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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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firstly an decision was taken that issues will be resolved bilaterally,u tried war when nothing happened and u r talking abt u.n. y dont u go to u.n,if u r so eager.coz it's better to go to u.n rather than get defeated,ashamed towards the whole world.:smitten::smitten:

A great democracy like India doesn't need to point scores with Pakistan. It should act like a true democracy and voluntarily go for referendum, just like other democracies have done to solve their issues.
I'm very pleased by such a response. And finally having a good feeling that at least some people here understand the value of a living person than his being a martyr. The difference between the Israelis and the Indians is that they have much much more determination and unity. We on the other hand are so divided with our caste, creed, religion, region, ego, greed and economy, that I sometimes wonder how we've made it upto here. But atleast now, we should sort our differences and work together and support our military and wade off anyone who goes against us.

Now it definitely has to be "us" than just "me". And yes, we should make the most to improve the equipments and training of our soldiers than just through billions at the foreign companies. At the end of the day, it is the soldiers who run everything else and not the machines that run soldiers. So, they definitely need a makeover. Atleast, they should be given proper body-armors and well-protected vehicles at first. That would take them a long way in surviving these day-to-day scenario.
Half a million soldiers in Kashmir and not yet gone for a military solution!!!!!

LOL, of course not, they are there to prevent a military solution, they are not there to change boundaries like your 'freedom fighters' who have caused such misery, bloodshed in kashmir and caused ethnic cleansing of Hindu Kashmiri Pundits from Kashmiri valley.

Really, your adventurism must stop some place where you get tired of the blood flowing to serve your political goals.

A great democracy like India doesn't need to point scores with Pakistan. It should act like a true democracy and voluntarily go for referendum, just like other democracies have done to solve their issues.

Really, Pakistan should lead by example by supporting the Tibetans. Hey now be a true human and don't say 'not UN recognised' issue - think of the Tibetans and their wishes.
India can gain a moral high ground by holding a referendum. Why is a democracy like India shying away from referendum, which will solve this thorny issue.

Democracy is a political form of government in which ppl elect their representative to govern them.

It is by the people, off the people and for the people.

In democracy ppl have the right to choose their govt(which Kashmiris already have) and not their country.

We do not want to attain a moral high ground ..for we have nothing to prove to anyone.

There will be no more partitions of this country ...we have lived through it once ..there will be no second time.
Democracy is a political form of government in which ppl elect their representative to govern them.

It is by the people, off the people and for the people.

In democracy ppl have the right to choose their govt(which Kashmiris already have) and not their country.

We do not want to attain a moral high ground ..for we have nothing to prove to anyone.

There will be no more partitions of this country ...we have lived through it once ..there will be no second time.

This is the kind of arrogance that leads to terrorism.
can any one please tell me how to start a thread. i am new.

Press ALT+F4 button.. just kidding

Bro ,
Click Forum in header. Select the apt thread (for example Pakistan defense, economy etc.)

There will be button called New thread click it and post your new thread. :cheers:
This is no arrogance..this is Nationalism..tell me would you support Balochistan breaking away from Pakistan??

Nationalism based on occupation and refusal to resolve a territorial dispute in accordance with the wishes of the people involved, as agreed to by India and promised the people of Kashmir.

Bringing in Baluchistan is like arguing over Indian Punjab and the Maoist States becoming independent - not the same thing as the disputed territory of Kashmir, whose people were promised a plebiscite to determine their future status as part of India or Pakistan.
I'm very pleased by such a response. And finally having a good feeling that at least some people here understand the value of a living person than his being a martyr. The difference between the Israelis and the Indians is that they have much much more determination and unity. We on the other hand are so divided with our caste, creed, religion, region, ego, greed and economy, that I sometimes wonder how we've made it upto here. But atleast now, we should sort our differences and work together and support our military and wade off anyone who goes against us.

