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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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When pakistani army attack cause collataral damage that is ok with them when indian army firing causes collataral damage it's atrocity. Sheer double standards.
An 11 year old kid was sent out to protest. Whether the protest started off peaceful (you still havent proved that btw) or not, its still really irresponsible of his parents and the other protestors. This is not washington, this is Kashmir. it takes just a few in the crowd to trow stones to turn the protest violent. and any person in Kashmi should know that. To still send the kid out there shows their sick mentality.

The police used rubber bullets. It has an almost 0% chance of killing. So this death is an unfortunate tragedy not a deliberate attempt. The real murderers of this child are the ones who sent him out knowing things could go out of hand.

IDK where should i start from. i mean you guys are acting like barbaric by supporting this! So you are admiting that kids shouldn't have gone there because Indian army is lethel against Innocent or unarmed people! Buy yourself some freaking thick armored trucks and shoot tear gas! and disrupt the crown! How can you justify these rubber bullets against 80lb skinny guy who is 30 years old it will kill him too then! It's barbaric simple as that.... yes kid shouldn't be there but using anything beside tear gas is wrong! You guys can forget the images of indian policemen killing and beating the hell out of teenagers but we Pakistani and Kashmiris can't forget that so when you talk about handling swiftly doesnt make us feel better because we have seen the horrific face of indian security forces agaist innocent people.... for heaven sakes admit it.... We Pakistani admit it when we have a short coming but you guys are imposible but guess what if you guy are nice then how Kashmir will get her freedom!!! so keep it up INDIA :hitwall::hang2:
What a fu(ker those so called freedom fighter is

using small kids and womes as their sheild shame on them

right you are totally right and i agree with you! They should come alone without women and kids and protest without weapons like they do meaning " protest unharmed" so Indian security agencies can finish them all!!!! dam freedom fighters you guys are so bad :agree::angry:
right you are totally right and i agree with you! They should come alone without women and kids and protest without weapons like they do meaning " protest unharmed" so Indian security agencies can finish them all!!!! dam freedom fighters you guys are so bad :agree::angry:
If they wanted their kids to be part of their Stone pelting game knowing the danger involved then so be it.
Just for the record, even rubber bullet will kill you if fired at close enough range.
According to local Kashmir papers the count is 65 deaths since June 11. Ofcourse it is a very unfortunate state of affairs.

At the same time that is probably the amoung of people who die in single airstrike by PAF
Those wailing women and children crossing over to Azad Kashmir due to Indian terrorism are not terrorists rather helpless people.

The following is not the entire date rather up to 2005 some figures. its much more than this.

Kashmiri Refugees: Facts, Issues and the Future Ahead

Kashmiri Refugees: Facts, Issues and the Future Ahead

Its a pakistani source which as you may know are infamous for propagandising the Kashmir issue. There may be refugees that went over during the early 1990s, but right now they want to come back.

If Pakistan wants to welcome refugees, there are some who really do want to come to Pakistan, there are the migrant Biharis who still call themselves PAkistanis and are in Bangladesh. If GoP is really humanitarian then they should take these Pakistani citizens living as refugees for past 30 years and repatraite them

Infact, civil society in Pakistan and people like you should be forcing GoP/PA to repatriate these half a million Pakistani refugees that are still in Bangladesh.
I think its still better then Kashmir and Other indian troubled areas where indians dont have any control now....... I am a baloch, and Proud Pakistani ..... All troubles in Balochistan is indian created and all young baloch are with Pakistan so soon you will learn how baloch take thier revange........


would you like to mention "other troubled areas"?
There is a militant surrender program going on for years and many former militants have surrendered under govt. amnesty program

This happened last week, a militant with his family surrendered under the amnesty program.

Militant, wife and 3 children cross Poonch LoC

Millitant crossing into India by sea, by land and soon by air too..shameful question to be asked what is the 700K indian army doing if they cant stop such infiltrations??? sitting weaing sari and bangles?? This to me looks much like publicity stunt to prove otherwise evidence less cross border terrorism and infiltration. This alone case is based purely on self intent as he was moving with the family. May be we went to meet some releatives and decided to cash in on some secret offer by RAW. No millitant will cross the border to suddrender to Indian forces this seems like a too much far fetched wet dream. Most of the real millitant move stand alone not with their families.
Millitant crossing into India by sea, by land and soon by air too..shameful question to be asked what is the 700K indian army doing if they cant stop such infiltrations??? sitting weaing sari and bangles?? This to me looks much like publicity stunt to prove otherwise evidence less cross border terrorism and infiltration. This alone case is based purely on self intent as he was moving with the family. May be we went to meet some releatives and decided to cash in on some secret offer by RAW. No millitant will cross the border to suddrender to Indian forces this seems like a too much far fetched wet dream. Most of the real millitant move stand alone not with their families.

Its being reported in local Kashmir papers and if you just google there are hundred of stories and a couple of thousand former militants under the government militant amnesty program that started in post 2000.

Infact before that many militants seeing that Pakistan was not supporting Independance but Taliban type groups like Hizb and LeT instead joined goverenment forces to fight the militants themselves.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the reality. It is unfortuante that many Pakistanis never get to know the ground facts and just base their opinions on Propaganda.
Its being reported in local Kashmir papers and if you just google there are hundred of stories and a couple of thousand under the government militant amnesty program that started in post 2000.

Infact before that many militants seeing that Pakistan was not supporting Independance but Taliban type groups like Hizb and LeT instead joined goverenment forces to fight the militants themselves.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the reality. It is unfortuante that many Pakistanis never get to know the ground facts and just base their opinions on Propaganda.

Pakistan openly supports a pro-independence kashmir..proof..we have no declared pakistani kashmir as its fifth provience..we called it azad kashmir with its own economics, flag and political system. we dont have kashmir regiment or quota in armed forces.
This debate has people from all over J&K and not just valley muslims. Interesting to note is that even the sepratists in the debate refer to Pakistani Kashmir as occupied.

Mevertheless, interesting points raised by all. Also note that the footballer in the video has a father who was a former militant who surrendered in the amnesty program.

Kashmir's future: In their own voices
^^^^Whatabout Gilgit Scouts? What about the fact that whenever the PM wants the PM of AJK is changed? What about the fact that any pro-independance party is not allowed to function or even participate in elections in AJK or Gilgit Baltistan? And most importantly, why did GoP insist on removing the independance option from the UN resolutions?
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