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Kashmir: Omar Abdullah resigns over sex scandals.

I think you are confused Asim. Since the topic has been diverted once again to the pet Pakistani peeve, let me also say that it is Pakistan who forcefully occupied part of Indian soil in 1948. I also would like to say that Pakistanis commenting on the morality or otherwise of Indian leaders is really precious :coffee:

Cheers, Doc

If you mean Azad Kashmir when you are talking about "indian soil" then why has there been no protests in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir against being part Pakistan and in favor of india in these past 62 years.

If anything, Kashmir (including the part India currently occupies) is Pakistani soil and majority of Kashmiris would agree that Kashmir does not belong to india. And dont say because the king of Kashmir (who was hindu) signed Kashmir (a Muslim majority region) to India its part of India, because the king of Junagadh (who was Muslim) also signed Junagadh (a Hindu majority region) to Pakistan but then India sent troops into the region and made Junagadh be part of India.

Lets see what Kashmiris say:

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If you mean Azad Kashmir when you are talking about "indian soil" then why has there been no protests in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir against being part Pakistan and in favor of india in these past 62 years.

If anything, Kashmir (including the part India currently occupies) is Pakistani soil and majority of Kashmiris would agree that Kashmir does not belong to india.

so the 60% people who came out to vote were not kashmiris?
Politicians are not that choocha to break down emotionally, an innocent man won't be quiting his position. He did this so the opposition would cease to pursue the charges against him.

sir, any man of good moral character would have done so.
nothing about politics.
so the 60% people who came out to vote were not kashmiris?

@Omar1984 - This is what the Kashmiris said ..... fearlessly.

Or were they "Hindus" sent in on polling day to cast bogus votes?

And please remember that this was against a National backdrop of less than 50% polling in most other "peaceful" "Hindu" states.

It seems the Kashmiris are trying to say something Omar ..... are you listening?

Cheers, Doc
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@Omar1984 - This is what the Kashmiris said ..... fearlessly.

Or were they "Hindus" sent in on polling day to cast bogus votes?

And please remember that this was against a National backdrop of less than 50% polling in most other "peaceful" "Hindu" states.

It seems the Kashmiris are trying to say something Omar ..... are you listening?

Cheers, Doc

If you are so sure that Kashmiris want Kashmir to be part of India and Kashmiris would love to be Indian, why not have a plebiscite in Kashmir then.

Then there wont be any need for Line of Control, disputed status of Kashmir by UN and the international community, and no need for Pakistan and India to fight then.
If you are so sure that Kashmiris want Kashmir to be part of India and Kashmiris would love to be Indian, why not have a plebiscite in Kashmir then.

Then there wont be any need for Line of Control, disputed status of Kashmir by UN and the international community, and no need for Pakistan and India to fight then.

Its called strategic interests. Indian strategic interest is to encircle Pakistan from all sides. Balochistan in the west, NWFP in the North and Kashmir in the East.
India hasn't lost territory. Pakistan is fighting to retain its territory. India has strategic ambitions. Pakistan has none.
Welcome to the real world !!
Thats' one thing I agree, let the Kashmirs decide, but before that will China return aksai chin and the karakoram areas of kashmir so that they be part of the plebiscite as well. And ofcourse the Balwaristan or FANA areas have to be included in the plebiscite as well as per the UN resolutions. You may be surprised at the result.
He resigned because he had something called GHAIRAT. More PDP politicians were involved in this racket and chargesheeted than NC ones. Seriously, this will do more harm to PDP for going into gutter politics like this.

Obviously Muzafar Beig, the guy who levelled the accusations, has now backtracked after realising his folly.

Abdulla is still CM, he had resigned conditionally saying that IF indeed he is on the CBI probe list, then he will not be CM until all investigations are complete. Since he is not even on the list, the J&K Governer did not accept his resignation.

This Muzafar Beig guy can get into serious trouble,if Omar slap a defamation case aganist him.He was shaking and trying to be evasive in Tv interviews yesterday.

Muzafar Beig was reading out from a paper **** which was supposed to be the CBI chargesheet with CM Abdulla 's name on it.

Yesterday evening Home ministr himself clarifed that CBI doesnt name Abdulla in its chargesheet.

And Today governer himself recieved the CBI report and didnt accept Abdulla's resignation.Case closed.
Atleast I hope now the PDP will learn from this and go for constructive criticism around developmental issues not gutter politics.

The people of J&K and ladkh deserve it (development )
If you are so sure that Kashmiris want Kashmir to be part of India and Kashmiris would love to be Indian, why not have a plebiscite in Kashmir then.

Then there wont be any need for Line of Control, disputed status of Kashmir by UN and the international community, and no need for Pakistan and India to fight then.

Its not just I who is sure my friend ..... one billion Indians (including Kashmiris) are. For all of us Indians, the only "azadi" we ever wanted or needed was achieved in 1947.

