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LeT commander feels the heat, seeks Pakistan return

Wireless intercepts between militants in Kashmir and their Pakistani handlers reveal that Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Abdullah Ooni is making desperate attempts to run away from the valley as Indian security forces turn the heat on cross-border militants.

Widely considered to be behind the resurgence of insurgency in Kashmir, Ooni is believed to have given the security forces the slip at least half a dozen times in the last six months when police and army almost zeroed in on him during various anti-militant operations.

Ooni, who masterminds the joint operations of the terror syndicate of the LeT, Hizbul Mujahideen and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, has been pleading with his handlers across the border to allow him to return to Pakistan-administered Kashmir as he finds the going too hot for him, the officials say, citing wireless intercepts.

'We have intercepted their messages where they are desperately pleading to their handlers that they want to return safely. Ooni is desperately trying to run away,' an intelligence official, privy to the communication intercepts, told IANS. The official could not be identified as he is not supposed to speak to the media.

Ooni's desperation is attributed to the fact that Indian forces have killed many militant commanders in Jammu and Kashmir in the last few months, among them two of Ooni's close aides in the terror network - Hizbul Mujahideen's divisional commander Lateef Dedeer and battalion commander Rafiq Ahmad Gujri.

His 'desperation to flee for safety' stems from the pressure security forces have maintained on militants in the north of the valley, the official said.

'Almost all the top commanders of the LeT except for two - Furqaan and Abdullah Ooni - have been killed. Now they want to run away. The place has become too hot for them,' the official said.

A Pakistani national, he is one of the notorious LeT commanders in Kashmir and took over as the Lashkar's valley chief in 2008 after Hafiz Nasir was killed in a north Kashmir gunbattle.

Security agencies believe he has been the brain behind the resurgent terror in Kashmir, particularly in the north of the valley where he has regrouped his cadres. Besides luring young men to jehad, he has also been successful in building a close network with other militant groups for joint operations against security officials.

North Kashmir has virtually emerged as the capital of the new insurgent movement in Kashmir as fighters have been surprising security forces with frequent attacks. There have been some 20 gunfights and other militancy-related incidents in the area since the beginning of this year.

LeT commander feels the heat, seeks Pakistan return
Accept the reality .... Kashmiris don't want to be with India so you better change your sick mindset....

See, I did not reply anything about Kashmir, nor I can, as I have no idea of what is happening there... and will not accept your views also, however you can have your own views...

I replied what the post deserved ok. so don't tell me what my Islamic bomb is for...

No in no case it justifies that some of you guys can always talk about nukes... this is completely insane...

You can always reply with facts, if you think your facts are not accepted, mock, be sarcastic or leave it as it is... there is absolutely no point in referring to nukes...

and you should first remember what muslims are in india and what is their living standard

I know what is the state of muslims in India, I have friends who are muslims, they are well, however after Gujarat incident I cannot defend it toself proclaimed champions of that religion till the perpetrators of that massacre are brought to justice...

but for a moment you stand in shoes of a world leader, you would realize the beauty of India, it is a world within itself, if not for India, a country with so much of diversity would already have broken apart, anyways let us not complicate our discussion by this point...

The point which I want to make is just because you think muslims in India are not in a good state, you cannot nuke them all can you ?

If that is the case nuke your own country first, as there are lot of sectarian violances keep happening there...
The moot point is only 2% want to join Pakistan ...so its none of ur concern for the human rights of the Kashmiris.
That is between India and Kashmiris.Dont poke ur nose were it is not needed.

great logic but where was it in 71??? or in the case of JUNGADH??? and as for kashimiris! hey our side of KASHMIR is CALLED AZAAD KASHMIR has its own government and supreme court!!! if they wish they can pass a bill in their parliament! its there choice! :coffee:
They are protesting for human rights not separation. If the show footage is true then why kashmiri people participate in elections and why the youth are seeking jobs in IA.
There are lot of videos and websites demanding freedom for Balochistan are they really true???

should answer your question about "ELECTIONS" in kashmir!!!
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great logic but where was it in 71??? or in the case of JUNGADH??? and as for kashimiris! hey our side of KASHMIR is CALLED AZAAD KASHMIR has its own government and supreme court!!! if they wish they can pass a bill in their parliament! its there choice! :coffee:

1971 - done to death...pls research before asking others...Google

Junagadh - first come first serve basis.

OK let me tell Manmohan Singh to rename our Kashmir as Azaad J&K...to satisfy u...:lol:
Even though i dont agree that the mumbai attacks are linked to the kashmiri fighters but if we take your accusation to be true ,the gap between the time pakistan stopped the freedom fighters from crossing the LOC and the mumbai attacks is years......more then enough time for you to make a peace overture in kashmir.

