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KASHMIR : When Doval introduced the Doctrine and Modi made it count

Stephen Cohen

Nov 21, 2014
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KASHMIR : When Doval introduced the Doctrine and Modi made it count


Will the Valley fall silent? It would soon as there is a multi dimensional approach adopted by the Government to ensure that peace returns for good at the Kashmir Valley. There is no doubt that Pakistan will continue to be an irritant always, but the government is working to ensure that it is no longer a threat.

Narendra Modi in the run up to the elections in 2014 emphasised heavily on the need to have a better internal security mechanism in place. India was witnessing terror attacks on a regular basis and this needed to stop. However Modi and his team always knew that Kashmir was a different ball game and the approach had to be different when compared to the ones adopted by the previous regimes.

There were discussions galore at the highest levels in New Delhi. Appeasement had not worked, talks with Pakistan controlled separatists had failed and any attempt to speak peace with Pakistan was ruined by their army.

And then came the doctrine...

It was decided at one of the meetings that things need to be done differently in Kashmir. There was no way that talks would be held with the separatists who always insisted that the same could not be within the ambit of the Indian Constitution.

Moreover the government felt that if talks were to be held then the separatists needed come forward first. With that being cast aside, the next step was to rid the streets of the Valley of stone pelters 'Azaadi chanters' and terrorists. It was also found that the separatists of the Valley were getting funds unabated.

It was time that the Doval Doctrine was implemented. The doctrine by National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval reads, "Do not overreact, it will pass off as they cannot sustain beyond a point."

Modi was keen that the doctrine was not just implemented, but it had to count as well. It meant shunning appeasement, going after the funding and giving both the National Investigation Agency and the Indian Army a free hand in the Valley.

Choked and cornered ::

The separatists and the terrorists found themselves cornered on three fronts. First and foremost they were isolated as the government decided that it was enough of appeasement. Secondly, the terrorists were being picked and gunned down by the Indian Army. Thirdly the NIA carried out one of the most effective probes in the Hurriyat terror funding case. It was a combination of all three which ensured that both terrorists and separatists were choked and cornered.

On one hand terrorists were engaged in gun battles with the Army while on the other hand, separatists looked for funds. The lack of funds meant that the terrorists and stone pelters could not be paid. This resulted in a relative calm down in the Valley.

No time for complacency ::

A broad assessment of the situation in the Valley today suggests that the job has just begun. The first part of it has been done and the Valley has gone silent considerably.

To ensure that the solution is a permanent one, consistency would be key. The Valley would remain volatile and the key would be to ensure that there is complacency at anytime as Pakistan would look to grab that opportunity. Moreover the NIA also needs to ensure that its hard work does not go down the drain which would mean that the agency will have to ensure that the Hurriyat members part of the terror funding case are sentenced and locked up behind bars- not in Kashmir or Delhi, but somewhere down South.
The game plan for the below is the most important aspect for the permanent peace in the valley

To ensure that the solution is a permanent one, consistency would be key. The Valley would remain volatile and the key would be to ensure that there is complacency at anytime as Pakistan would look to grab that opportunity.
The strategy is definitely showing results. However, the valley will also need to be culturally 're-oriented' towards Indian thought process as years of Arabization has resulted in a very shallow thought in the valley among some sections of their society.

In addition to AFSPA, NIA and IB combat officers should be given a free hand in tracking and hunting down key individuals, moles, double agents and even those civilians who show symptoms of being influenced to do jihadi terrorism.

This means having an effective means to identify menacing individuals, create their profiles in secure government data bases, establish their family tree, their relations etc and then take them out in quick succession.
There is more contempt for india today on Kashmir then at any point since 1989.

St Patricks day was celebrated with more vigour then indian independence day in Kashmir.

As india lurches ever more to the hindutva right and even the vice president of india acknowledges the uneasy of the indian muslim community the Kashmiris as a muslim majority state are ever more convinced of the need to seperate from indian's/hindus

135, 400, 2000 these are nothing numbers when the population has embraced anti indianism
Kashmiris as a muslim majority state are ever more convinced of the need to seperate from indian's/hindus

135, 400, 2000 these are nothing numbers when the population has embraced anti indianism

Again; no one is compelling them to stay with us.

Those who genuinely don't feel that they are Indians are most free to leave the country and migrate to Pakistan; the country meant for muslims of the sub-continent.

India is not stopping these people from going to Pakistan. If anything, should there be a formal request, Indian government will ensure to arrange safet and comfortable transportation for the locals till the border and from there your immigration authorities can take over.

