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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Sorry your point of view is one sided and you will never understand our point of view. You do the same in the North West territories and its called fighting the "War on terror", and when we do the same its called killing "Innocent civilians",double standards isnt it ? This hardly seems an article as a result of some "Research", so i recommend our fellow researchers spend time on constructive research rather than one sided blame games.
Sorry your point of view is one sided and you will never understand our point of view. You do the same in the North West territories and its called fighting the "War on terror", and when we do the same its called killing "Innocent civilians",double standards isnt it ? This hardly seems an article as a result of some "Research", so i recommend our fellow researchers spend time on constructive research rather than one sided blame games.

We have been trying to Understand your POV for last 60+ years while we watch civilians getting killed by your moronic forces everyday.

What is your view point ?? - What makes you think that you would always be able to hold on to an occupied territory and keep committing crimes there?

As for research - its because of your "No Media policy" in the occupied valley and that is why no news comes out of the wraps.

No international journalists are allowed in the valley so how the hell would you expect us to know what is going on in Kashmir ?

Its a slap in the face of the Indian establishment because they have banned unbiased journalists while they keep reporting "Their version of the story."
5 More Die in Police Firing in Kashmir, Toll Reaches 27 in 5 Days

Srinagar, Aug 7: The dance of death continues in Indian administered Kashmir and at least five more civilian protestors died in police firing in the region on Tuesday, taking the death toll of civilians since Friday to 27.

The policemen fired on protestors at Qamarwari and Narwara areas in Srinagar, the summer capital of the Indian administered Kashmir, causing death of two protestors. One of the deceased was identified as 18-year old Anees Ahmad Ganai.

The body of the teenager was carried in a procession towards martyrs graveyard Eidgah. Thousands of people including women defied curfew and participated in the funeral procession of the outh amidst chanting of pro-freedom and anti-India slogans. The slogans like, "Go India Go Back," "Blood for Blood" and "We Want Freedom" rented the air.

The policemen also fired on protestors at Kulgam in South Kashmir and Baramulla in North Kashmir causing the death of three protestors and injuries to many others. At least 15 persons sustained in police action in Frisal and Yatipora, Kulgam areas in South Kashmir.

The police and paramilitary soldiers also fired on protestors at Sheikhpora, Budgam in central Kashmir. Thousands of people chanting pro-freedom, pro-Islamic and anti-India slogans were marching towards the Railway Station, when they were intercepted by policemen, who opened fire on them, causing injuries to five persons. The injured have been hospitalized.

Meanwhile, a civilian, who was critically injured in a powerful blast in a police camp in the Khrew area of Srinagar on Sunday, succumbed to injuries in the hospital on Tuesday morning.

Reports said that a 45-year old man Mohammad Akbar Wani sustained critical head injuries in police firing at Rangwar village in north Kashmir's Baramulla on Tuesday morning. "Akbar was part of a big procession that was marching peacefully and was intercepted by the policemen. The cops lobbed tear smoke shells and fired towards the protestors. One of the bullet hit Akbar in the head and he has been taken to Srinagar hospital for specialized treatment. The doctors attending on him have termed his condition as life threatening," reports said.

Meanwhile, authorities foiled hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani's proposed march to martyrs graveyard Iddgah. Geelani, who was set free by authorities yesterday, had called for "Iddgah March" on Tuesday.

The authorities re-arrested the 8-year old Syed Ali Geelani from a leading hospital in Srinagar, where he was undergoing treatment.

Geelani had planned to take out a march from there to Srinagar's Eidgah Martyrs' Graveyard today. He had called upon youth to maintain peace and not to throw stones on paramilitary forces and march towards Eidgah. He had also appealed the government to lift the curfew today.

Meanwhile, people took to roads at dozens of places across Kashmir and staged massive anti-India demonstration. At many places, the protestors clashed with police and paramilitary soldiers, who lobbed tear smoke canisters and resorted to firing to disperse the crowd protesting against the "killing spree" of cops.

In one of the worst incidents, police and paramilitary CRPF men beat a 7-year boy to death in uptown Batmaloo area of Srinagar on Monday. Witnesses said that police and paramilitary CRPF men caught hold of 7-year old boy Sameer Ahmad Rah son of Fayaz Ahmad Rah at Batmaloo. "They beat him to pulp till he died," they said.