Dont take it literally my friend....its a metaphor....:rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with us demanding the same and asking for the indian occupation forces to leave kashmir before we we make any move on fighters crossing the LOC or closing down military training facilities.

As some member said we dont oppose PA being in P-O-K>we r wanting u guys to end the cross border terrorism.
And as for ur reply to that guy...we r not sending in "freedom fighter" to ur Part of Kashmir to reclaim it by force.So there is no locus standi for PA to be present in cities.
But the same is not true in the reverse sense.

Until last week, India's federal government had never allowed any international human-rights group, let alone AI, to visit Kashmir and assess the human-rights situation in the strife-torn region, where armed rebellion against India has been going on since 1989.

They have allowed this week rite...so wats the problem now..?

Doesnt work like that......we stopped the fighters and its your turn to make a major move.If you do and we are satisfied that you have shown clear good will like we did ,then we will close the facilties down and take itstep by step from there.

Dude first u didn stop the fighters...Infiltration is on the rise nowadays.
Secondly we r not here to satisfy anyone so that they may reward us for our good actions.
We r here to defend our country,it's territorial integrity.

Also wats the guarentee that another kargil might not take place once we respond to ur initial goodwill by taking back the army from the valley..?
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Typical Indian answer, What I see is that this is based on the sequence of event that are based on reality, but Indians on the other hand are keeping 500,000 soldiers in Kashmir, Ignore the facts, claim to be the bigest Democracy of the world, very sad.

And what Pakistan is keeping in ***? Soldiers in name of Jihadi or Jihadis in name of soldiers?... Terror camps are in *** not in IOK...
They are not protesting for india's illegal occupation on kashmir........They are protesting for the fake killing of 3 kasmiris by army.

Plz do't post a biased report published in a pakistani channel about india.We also have plenty of such biased report about pakistan's illegal occupation in their side of kashmir.

Every year after 1947 there always seems to be some other reason for a complete strike rather than the Illegal occupation of Kashmir.

Wah Cha gaye notankies :smokin:

btw 15 august is celebrated there as a black day and complete strike aswell, whats the unbaised reports published in india say about that? :rofl:
The moot point is only 2% want to join Pakistan ...so its none of ur concern for the human rights of the Kashmiris.
That is between India and Kashmiris.Dont poke ur nose were it is not needed.

Then why India poke nose in bengal in 1971. it was non of your concern ...it was between us and bengalis. why India came in there???
Then why India poke nose in bengal in 1971. it was non of your concern ...it was between us and bengalis. why India came in there???

The moment millions of refugees started to flood into India's NE and Bengal it ceased to be an internal affair of Pakistan.
There was nothing illegal in India intervening at thast time as the migrants were weakening our economy and changing the NE demography.

None of this is true in case of Kashmir
great logic but where was it in 71??? or in the case of JUNGADH??? and as for kashimiris! hey our side of KASHMIR is CALLED AZAAD KASHMIR has its own government and supreme court!!! if they wish they can pass a bill in their parliament! its there choice! :coffee:

ok then we will put kashmir on the list of specially administerd region,have a proxy president,set up a proxy supreme court,and will rename it independent jammu and kashmir,ur issues will b solved?:no:
If you knew the difference between sectarian terror groups and the frredom fighters of kashmir.

I got it, you are talking about the freedom fighters, who are paying back to PA in big blood.

For the world all are same.
Point Taken

India has "illegally occupied" Kashmir.

Kashmiris " do not want to live with India"

"India is committing terrorist activities in kashmir"

We accept all this then what?

Does that change anything on ground?


India occupied kashmir illegally.So Is India going to give up kashmir?

Strikes or no strikes what difference does it make to India?

The fate of Kashmir has been sealed. Whether it is fair or unfair, legal or illegal, right or wrong doesn't make a difference to the Thick Skinned Indian Government.

So all the claims of the biggest Democracy of the world are bogus.
And what Pakistan is keeping in ***? Soldiers in name of Jihadi or Jihadis in name of soldiers?... Terror camps are in *** not in IOK...

Those soldiers that u r talikng about are Kashmiris who are ready tio fight for the freedom of their land from occupation.
The moment millions of refugees started to flood into India's NE and Bengal it ceased to be an internal affair of Pakistan.
There was nothing illegal in India intervening at thast time as the migrants were weakening our economy and changing the NE demography.

None of this is true in case of Kashmir

Million of Kashmiris have migrated to Pakistan, there is very substantial number of kashmiries in sialkot, in Lahore and in other parts of Pakistan.
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