the morality out the window. If I was their father I would attend every concert in a most likely failed attempt to protect them from men (religion of the pricks does not matter here) and cursed the fatwa.

Without the fatwa they could have possibly become successful by talent, however as they say all publicity is good publicity.

Thats what i said. it is more like a publicity tour. the fatwa done them favour enough that now even Indians know who they are :)
Jo hain unkahi
Jo hain unsuni
Voh baat kya hai bataaa

Kahein dharkanein tujhse kya..............
Fair enough.

there is another side to the entire story.

The debate on FB started and the opposition to the band has more to do with its performance at a function organised by Indian CRPF which is involved in killing of hundreds of Kashmiris.

New conspiracy theory, :cheesy:
Its good, we need more such Mullahs in Kashmir. This will help push Kashmiri youth( the educated ones) towards India.

These Mullahs should come see Kashmiri boys and gals in Pune and Bangalore, they ll get a heart attack:lol:

Great thinking sirjee :D
There wont be any Mullahs left in India the day they enter cities like Bangalore and Pune :lol:
khashmier day, look in the streets of srinagar u will see blood e rape nothing like guitar e music
New conspiracy theory, :cheesy:

A band apart

Published: Tue, 05 February 2013 09:09 PM

If a vast majority of Kashmiris had joined together and opened a Facebook page to censure the “the first girls’ rock band”, they would have been justified in doing so. For no other reason than this year-old “rock band” — about whose existence they were made aware of by a web portal — was performing at a function organised by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), which two years ago was blamed for the murder of scores of children and youngsters, a young girl among them.

Participating at a function organised by a paramilitary force, whose record of rights abuses has made it to the black books of Human Rights Watch and other international organisations, and which has been responsible for a spate of massacres in the past, shall be seen as an act of moral recklessness, if not downright criminal, in the least.

If the participation of these vulnerable girls generated a debate on Facebook, where threats and abuses were liberally exchanged on both sides, how come it became the staple Kashmiri fanatics-are-against-women’s liberation debate on the Indian media?

It all started with the report that appeared on a web portal, ‘The Kashmir Walla’, and created this storm in the cup and which was promptly appropriated by the Indian propaganda machine. The report, either out of laziness or some stupid urge to prove liberal credentials or some other motive, does not mention the venue where this particular “rock band” and various other bands had been competing against each other and who the organisers of the show had been. Had the report touched the context, it would have made a useful contribution to the oppressed society, rather than reducing it to a fundamentalist-versus-artistic expression debate.

Take for example the Battle of Bands, a “two-day musical competition between 21 rock groups of Kashmir”, which was organised by the same oppressive force in December 2011, a year after the bloodbath in 2010. The venue? The Indoor Stadium: the valley’s largest indoor sporting facility, possibly the only sporting venue that has been under the longest military occupation in the world for the past 21 years.

Is a paramilitary force responsible for keeping a people under occupation the only forum for launching the “first girls’ rock band”? Is this the level of our budding artists that they don’t have the moral courage to say no to a performance at a stadium that should rightfully be a playground of aspiring sportspersons?

An interesting fact, as reported by the Press Trust of India, was that “many of these bands” were performing for the first time. I presume the band under debate, Pragaash, too was performing for the first time during this year’s festival. Is a paramilitary force responsible for keeping a people under occupation the only forum for launching the “first girls’ rock band”? Is this the level of our budding artists that they don’t have the moral courage to say no to a performance at a stadium that should rightfully be the playground of their brothers and sisters, the aspiring sportspersons?

Also interesting are the statements of Adnan Mattoo, founder of Bloodrockz band and a mentor of these girls. The PTI report (on December 2011) quotes him saying that “the Kashmiri rockers are aware of the challenges they face from the conservative society here”.
“It is not impossible to change the mentality of the people here, we have to make the effort and we are making it,” he had said.

When your efforts “to change the mentality of the people” constantly involve a force that mowed down 52 unarmed protesters at Gaw Kadal, people become suspicious. It is a well known fact that Kashmiri society has been erupting every now and then against a stifling military presence, a presence that manifests not only in the form of the deployment of half a million soldiers, paramilitary troopers and police, but also at the efforts to militarily transform an occupied people.

The occupying army has been operating schools, taking boys and girls on “national integration” tours to sufi shrines and historical places in India, building power stations, organising cricket tournaments and media training sessions and throwing annual iftaar parties. A comprador civilian government has been reduced to a shadow, to a band of clerks spending doles from New Delhi. Art and artistic expression have nothing to do with military, especially an occupation force. Besides, even the civilian client government has been using musical performances and sporting events to foster a rosy picture of an ugly oppression. Otherwise Raj Begum, Naseema Akhtar, Shamima Dev, not to speak of the nautch girls we see in sepia-toned photographs of the nineteenth century, are a befitting answer to the rock band liberals questioning the tolerance of Kashmiri society.

Barely 10 km from Srinagar, a school has been training girls the art of classical Kashmiri sufi music and instruments. Probably because the military was never involved in introducing these girls to a dying art, which hitherto has been the exclusive domain of men, controversy never touched them. Even though, “journalists” trying to oversell their stories to the patriotic Indian media have somnambulistically squeezed in the words “conservative Kashmiri society” in their stories about these budding sufi artists.

No wonder, the disjointed report, that started it all, hops from the comments of a well meaning Kashmiri anthropologist to a “member of the legislative” assembly who certifies, anonymously, “Kashmiris have always been music lovers”.
A story exposing the relation between armed forces and musical competitions would have been welcome

A band apart
Please leave us alone, we will not perform: Kashmir all-girl band

Kashmir’s first all girl rock band today declared that they would not perform any more after a fatwa was issued against them by the head Grand Mufti and asked to be left alone.

