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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I disagree with this assessment. Indians following the Islamic faith are proud of being Indians first and then proud of their faith, in that order.

I never, for one second, intended to give the impression that Indian Muslims are not patriotic. Sorry if it sounded that way. My point was that there are anti-Muslim elements within India who would use any India-Muslims conflict to try and marginalize Indian Muslims. They are the ones who would claim that Indian Muslims are not patriotic, despite that claim being utterly false.

However, given the current situation and a projected future based on today's growth, do you really think world's power blocks would like to create friction with India?

That's why I said its a long shot.

My fear, actually, is that Uncle has come to visit next door for a very specific reason. China is perceived as the next big threat, and India is being groomed to counter that threat. Pakistan needs to be neutralized so India can focus fully on China, and that's the immediate focus of American policy.

Question is: how do they plan to 'neutralize' Pakistan?
Guess what, PA is 99% Muslim!

I understand your reason to deny that and you are welcome to do so. But denial does not change the fate. Now I don't know even if you have faith in fate. :angel:

Stay cool buddy, it is not meant for you if you don't subscribe to Islam.. but Muslims all over the world need to be aware of saying of Prophet Muhammad PBUH including the one you hate to hear.

Just to make you bit curious, Holy Prophet PBUH had predicted that Muslims will conquer Iran (it has happened), Constantinople (it has happened) and Hind (....). :angel:
Hind has already happened as well in early 12th century onwards. Most ulema are unanimous as the hadith refers to Hind at the time of prophet Muhammad (SAW)

At that time area around the river Indus was referred to as Hind including present day Pakistan. So what Ghazwa-tul-Hind actually refers to is the land covering present day Pakistan (i.e. Punjab and Sindh provinces. So please stop falling to LeT propaganda and join the mainstream ulemas
Question is: how do they plan to 'neutralize' Pakistan?

You already know the answer to that! They have already deployed >1,000 soldiers, not to mention an 'untold number' of Blackwater-Xe mercenaries. Not to mention the drone attacks, and getting Pakistan to fight their war against the Taliban. All of this has added to the instability in Pakistan. Not to mention the damaging effects to the economy.
An independent Kashmir is much better than a Bharat Occupied Kashmir.

Do really think that Independant Kashmir will be truly independent?

The first thing that will happen is US will establish bases for their co-operation to establish J&K as independant to keep an eye on China. Pakistan will be even more linked to the US as all logistics will have to go through Pakistan to Kashmir.
Kashmiris themselves will suffer because of the power plays between various nuclear states as well as US

It is not only bad for India, its bad for China, Pakistan and most important of all Kashmiris themselves. Many Kashmiris understand this and that is why the independence movement hasn't got much steam apart from the border towns and areas in the valley. They don't want J&K to end up into another Afghanistan to cater for strategic depth of its nuclear neighbors.
An independent Kashmir would be much more like independent Bangladesh run by Indian stooges. India has worked hard in preparing the stooges but their hardwork has gone down the drain due to insurmountable sacrifices of the Kashmiris.

I dont agree with the concept of a "free independent Kashmir". That will never happen so long as Congress or BJP are in power in India that thrive on making profits out of dividing people. Given BJP/Congress's history of making mischief with neighbouring countries for their religious/economic benefit, you think they'd let an independent Kashmir run on its on?

Either Kashmir would be under the shadow of India, or an independent state under the protection of Pakistan, it cannot be a sovereign state..

Unless you equip the Kashmiris with Nukes, ghauris and F16s ...

You don't even have to free Muslims or any religious class that feels insecure and unprotected under the BJP/Congress rule.

It's not even about Muslim for that matter. It's all about Social Justice for the minorities. Try adding that in your dictionary before we continue ...

I thought it was already established at the time of Partition that Hindus are not capable of doing social justice to Muslims.
I thought it was already established at the time of Partition that Hindus are not capable of doing social justice to Muslims.