With five deaths on Tuesday, at least 27 persons, mostly youngmen have been killed in police firing in Kashmir since Friday. The killings have increased anger against India and Kashmir government and people across the region have been defying curfew and taking to roads. The region has been on boil since June 11, when a 17-year old boy died in police action in Rajouri Kadal area of Srinaga

5 More Die in Police Firing in Kashmir, Toll Reaches 27 in 5 Days
@ Gogbot

Indian soldiers have been firing live rounds on civilians - same was done by Kasab the consequences were same , he was a terrorist according to Indian law & so is Indian Army & police when that principle is applied.

What is the difference between the Kasab and indian barbarians ??
Kashmiris have just proven that they haven't given up on their freedom struggle even when Indian govt has done its best to stop them.

Why International media is not allowed in the valley ?? Is Indian establishment scared that the truth may reveal ?

Why APHC is not allowed to go overseas even to UNO & talk to International Media ??

India is on the wrong side of the history on this matter - you can Kill as many people as you like but one day you would have to **** off.

Our Indian forces will try to restrain all its people with in its line of control if they raise against govt. Thats what a responsible and powerful govt does. It is understandable to not hurt its own citizens but when push comes to shove, it has to raise to the occasion no matter if its kashmiri or andhrite, tamilian or maharastrian..... Nobody can take control except for govt if it has to be. TO ur other questions, it wont be allowed, this is neither an isolated policy nor first of its kind. So no need for this rhetoric.

And to ur funny yet interesting question on the differences between Kasab and govt , I wud put it this way, Truth and justice is a relative term becoz its not in the laws of nature that truth and justice sud prevail but as civilized we want to have some rules and regulations for our betterment. What I am trying to convey is killing somebody as a soldier or as a murderer is the same thing, though intentions are differenrt, but essentially we killed somebody, so u may compare it to kasab, but we compare it to bringing law and order and not letting any tom and dick to have this slightest flimsical agendas to live in their own parallel world.

Lets get to reality, if these young people get employment and have familities and sth at stake, these things will subside and for that development is required. Thats the only way forward for a better life, Wud gud has happened to those yound people who died for nothing ? once lost its gone forever and doesn;t matter if its for whatnot crap cause... The most important thing is ones life and the opportunity to lead a meaningful one.
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Who's more to blame the soldiers trying to keep order.

Or the Instigators pushing these protesters to impossible situations.

You pretend as if the whole of Kashmir is on the streets , Yet more than 75 % of the populace remains indoors . waiting for normals to return. And the streets to become safe.

Business can't open
Investors run for the bunkers
Job's go un-done
Wages go Unpaid
Life comes to a stand still
Kashmir comes to a stand still.

All for the sake of a political message at the expense of untold misery.

These mobs are openly trying to look for confrontation.
For the last 30 years this has the status quo ,
Driven on by people who keep telling them now is the time.
When ever the Security personal establish a sense of Normal life , it gets destroyed only so that Indian's can be called barbarians.

Have you ever tried to know what was the number of people who went out on the road in Iraq after Sadam Regime was over? I guess not even they were above 25%. Is your point that the remaining 75% were actually supporters of Sadam and were longing Sadam Government to return? Just because you are not ready to accept reality in Kashmir, you are running away from it and packaging situation in a way which is no short illogical and unrealistic and even absurd.

If you think Kashmiris are waiting for some outsiders to tell them "it is the time" and they would start dyeing then again your logics are pretty, pretty nieve. Wakup, Kashmries are Not Indians at heart. You couldn't even turn them Indian using everything you had. What on earth would make you guys see or are you thoughtfully blinded and thoughtfully ignorant on all that? Is being an Indian all about that?
these youths dont have jobs thats why they just sit around causing trouble the Indian goverment should provide them with education and job help so they can have a good future.

