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Kashmir Solidarity Day: 5 February !!

I must have seen at least one 'Kashmir Solidarity' day a month. Instead of wasting days, why not you declare a war and take Kashmir from us. 'Kashmir Solidarity' days won't make a difference to Indians
A kid might demand war B\w two nuclear countries..:blink: Well mate ! you have too much to lost..;)
To attack you need balls which apparently they don't have after losing 4 wars with India.
I am sure you are one of those who believe that Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas still lie with you ... Get your facts straight ...
For Rajputs, dying in war is an honor. We don't show our back to enemies in battlefield instead prefer dying while fighting. Do you know who you are? Are you really muslim? You are a hindu converted by mughals when they invaded India. And even during their rule on India they were never able to take Rajasthan away from Rajputs. That's itself speaks of the strength of Rajputs.


What was her name? Hmm Jodabai? Bwahahaha
For Rajputs, dying in war is an honor. We don't show our back to enemies in battlefield instead prefer dying while fighting. Do you know who you are? Are you really muslim? You are a hindu converted by mughals when they invaded India. And even during their rule on India they were never able to take Rajasthan away from Rajputs. That's itself speaks of the strength of Rajputs.
Are you really Hindu or were you ancestors converted by ancient people of some other religion back then ? :azn: ... Yes , my ancestors converted to Islam for they found it to be the right way of life , our of their own free will , The Sword theory was debunked a long time ago ... So stop this bull **** and stick to the topic ...

I know exactly how much Kashmir we own. Pakistan occ. Kashmir was taken by Pakistan in 1948.
How the hell did we lose the war then ? :azn:
We must have killed hundreds of you Rajpooths to have Pakistan on the map. Plus our Rajputs are fierce. You guys got raped by the Mughals. Bwahahaha.

its amazing ... your ancestors living in those days were the most affected by the invading armies and raped looted and after that converted ... so its not us indians who live in modern india most affected by those looters .. but it was your ancestors who got affected every time.. brutally raped looted by barbarian muslim hurds from arabia and turk....

poor guys .. now they see those looters rapers as thr heros ... that is really pathetic ,,,,
you guys have even named your chinese origin missiles on them... haahaa
Gajnavi probably the most brutal barbarian looter in (north west india in that time where ur ancestors lived)current day pakistani land mass and these guys worship them...

well leave it...
i just want Balochis to get freedom..

long live balochi freedom fighters ... the day is coming soon when balochis will get thr freedom from criminal pakistani army...
its amazing ... your ancestors living in those days were the most affected by the invading armies and raped looted and after that converted ... so its not us indians who live in modern india most affected by those looters .. but it was your ancestors who got affected every time.. brutally raped looted by barbarian muslim hurds from arabia and turk....

poor guys .. now they see those looters rapers as thr heros ... that is really pathetic ,,,,
you guys have even named your chinese origin missiles on them... haahaa
Gajnavi probably the most brutal barbarian looter in current day pakistani and these guys worship them...

well leave it...
i just want Balochis to get freedom..

long live balochi freedom fighters ... the day is coming soon when balochis will get thr freedom from criminal pakistani army...
Thats why we called india a terrorism state , their army can't fight so they are trying some cheap tricks ... SHAME ON YOU
The Himalayan kingdom was connected to India through a district of the Punjab, but its population was 77 per cent Muslim and it shared a boundary with Pakistan. Hence, it was anticipated that the maharaja would accede to Pakistan when the British paramountcy ended on 14–15 August.
Taken from wikipedia..
Raja wanted to be independent...you anticipated him to accede it to pakistan. He didnot. You attacked him and he asked for our help. We helped him and annexed the state. The end. Now move on.
well leave it...
i just want Balochis to get freedom..

long live balochi freedom fighters ... the day is coming soon when balochis will get thr freedom from criminal pakistani army...

I dont see any mass demonstrations / protests in Quetta against Pakistani rule demanding freedom from us like in Indian Occupied Kashmir where hardly a day passes without riots / protests ... Have the Baloch ever tried to march to the Indian border like the Kashmiris did or Is Baluchistan a disputed territory like the Kashmir ? :azn:

I know trolls like you who derail the thread and get banned in the process ... Just wish that a mod hasn't noticed yet ...
We have Balochis on this forum that will slap these ******** in the face, so no point.
I guess the Baloch terrorists are quite heavy on Pakistan army. You guys are having a pretty hard time. Plus all those daily explosion in your cities. As you sow so shall you reap. :lol:

Pakistan is really a failed nation. :angel:

Want to know how many Indian soldiers have died in Kashmir since 1989 ? :azn: ... If it wasn't for the ceasefire and fencing and Musharraf dropping support for the freedom fighters back then in 2004 , We would have seen the Indian army bogged up in the valley until now ...

Daily explosions ? :lol: ... You would be astonished if i post the stats of the Naxalite attacks in the Red Corridor ...
I guess the Baloch terrorists are quite heavy on Pakistan army. You guys are having a pretty hard time. Plus all those daily explosion in your cities. As you sow so shall you reap.

Pakistan is really a failed nation.

Must suck to know that it took 10 guys to hold your financial capitol for days on end. Wonder where the Rajphoot warriors were then.

India is the world's most poor and hungry. :angel:
I guess the Baloch terrorists are quite heavy on Pakistan army. You guys are having a pretty hard time. Plus all those daily explosion in your cities. As you sow so shall you reap. :lol:

Pakistan is really a failed nation. :angel:

dude those are not terrorist they are fighting for freedom from pakistani occupation.. they are proud freedom fighters ... pakistani army is trying every trick in thr book to contain them but they are fighting bravely ... India should support them by all means... i hope once we build the port in iran then we can supply logistic support to those freedom fighters...

Freedom to Balochistan... :)
dude those are not terrorist they are fighting for freedom from pakistani occupation.. they are proud freedom fighters ... pakistani army is trying every trick in thr book to contain them but they are fighting bravely ... India should support them by all means... i hope once we build the port in iran then we can supply logistic support to those freedom fighters...

Freedom to Balochistan...

What retarded logic. If you did anything to support Baloch sepratists, Iran would be the first one to slap you.

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