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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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In this case the law says there should be a vote by the people to choose.

Only law that exists in Indian Kashmir is Indian Law.....

And trust me....none exists of what you speak of.....
Trying to compare a few deaths in a protest now and again in india to the mass killing that take place all years round kashmir by the indian occupation army is silly.

Dont trivialize death...be it any....You wouldnt want us to do the same now would you?
I have a question in my mind,
Why have we not seen any protests by any islamic country(apart from pakistan) against the so called "atrocities by indian armed forces on kashmiris"?
I mean, why don't islamic countries stop all the oil and gas supplies to india?? Their oil will be all consumed at the end of the day.
You find it easy to blame it on foreign media about not reporting the kashmir issue to the world when your own islamic media is not reporting it.
Why blame western media then??
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I think theres things called "water tanks" and "rubber bullets" and "riot police" that most civilised nations use when being attacked by stone thrower(fs.

Well violating the laws that try to maintain law and order + peace in the region (implemented for the well being of Kashmiris) have lead to these unfortunate incidents....

Enought warning had been provided to these mobs.....violation of Indian law will be dealt with severity.....

Dont sow a cactus if you cant handle the prick.....

Besides, many of the deaths occoured thanks to the use of standard anti-riot equipment such as rubber bullets and tear gas shells.......
I do agree that we need better equipment......I think these deaths could have been avoided.....had BOTH shown restraint.....
^^To whom are you reffering?
sentence which you quoted, no where claimed of destroying india!
so, why not save your advice for your self and those who claim to nuke Pakistan?

Killing Kashmiris is fun activity for you inidans.
Look how much is she smilling while taking aim at Kashmiri children!!!!
I have said in numerous post related to this matter that water canons and rubber bullets should be used, in fact my first post was in relation to these methods being adopted by security forces in Kashmir.

--> why deny the roots and cause of anger

The age old excuse of justifying everything by the smoke screen of the cause.. On the street when a LEO sees a rock thrown at him, cause does not matter. Do you allow a robber to rob a bank becuase he lost a job and doesnt have a source of income?? Ends do not justify the means. You break the law, you face consequences.

Exactly.. You go after Kashmir, and thats what you will hit.. A brick wall..

it's like telling a Palestinian --- mind your own business until you can militarily confront israilys

C'mon yaara.. Dont underestimate Pakistan so much. The difference in the mights of India and Pakistan is no way comparitive to the difference in the capability of Israel and Palestine. Pakistan is way better than that...

i think Pakistan needs to do a better job of bringing the issue to the worlds attention, since it seems that is the only language you people understand

at least don't disservice me or yourselves by saying ''worlds largest democracy'' and other bullcrap like that
You can try..

And not your place to decide what Indians and rest of the world calls India.. Pardon me, but here in India, we really dont care about Pakistani opinion about us..

yes, writ of state very established there i see

Do you really want to go in the realm of how much percentage of our respective countries' have the writ of state established. :woot:

I agree its not well managed at this time, but we have been there before in a much worse situation and have over come it.. And we will this time too...

nothing has changed.....Kashmiris in ioK have no affinity to hindustan (the occupying force)
Doesnt change a thing...No one is forcefully held back. Those who dont want to stay with India, can get up and leave..

yeah but hindustanys just say it blindly.....it isnt your fault, your media can tell you anything and you'll believe it.

top military and intel officials worldwide commend our intelligence agencies for being invaluable in the fight against terrorism

to me, that's all that matters. Many politicians worldwide are in favour of putting pressure on all stakeholders to solve Kashmir crisis. Some prefer to remain mute.

You cant change my opinion; I cant change yours. But I do suggest you look at ground realities, at least one day when you are grown up and ready to accept them.
You can chose to stay in the fog of believing that you are right while I believe I am. I dont know what top military officials worldwide comment in private about Pakistan, publically they seem to be singing a different tune. But thats a topic for a different thread. The ISI example here is to show that just as India's beliefs dont mean any thing in Pakistan, the reverse is as much true...

i rubbish all statements that implicate Pakistan with exporting terrorism....i dont disagree that there are elements inside Pakistan (yes, non-state actors) who are willing to engage in terrorist activity. But when we do have the intel, we act on them.

our establishment even covertly allows drone hits on terror targets.....is that not enough proof to rubbish your claim?

lets not deviate too far now from truth and reality vs. dreams and media created fiction :cheers:
Its your right to rubbish anything that you feel is not right and is not in national interest of Pakistan. Just like its mine about India.. And hey on the lines of Pakistan's favourite adage of freedom fighters and terrorists, one man's fact is other's fiction... :cheers:

yes. Pakistan does not have the needs (forget means for a second) to support stone-throwing ''terrorists'' in Kashmir....

the uprising there is a purely Kashmiri phenomenon..

Sticks and stones may break some bones, whilst latest indiscriminate
firing by CPRF has just rendered 2 more shabab lifeless....

Police martyr two more innocent youth in IHK | Kashmir Media Service

I feel sad for them. 2 more pawns sacrificed in the land grab game of Pakistan...
^^To whom are you reffering?
sentence which you quoted, no where claimed of destroying india!
so, why not save your advice for your self and those who claim to nuke Pakistan?

Killing Kashmiris is fun activity for you inidans.
Look how much is she smilling while taking aim at Kashmiri children!!!!

If you are so worried about kashmiris then why are you still sitting there??
Why don't you go and fight in kashmir??
Rather than being an arm chair expert you should come and fight for kashmiris.
"Hate india" is like a fashion among you people.:disagree:
It also confirms indian media is not free and is controlled by hindus.

We know now what indian media is made up of and how much can it be trusted when they write against Kashmiris.
Trying to compare a few deaths in a protest now and again in india to the mass killing that take place all years round kashmir by the indian occupation army is silly.

You asked a question.. I answered with an example (4 in a day). Now you are changing the context...You implied that India uses lethal force against rioters only in Kashmir and I gave an example to prove it wrong.. thats it..

---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------

So the bit of land between china and india that you fought a war over belongs to china?

At this time.. Yes..
In this case the law says there should be a vote by the people to choose.

Law by definition is enforcable. The UNSC resolution on Kashmir, by definition provided by UNSC is not..
It also confirms indian media is not free and is controlled by hindus.

We know now what indian media is made up of and how much can it be trusted when they write against Kashmiris.

Just another conspiracy theory victim!!:disagree:
Have you been to Kashmir?
Than may bee you take the lead to share some facts!
About time the all is well mantra should come to an end. India might be looking for its very own Afghanistan in near future. The whole of Kashmiris and their indigenous uprising being blamed on ISI and Afghan heron only brings two simple questions.

1. If ISI can keep whole of Kashmir stirring for 62 years, this is a feat extraordinary. CIA and Mossad spies should be lining up in Islamabad for training.

2. If this is cause by smuggled Afghan herion, then pity India for being unable to control few thousand vulnerable drug addicts. Which means Indian armed forces are totally incompetent.
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