The fact of the matter is that the world's largest democracy is holding elections freely in one of its many states ...... where does a "plebiscite" come from? When are you guys going to have a plebiscite in Balochistan? Oh wait, they don't want one - they simply want free sovereign nation status! And you are still coming to grips with the concept of "democracy" .... whatever the word means in Pakistan's unique context. Anyways, baby steps ..... and you have a shining example on your doorstep to learn from should you feel the need to ask for help.

You are either very naive or just paying lip service when you say that sans the Kashmir "issue" there would be no need for Pakistan to fight India. From what I see, Pakistan will find something else to brainwash its people with, while the army and political elite get richer and the country keeps sliding unfettered down the development and economic spiral.

Cheers, Doc
Kashmir CM Abdullah cleared in scandal, resumes work

India's Central Bureau of Investigation, which is probing the case, has already absolved Abdullah of any link to the prostitution charges. — Photo by Reuters

SRINAGAR: Indian-administered Kashmir's chief minister resumed his duties Friday, a day after the state governor rejected his resignation and cleared him of any links to a sex scandal.

Omar Abdullah announced his resignation after opposition lawmakers alleged he was a suspect in a probe into a prostitution ring involving 40 women and under-age girls, who allegedly had sex with politicians and businessmen.

The 39-year-old Abdullah, regarded as one of India's most promising young politicians, resumed his duties, saying he was ‘looking forward to serving the people of the state.’

An emotional Abdullah stormed out of the state assembly Tuesday, branding the charges that he was linked to the prostitution ring ‘baseless.’

The allegations raised in the state legislature plunged the mainly Muslim state, which has been racked by a two-decade-old separatist insurgency, into political turmoil.

‘I had to take a difficult decision in order to clear not only my name but also to establish some respectability for politics and politicians in the state,’ Abdullah told reporters Friday, referring to his move to quit.

He had vowed to return to his office only after the governor exonerated him of the ‘serious allegations’ levelled against him.

Governor N.N. Vohra wrote a letter Thursday to Abdullah calling on him to resume his duties, saying according to information given to him by the home ministry there was ‘no basis’ for Abdullah to resign.

India's Central Bureau of Investigation, which is probing the case, has already absolved Abdullah of any link to the prostitution charges.

The CBI has charged several former state ministers and top security officials over the prostitution scandal that first erupted in 2006, but opposition lawmakers said the agency was protecting some of the accused.
Its not just I who is sure my friend ..... one billion Indians (including Kashmiris) are. For all of us Indians, the only "azadi" we ever wanted or needed was achieved in 1947.

The fact of the matter is that the world's largest democracy is holding elections freely in one of its many states ...... where does a "plebiscite" come from? When are you guys going to have a plebiscite in Balochistan? Oh wait, they don't want one - they simply want free sovereign nation status! And you are still coming to grips with the concept of "democracy" .... whatever the word means in Pakistan's unique context. Anyways, baby steps ..... and you have a shining example on your doorstep to learn from should you feel the need to ask for help.

You are either very naive or just paying lip service when you say that sans the Kashmir "issue" there would be no need for Pakistan to fight India. From what I see, Pakistan will find something else to brainwash its people with, while the army and political elite get richer and the country keeps sliding unfettered down the development and economic spiral.

Cheers, Doc

:blah: Take your propaganda to a Hindutva forum, fake hindu doc.

There was already a plebiscite in Balochistan in 1947, and they chose Pakistan. Check this thread if you can read. http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...ns-ancient-ties-pakistan-5000-bc-present.html

Kashmir is recognized by the UN and the entire international community as DISPUTED, the LOC is not International borders.
Balochistan is recognized by the UN and the entire international community as part of Pakistan.

If you indians are so confident Kashmiris want to be part of india and would love to be indians, have a plebiscite if they chose india, the UN and the entire international community will recognize Kashmir as part of india, simple as that.
:blah: Take your propaganda to a Hindutva forum, fake hindu doc.

Just an independent opinion ..... the fact that it is uncomfortable for you should not give you the license to be obnoxious or loose your cool.

If you indians are so confident Kashmiris want to be part of india and would love to be indians, have a plebiscite if they chose india, the UN and the entire international community will recognize Kashmir as part of india, simple as that.

That's the entire point my friend ..... we do not NEED to, and are doing pretty well militarily, politically and economically on our own soil thank you, regardless of what you or any other non-Indian would like us to do or not do.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. could someone here teach me to multi-quote .... I just cannot seem to figure it out. :(
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/QUOTEIf you indians are so confident Kashmiris want to be part of india and would love to be indians, have a plebiscite if they chose india, the UN and the entire international community will recognize Kashmir as part of india, simple as that.

P.S. could someone here teach me to multi-quote .... I just cannot seem to figure it out. :(

See you did every thing right up there....just remove the slash from the beginning quote
....it'll work fine

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