And still millions thrive within the social structure of India. There has been never a reported migration for the root cause of Indian Hindus doing any sort of discrimination as was evident in case of Bangladesh hostilities. So it is Indian problem and no one else's till people do not knock on their doors for help.......... One should not be too generous to be fatal to their very own existence.
I have seen many people discussing atrocities on Kashmiri people.
I have some questions.
1) It is ok to kill and enjoy the killing of a soldier, but is crime if a militant is killed.
2) It is ok to blame everything that is happening under the sun on armed forces and no need to provide any proof. Later when we find they were not at fault, no need to apologies. After all it’s some people’s agenda to make everything look anti-indian.
(This recently happened that a teen was killed and it was blamed on armed forces; later found that his friend killed him)
3) It is ok to start stone pelting at anything and everything, without even trying to find a peaceful solution. These people are so peaceful; they do not mind injuring others without a reason. (Some people started stone pelting when they heard Amarnath board got piece of land (Temporary) for pilgrimage. no effort was made to peacefully discuss the issue).
4) It is ok for the militant to kill anyone and no one will utter a word.
5) Its ok to throw stones at armes forces without worrying if they will get hurt. Do not think they are human beings. Its not ok if they fire to defend themselves.
6) Its ok to kill children and familes of armed forces, they are not human beings at all.
7) It is ok to kill anyone in the name of religion.
The troops are present in Kashmir because there is no peace, if peace comes back troops will be withdrawn. So in short part of the blame of strong armed forces presence in Kashmir lies with Kashmiri themselves.
I have seen many people discussing atrocities on Kashmiri people.
I have some questions.
1) It is ok to kill and enjoy the killing of a soldier, but is crime if a militant is killed.
2) It is ok to blame everything that is happening under the sun on armed forces and no need to provide any proof. Later when we find they were not at fault, no need to apologies. After all it’s some people’s agenda to make everything look anti-indian.
(This recently happened that a teen was killed and it was blamed on armed forces; later found that his friend killed him)
3) It is ok to start stone pelting at anything and everything, without even trying to find a peaceful solution. These people are so peaceful; they do not mind injuring others without a reason. (Some people started stone pelting when they heard Amarnath board got piece of land (Temporary) for pilgrimage. no effort was made to peacefully discuss the issue).
4) It is ok for the militant to kill anyone and no one will utter a word.
5) Its ok to throw stones at armes forces without worrying if they will get hurt. Do not think they are human beings. Its not ok if they fire to defend themselves.
6) Its ok to kill children and familes of armed forces, they are not human beings at all.
7) It is ok to kill anyone in the name of religion.
The troops are present in Kashmir because there is no peace, if peace comes back troops will be withdrawn. So in short part of the blame of strong armed forces presence in Kashmir lies with Kashmiri themselves.

Non of the above would be happening if you had a vote on kashmir.
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I have seen many people discussing atrocities on Kashmiri people.
I have some questions.
1) It is ok to kill and enjoy the killing of a soldier, but is crime if a militant is killed.
2) It is ok to blame everything that is happening under the sun on armed forces and no need to provide any proof. Later when we find they were not at fault, no need to apologies. After all it’s some people’s agenda to make everything look anti-indian.
(This recently happened that a teen was killed and it was blamed on armed forces; later found that his friend killed him)
3) It is ok to start stone pelting at anything and everything, without even trying to find a peaceful solution. These people are so peaceful; they do not mind injuring others without a reason. (Some people started stone pelting when they heard Amarnath board got piece of land (Temporary) for pilgrimage. no effort was made to peacefully discuss the issue).
4) It is ok for the militant to kill anyone and no one will utter a word.
5) Its ok to throw stones at armes forces without worrying if they will get hurt. Do not think they are human beings. Its not ok if they fire to defend themselves.
6) Its ok to kill children and familes of armed forces, they are not human beings at all.
7) It is ok to kill anyone in the name of religion.
The troops are present in Kashmir because there is no peace, if peace comes back troops will be withdrawn. So in short part of the blame of strong armed forces presence in Kashmir lies with Kashmiri themselves.

Kashmiri civilians are hostages and the Indian troops are hostage takers. Hostages -- men, women and children -- will fight back any way they can.

And Indian troops have been ruthless against Kashmiri civilians:

HR Kashmir: Rape of Kashmiri women and the South Asia
Since January 1989 to April 30, 2007:
Total killing. 91,865
Custodial Killing 6,899
Women gang raped & Molested 9,708
Civilian arrested 113,798
Structures arsoned / Destroyed 105,353
Children orphaned 106,930
Women widowed 22,530

If anybody is targetting Indian soldiers' women and children then that is also wrong.
So why dont we have a vote and see what the majority of kashmiris want.

There cannot be any voting in the valley till the peace is restored and displaced Kahmiri Pandits are rehabilitated back....
There cannot be any voting in the valley till the peace is restored and displaced Kahmiri Pandits are rehabilitated back....

Agreed. Restore the Pandit population and have a vote.
Agreed. Restore the Pandit population and have a vote.

For the same reason there should be peace so that the same what happened in the past is not repeated again. And this will only be possible if the so called freedom fighters are kept in check and insurgency is dead. This is the same reason for which the army is present in Kashmir....
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