But your government has no interest in accepting their fellow 'brothers'.
There is more contempt for india today on Kashmir then at any point since 1989.

St Patricks day was celebrated with more vigour then indian independence day in Kashmir.

As india lurches ever more to the hindutva right and even the vice president of india acknowledges the uneasy of the indian muslim community the Kashmiris as a muslim majority state are ever more convinced of the need to seperate from indian's/hindus

135, 400, 2000 these are nothing numbers when the population has embraced anti indianism
Who gives a **** to 5% ranter showing contempt... they are getting handled one at a time.
Again; no one is compelling them to stay with us.

Those who genuinely don't feel that they are Indians are most free to leave the country and migrate to Pakistan; the country meant for muslims of the sub-continent.

India is not stopping these people from going to Pakistan. If anything, should there be a formal request, Indian government will ensure to arrange safet and comfortable transportation for the locals till the border and from there your immigration authorities can take over.

But your government has no interest in accepting their fellow 'brothers'.

They are Kashmiris they are already in their homeland, a muslim majority state, they are
the unfinished business of Partition and as India becomes hindutva they more then ever will need a muslim majority and closeness with Pakistan

Who gives a **** to 5% ranter showing contempt... they are getting handled one at a time.

that would mean 95% would consider themselves indian yet as you see from near empty street's and stadiums during independence day celebrations that they really couldn't care less about india
They are Kashmiris they are already in their homeland, a muslim majority state, they are
the unfinished business of Partition and as India becomes hindutva they more then ever will need a muslim majority and closeness with Pakistan

that would mean 95% would consider themselves indian yet as you see from near empty street's and stadiums during independence day celebrations that they really couldn't care less about india
Let it be... It is our way or highway... soon they understand sooner they will migrate to muslim majority country. Or just fall in line.
HM is now declared international terrorist org. next is over cover guys will be gunned down in large numbers and then Hurriyat will also be dismantled.
They are Kashmiris they are already in their homeland, a muslim majority state, they are
the unfinished business of Partition and as India becomes hindutva they more then ever will need a muslim majority and closeness with Pakistan

that would mean 95% would consider themselves indian yet as you see from near empty street's and stadiums during independence day celebrations that they really couldn't care less about india
Well. .we have had full stadiums all over Jammu and Kashmir while celebrating Independence day... We don't know what reports you see... LOL
There is more contempt for india today on Kashmir then at any point since 1989.

we don't really care . we only care about the land . if they hate india then they have two choices
1)f**k off
2)get f**ked
it is as simple as that
Well. .we have had full stadiums all over Jammu and Kashmir while celebrating Independence day... We don't know what reports you see... LOL
First this :


Now this:

Around 3,000 people were present in the stadium, which has a capacity of over 18,000.

During the Independence Day function at the Bakshi stadium in Srinagar saw most of the people in the general stands remain seated when the national anthem was played soon after Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti unfurled the tricolour.

However, people sitting in the VIP enclosure, including high court judges, MLAs, MLCs, bureaucrats and office bearers of political parties, stood up to pay their respect to the national anthem.

Mufti was then given a guard of honour.

The empty stands at the stadium came as a shock to the Uttar Pradesh Police contingent which was taking part in the celebrations for the first time in Kashmir.

UP Police contingent leader Deputy Superintendent of Police Sheodan Singh said it was a disappointing sight to see such a small gathering at the main venue of Independence Day celebrations.

"In our state, Independence Day is celebrated like a festival," Singh told reporters.


we don't really care . we only care about the land . if they hate india then they have two choices
1)f**k off
2)get f**ked
it is as simple as that

its their land they are Kashmiri we already have freed azad kashmir and GB, blocked you from Afghanistan, central asia and Russia, Indian occupied kashmir is unfinished business
its their land they are Kashmiri we already have freed azad kashmir and GB, blocked you from Afghanistan, central asia and Russia, Indian occupied kashmir is unfinished business

lol go home dude , get some rest . you are delusional . azad kashmir and GB were never a part of india , they were a part of the princely state j&k . you guys attacked the defenseless princely state , which resulted in india getting 45% of kashmir which india would never have got if your immature army hadn't tried to annex that independent state . i don't know from where do you read history .
and btw you are attached with central asia / afghanistan/russia , tumne kya ukhad liya ? apna ghar samhalta nahi chale dusro ka ghar barbad karne . btw i heard that your foreign currency reserves are getting slimmer by the day so much so that you may become ineligible for loans from one of the two major arms of WB ?
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