Now it definitely has to be "us" than just "me". And yes, we should make the most to improve the equipments and training of our soldiers than just through billions at the foreign companies. At the end of the day, it is the soldiers who run everything else and not the machines that run soldiers. So, they definitely need a makeover. Atleast, they should be given proper body-armors and well-protected vehicles at first. That would take them a long way in surviving these day-to-day scenario.

bro determination is among highest in Indian army among the world...they are fighting for decades....the commitment and dedication is unmatched....:sniper: :cheers:
Nationalism based on occupation and refusal to resolve a territorial dispute in accordance with the wishes of the people involved, as agreed to by India and promised the people of Kashmir.

Bringing in Baluchistan is like arguing over Indian Punjab and the Maoist States becoming independent - not the same thing as the disputed territory of Kashmir, whose people were promised a plebiscite to determine their future status as part of India or Pakistan.

Plebiscite cannot be held after 63 year. The time is entirely different. I want to know was there a demand of plebiscite around 50's and was Pakistan working as hard as today for that? My understanding is till 1980's there was no violence in Kashmir. I also visited Kashmir as tourist at that time. This means people were happy. So the people who are agitating now are the ones who would have voted in 1950.
Nationalism based on occupation and refusal to resolve a territorial dispute in accordance with the wishes of the people involved, as agreed to by India and promised the people of Kashmir

The point is ,Pakistan tried the same when it tried to capture Kashmir (twice). Only difference is Pakistan failed in its objectives.
So now by what right does Pakistan asks for plebiscite??

Bringing in Baluchistan is like arguing over Indian Punjab and the Maoist States becoming independent - not the same thing as the disputed territory of Kashmir, whose people were promised a plebiscite to determine their future status as part of India or Pakistan.

This Pakistan's perspective..India's POV is kashmir as much a part of India as Punjab or as Balochistan is Pakistan's.
Plebiscite cannot be held after 63 year. The time is entirely different. I want to know was there a demand of plebiscite around 50's and was Pakistan working as hard as today for that? My understanding is till 1980's there was no violence in Kashmir. I also visited Kashmir as tourist at that time. This means people were happy. So the people who are agitating now are the ones who would have voted in 1950.
Plebiscite can be held so long as the dispute remains unresolved. The principle behind the plebiscite was to allow the residents of Kashmir to determine their future status as part of India or Pakistan - the people currently residing there are just as much residents of Kashmir as those who were there in 1947, and therefore the principle of 'plebiscite to resolve the dispute' is still a valid one

There can be changes in how the plebiscite is carried out (district wise, region wise -Jammu, Laddakh and Kashmir - etc.) and there is obviously a need for a degree of ground work to be completed before such a move (tracking down people like the pandits and Kashmiris who moved out of kashmir) as much as is possible), but the principle itself is valid and the exercise still very much feasible.

The point is ,Pakistan tried the same when it tried to capture Kashmir (twice). Only difference is Pakistan failed in its objectives.
So now by what right does Pakistan asks for plebiscite??
Pakistan resorted to force because India refused to honor its commitment to the UNSC resolutions and hold a plebiscite (read history and Nehru and other Indian leader's comments). The blame here lies with India's decision to withdraw from her commitment to plebiscite and deny the Kashmiris the right to plebiscite promised them.
This Pakistan's perspective..India's POV is kashmir as much a part of India as Punjab or as Balochistan is Pakistan's.
This is the global POV and the UN POV, given the UN resolutions, which implicitly declare the region disputed (since they call for a plebiscite to determine final status of J&K).

So just because India clings to a daydream does not make it reality nor does it equate Baluchistan or Indian Punjab to J&K.

The point is ,Pakistan tried the same when it tried to capture Kashmir (twice). Only difference is Pakistan failed in its objectives.
So now by what right does Pakistan asks for plebiscite??

This Pakistan's perspective..India's POV is kashmir as much a part of India as Punjab or as Balochistan is Pakistan's.

Indian POV is wrong. Kashmir is a disputed territory.

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