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Kashmir torture trail - Channel 4 documentary


Jul 28, 2010
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A must watch documentary to expose the face of India, its occupation and the state sponsored terror against Kashmiris.

Get your acts together Pakistan. Kashmir needs our help - not just moral or diplomatic but weapons too. If America can fund terrorists to aid in toppling a legitimate govt in Syria, there is no harm in arming people fighting an occupation.
Well it should be your concern. Kashmir separates from India, India will disintegrate,. You know that very well.

Indian troll fest begins.

Now Indian troll fest begins.
Except one fact .
India is not Syria.
Be careful about what you wish for because this time you may lose 44% of your land mass

India is an occupier. Its illegally occupying people who dont want to be with India. This is a fact.
The slaves of the thousands of years are warn neighbors countries, i think the Doomsday is coming soon.

A must watch documentary to expose the face of India, its occupation and the state sponsored terror against Kashmiris.

Get your acts together Pakistan. Kashmir needs our help - not just moral or diplomatic but weapons too. If America can fund terrorists to aid in toppling a legitimate govt in Syria, there is no harm in arming people fighting an occupation.

Where do you think the "freedom fighters" get their jewelry from? I didn't heard about the flourishing arms and ammunition manufacturing SEZ in the valley, have you?
Well it should be your concern. Kashmir separates from India, India will disintegrate,. You know that very well.

Indian troll fest begins.

Now Indian troll fest begins.

India is an occupier. Its illegally occupying people who dont want to be with India. This is a fact.

We can also create perfect situation in your lands so they will also say we want freedom from Pakistan .Do you want that ?
Except one fact .
India is not Syria.
Be careful about what you wish for because this time you may lose 44% of your land mass
Be careful this time... don't end up losing half the country again..

Don't reply just for the sake of argument..No one takes you seriously....We will take care of our interest and you will be doing same with your ones...

Just wish gud luck to each other and go to sleep....
Blame Pakistan as much as you want, but Kashmiris dont want to be part of India. Even if Pakistan does not support Kashmiris, Kashmir will still not want to be part of India.

Young, educated Kashmiris are taking up arms against Indian occupation. All this while Pakistan stopped supporting the uprising there. Now blame this on Pakistan too!

Like this video every other information regarding pakistan gets stormed by indian population which then enforces only their side of story, and no need to mention of the dis likes coming from XDD
Don't reply just for the sake of argument..No one takes you seriously....We will take care of our interest and you will be doing same with your ones...

Just wish gud luck to each other and go to sleep....

Did you actually thinks that we takes you also seriously ?

If you touch our national integrity then we will do the same .
Underestimation will cause them a great destruction. One day.

Someone in here had the audacity to compares us with Syria .That is the greatest underestimation
Blame Pakistan as much as you want, but Kashmiris dont want to be part of India. Even if Pakistan does not support Kashmiris, Kashmir will still not want to be part of India.

Young, educated Kashmiris are taking up arms against Indian occupation. All this while Pakistan stopped supporting the uprising there. Now blame this on Pakistan too!

And they will met the same fate like the former militants .
The day when they tortured minorities ,Pandits and others ,the day when they announced the killing of the Pandit 'Kafirs' through mosques ,the day when they invited jobless Afghan mujahideens in to Kashmir ,the day when they accepted Pakistan help and they day when they waved other nations flag in our land .Their life and freedom was over .
There was nothing like this before 1990's.
Systematic majority terrorism caused all these problems .And we would say sometimes our Armed Forces gone too far and then again we can see a thousands of people lives us a refugees in their homeland .Then we cant see any fault in
our armed forces.

A must watch documentary to expose the face of India, its occupation and the state sponsored terror against Kashmiris.

Get your acts together Pakistan. Kashmir needs our help - not just moral or diplomatic but weapons too. If America can fund terrorists to aid in toppling a legitimate govt in Syria, there is no harm in arming people fighting an occupation.

After watching this my heart is torn apart, and what can i say, i never thought of the severe condition of kashmir, pak and ind will never be friends and they shouldnt be, we will always make sure pain in the their @$$es
There also a similar documentary by
Al Jazeera World - Balochistan: Pakistan's other war in same year

You're comparing apples to oranges.

Pakistan's Balochistan War ? You can compare it with :

Al Jazeera Correspondent - India's Silent War

A 40-year long civil war has been raging in the jungles of central and eastern India. It is one of the world's largest armed conflicts that has claimed thousands of lives but it remains largely ignored outside of India.


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