In a statement today, one of the band members said, “Please leave as alone. We will not perform anymore. We have taken decision as Grant Mufti has banned us.We respect him we respect his decision.”

“Noma quits”, “Farah quits also” — the two messages were posted by two of Kashmir’s first three-girl rock band, Praagaash (from darkness to light), on Monday on a Facebook page created enthusiastically after it performed first time in December last year.

The announcement to call it a day comes despite assurances from Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah as well as other civil society organisations

Reports said the band quit after receiving threats and abuses against them on their Facebook page.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police registered a case under Section 66 A of the IT Act and Section 506 IPC (Criminal Intimidation) and identified several Facebook users who had posted abusive and threatening messages on the page of the only all-girls rock band of the Valley, reported Times of India.

However, one of the band members said today that they did not quit because of threats on Facebook.

“We did not quit because of Facebook opposition. It is not justified but all this can not happen in Kashmir as it is against their ethics and morals, we can not help it” she said.

The Grand Mufti of Kashmir Bashir-ud-Din had said that women must live in purdah at all times. Blaming women for the increase in crimes against them, he said that women must desist from performing in public as otherwise, there would be no difference between “our women and film actresses”.

Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah was among a large number of political leaders who extended their unflinching support to the girls, urging them not to quit singing because of a “bunch of morons”

However, the fatwa prompted relatives of the band members living in the state to reportedly flee their homes, saying that they felt unsafe. The Hindu, quoting a relative of one of the band members said that the band has been ‘shut’.

“Nobody is safe here. The Chief Minister’s tweets and the police can’t protect us. We don’t want to get caught in politics,” one of the relatives told The Hindu.

Please leave us alone, we will not perform: Kashmir all-girl band | Firstpost
I wonder What Pakistanis have to say on this?

Pakistani film industry which relies on music and dance by Pakistani Muslim women must come to halt then?

Their music style is very close to what Pakistani music is like. They can come and play in Pakistan if Indian authorities can't keep the security.

I hope coke studio brings them to the spotlight.
Waise ye Fatwa kya hota hai :coffee: ? Warning ya death warrant . I really have no idea
yeh one more victory for Mullahs......we cannot allow girl to sing and be happy......Coz we forbid them from being Happy as we are thekedaar of Islam......
those guitar in there hand are weapons which will destroy humanity.....

And special thanks to the mullah who issued this fatwa...atlast u done something worthy after being born....:yahoo:

now to redirect them to the real peace effort ..for the betterment of humanity


drop the guitar .....pick up the Ak-47 ...the world needs u :guns:

You got all wrong sire....
Musuc is haram doesnot means singing is haram....
and music is haram for every muslim not just for girls but also for boys but Islam doesnot force......
orders are clear.....
and Muslims(if are true) are always happy and don't need faqe things to be happy....
this is vast nature be happy to see this creation to help poors to do good deeds....
well it's an odd thread overall as it is based upon religion.....
and pakazgi is happiness of girl....
bt nothing can be forced..
Waise ye Fatwa kya hota hai :coffee: ? Warning ya death warrant . I really have no idea

moulvion ka paisay kamanay ka source bhai....
it is not a warning nor a death warrent...
sab baqwas...
hum sab ko pta hai kay music is not allowed in Islam then ka faida is fatway ka???
ye as a publicity stunt bi use hoota hai...
well it was mainly a political tool used by Islamic kings in which mulla were used..
Where he can't controll nation he uses mullas...
i.e against writing book,against Science and scientists,against study fatwas were used in past for political purposes to keep nation illiterate soo that they can't recognize their rights.....
a long dark history is behind fatwa...
mainly and simply a scholor of Islam's decision on any matter is called fatwa bt now its worth is lowered by soo called Islamic scholars....:cry:
Kashmiri girl quits band after fatwa


SRINAGAR: An all-girl teenage rock
band from Indian-administered
Kashmir has decided to split after
the region’s top Muslim cleric
declared their music to be “un-
Islamic”, their manager said
Pragaash, a three-piece group
whose members are still in high
school, had been the target of an
online hate campaign ever since
winning a “Battle of the Bands”
contest in December.
But after initially insisting they
would continue making music, they
have now called it quits after the
Grand Mufti of Jammu and
Kashmir, Bashiruddin Ahmad,
branded them as “indecent” and
issued a fatwa calling for them to
“After the fatwa the girls decided
to quit and disband,” Adnan
Mattoo, the band’s manager, said
in brief comments to AFP.
The mother of one of the girls
confirmed that her daughter had
decided to leave the band, saying
she was staying with relatives
outside Kashmir until the fuss died
“My daughter had been depressed
and irritable so we decided to send
her away to another city for some
time,” said the mother, who did
not want to give her name.
The comments by the grand mufti
have been widely criticised with
the state’s Chief Minister Omar
Abdullah among those calling on
the band not to be intimidated
into giving up on music.
Kashmir is India’s only Muslim-
majority state and hardline
Islamists have a reputation for
trying to impose Islamic law,
forcing the closure of cinemas and
liquor stores with the onset of an
anti-India insurgency in 1990.

Kashmir girl band quits after fatwa | Entertainment | DAWN.COM
Yes Music is haram in Islam and if fatwa was only against that music is haram than he did completely right thing
Indian friends, This is awful news - what if this Mufti and many others like should take to defying the state in other parts as well? What happens when they start attacking the system of education by demanding more content favorable to them?

Why has this Mufti not been charged for issuing threats, for causing families to send their daughters away?? Why has there been no legal remedy -- Learn from the example of Pakistan, there is no reasoning with these people - it's either them or you lot can join us in hell
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