They are not Naxals who are fighting against economic injustice. Kashmiris do not identify themselves as Hindustani. there is a difference between being mad because of being unemployed and being mad because of being enslaved. If Kashmiris were angry because of Jobs, there must have been a high degree of street crimes, robbery which is not there. So what's their reason of sacrificing their lives?.. have you ever tried to think out of little shell you have always lived in? They want FREEDOM. They don't hold Pakistani Flag because they hope Pakistan would get them that "job" which in your theory they are dying for.
We have been trying to Understand your POV for last 60+ years while we watch civilians getting killed by your moronic forces everyday.
If you cant get it in 60 years, speaks of your lack of comprehension. Doesnt it??

What is your view point ?? - What makes you think that you would always be able to hold on to an occupied territory and keep committing crimes there?
What makes you think that Pakistan will not break up into smaller countries like a Baloch Nation, Sindh Nation, Punjab etc and that terrorists will not capture the NWFP and may be Islamabad. Something similar makes us believe that Jammu and Kashmir will continue to be a part of India

As for research - its because of your "No Media policy" in the occupied valley and that is why no news comes out of the wraps.

No international journalists are allowed in the valley so how the hell would you expect us to know what is going on in Kashmir ?
Why didnt Pakistan allow international journalists while it was bombing its own citizens along with terrorists in the NWFP region.??

Its a slap in the face of the Indian establishment because they have banned unbiased journalists while they keep reporting "Their version of the story."

Slap is what Cameron delivered from India. A misguided Pakistani ranting on PDF does not have the stature to slap Indian establishmen..
We have been trying to Understand your POV for last 60+ years while we watch civilians getting killed by your moronic forces everyday.

What is your view point ?? - What makes you think that you would always be able to hold on to an occupied territory and keep committing crimes there?

As for research - its because of your "No Media policy" in the occupied valley and that is why no news comes out of the wraps.

No international journalists are allowed in the valley so how the hell would you expect us to know what is going on in Kashmir ?

Its a slap in the face of the Indian establishment because they have banned unbiased journalists while they keep reporting "Their version of the story."

Sorry but your point of view is biased to start with. Kashmir is an integral part of India so Pakistan can literally forget it. It will always stay with us and any attempts to take it from us will only lead you know what. Now down to the point, Pakistan has spread terrorism in the valley in an attempt to push India away and because of that we have to maintain a sizeable presence of the Military in the region. I dont know where your getting all this crap from that no international journalist are allowed there as the BBC recently did a whole documentary on the region and Kashmir is always on the spotlight of the media.

Indian Kashmir is one of the most progressive regions in India and its state is 10 times better than that of Pakistan occupied Kashmir which is in shambles. Sorry but the world is also sick of you rant now on Kashmir and the world media is waking up to the fact that Pakistan uses terror as a state policy. Recent comments by US and UK official have proved that the double game Pakistan is playing is now being noticed by the international community and it wont be too long that the world really understand what India has been saying for the last 60 years. So leave Kashmir alone and focus on your own problems. No matter how much you cry, Kashmir is staying with India, period.
ReliefWeb » Document » India: 14 protesters shot dead in escalating Kashmir violence

I just have a question: Why the civilians are dying why not your Moronic soldiers ?

Doesn't it speak for itself that who is the real culprit ?

they throw stones at the police, light up police stations, blow up ammunition depots, sorry these are not civilians and they will be killed. Destroying state property is a crime and action will be taken against the criminals. Well Done to the Indian army. Please ask the same question to the Pakistani army which bomb innocent civilians because Uncle Sam wants them to, very sad.
should be avoided. even if it costs a lot of money for the right equipment and training in non lethal mob control methods.
The average disappearance rate is around 5 people per day in Indian occupied areas. Pakistan needs to take such cases as attacks on its citizens and make a case for war.
The average disappearance rate is around 5 people per day in Indian occupied areas. Pakistan needs to take such cases as attacks on its citizens and make a case for war.

Yeah I can feel your emotion and share it too.

But meanwhile please provide security to our brothers in Karachi who left India in 1947. In one thread there are very violent coomments being posted against them.
Karachi politics is in the hands of a few and they are run like the football club hooligan crowds of Europe, except they are more on the criminal side. I do not want to get involved in their local politics as I have never lived there. But I do know all about Indian occupied Kashmir and believe me the people there are afraid for their children, those who are not Sikh or Hindu are often abused.
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