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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Very valid point that you guys have made...Mind it i am not a war mongerer and i want peaceful co-existence with our neighbours.... I know when it comes to India and Pak emotions run high....Anyways lets look at other figures as well...The number of people who have died in Kashmir(civilians and Armed forces) and the kind of money we have spent in past 2 decades....Also please share with me one single reason that you guys think this will stop in next 2 decades??? Just look at the cost of raising a terrorist vs grooming an officer....

I have a very simple question...Why are we spending so much on our Armed forces if we cannot even save our men dying every now and then??? I know the solution i am proposing is insane(in fact it is not even a solution) but then is there a solution???? Is what we are doing the right step???? Imagine the king of distress the Jawan has to go while on duty and his/her family after he is killed by some fanatic eager to reach heaven...and now complement it with a fact that a meagre amount of money can raise several thousands of such pigs no matter how many you shoot down...Just yesterday our Armed forces said that terror infrastructure is still in tact....Do you see any hope in its dismantling if it hasn't happened even under such circumstances????

Anyways seems like my post has angered and disappointed a few members..So let me clarify...What i said is that i would prefer a limited conflict over a proxy war any time as tragedy in one go is better than a prolonged tragedy...This way both the armies can decide who is the boss of Kashmir...It was a hypothetical wish far from reality... I hope i made myself clear...


No one has been angered friend.. Each one of us feels as distressed hearing about the death of even one of our brave ones. And kicking a$$ seems to be the best option. But then what next. ? A limted war may not destroy that infrastructure as well. As a matter of fact, do you think that limited war will cause more damage to Pakistan than what their own citizens are doing. And thats the cost Pakistan is paying for raising those terrorists. Being a IT guy, I love the term: Total Cost of Ownership(TCO). Its not just the cost at which you buy the hardware but also the running cost of keeping that hardware in your data center. In case of these terrorists, Pakistan is able to raise them at a negligable cost, but the running cost of keeping them is extremely high and is so visible over last couple of years...

You are right Karan, BraveHeart but this feeling of being impotent and keep watching our men die just makes you feel disgusted....

Its just we are plane lucky that 9/11 happened(i know its inhumane to be happy about such a tragedy but using just for tha sake of argument) and definition of terrorism changed....which resulted in Pak U turn on AF and there comes the problem for them which was supposed to come sooner or later...Americans paid for not reading the writing on the wall and short-term goals over long term however please tell me what we have done for us????

We choosed the diffcult war or Kargil and took so many casualities which we could have avoided/reduced by large number had we choose to open a new front....But "NO" we needed the international support(of being a good guy) so let the soldier die who cares fukced up attitude take better of GOI....Isn't it disgusting that bloody Pig who is the mastermind of Mumbai openly provoke people to wage a war agaisnt India that too after a massive diplomatic offensive which is claimed by GOI as the best in our history of 6 decades???

I know this is emotional outburst from my side and i am ignoring lot of sane point made by you guys but just look at this thread...How we all are enjoying the killing of those 16 pigs but how many of us actually felt bad or expressed concern about those 6 families who have been devastated due to their loss and that too for a country who don't give a damn about them???? We all know that this is going to continue....Pak will not attack us and so will we...but they will keep on sending these pigs and we keep loosing our men...Nothing is going to change(I hope and wish that I am wrong)...

People say necessity is the mother of invention but something don't make sense to me because when we have a booming economy why we still are in development phase to give our Army a(in fact many) much needed spy satellite??? why we still don't have the capability to take on pigs like Hafiz Saeed across the border without going for war(limited-full fledge)??? There are many more why...but i also know there are limited answers to them...

Let me share with you an incidence that i witnessed in US...I was waiting(having couple of drinks) for my flight in Chiacago Airport and heard lot of applause by people around...I was surprised and got curious to find out what happened...I was amazed to see that few US Soldiers were passing by(i assume coming back from Iraq front) with US flags in their hands...Each and every soul in that busy Airport was clapping for them and they were given standing ovation....Such is the regard of a soldier in here...I was amazed and equally sad when that incident reminded me of the plight that our soldiers have to go through....this is DISGUSTING....
Indian Army rescues four teenagers from militants' captivity in Kashmir

Kishtwar (Jammu-Kashmir), April 5 (ANI):

Four teenagers have been rescued by the Indian Army from the captivity of militants in the Kistwar district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The boys aged between 16-20 years were rescued from militants during an operation launched in Jwalapur forest belt on March 31 after villagers filed complaints about the kidnapped teenagers.

It's like a second life for four teenagers, who were rescued by the army during a recent operation in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar district.

The freed teenagers narrated how they got trapped in militants' trap.

"They tempted me with money. They said they will give me weapons but I realised that my life will be ruined if I stay here," said Hashim, one of the rescued boys, who was abducted while returning from the school, on Monday (April 5).

The incident of kidnappings has scared villagers here.

"They target teenagers, as they can mould their minds and after some time the children themselves feel reluctant to come back home," said Muhammad Yaseen, brother of a rescued boy.

The freed boys were later handed over to their families after proper verification and completion of formalities.

Thousands have lost their lives in militancy in Kashmir since 1989.

The Indian army says it has stepped up its vigil along the Line of Control to thwart infiltrations as hundreds of militants are waiting in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir to enter into India.

On Wednesday (March 31) four soldiers and four militants were illed in a gun battle in Rajouri district of the state. (ANI)

Indian Army rescues four teenagers from militants' captivity in Kashmir - Oneindia News


Since the Indian Army has practically barricaded the entire LOC, the militants are now abducting young Kashmiri children so as to find new recruits. Children, who should be studying in schools, are now being abducted and being taught how to fire AK-47s, thanks to Kashmiri militants. And these militants are the same people who are fighting for the "cause of Kashmir"?! Is this the kind of society they want to build for Kashmir?

Anyways, congratulations fellow countrymen. Indian Army has done a splendid job rescuing these teenagers.

At least India holds census every 10 years in J&K, when was the last time GoP had census in the Northern Areas or the Pakistani Kashmir region? And has Pakistan tried to do the same i.e. have a UN led plebiscite in their part of Kashmir?

At least India holds census every 10 years in J&K, when was the last time GoP had census in the Northern Areas or the Pakistani Kashmir region? And has Pakistan tried to do the same i.e. have a UN led plebiscite in their part of Kashmir?
counting how many 'idians' have you injected in kashmir, how does that help??

the last census was in the late 90's i think n not only AJK but it was for whole pakistan, we have been caught up in crisis since then!!!

why should pakistan hold a plebiscite and not india??? dude we need to go in this together!!!

all i ask is a very simple question why doesnt india want kashmiris to have a right of self-determination in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council???
all i ask is a very simple question why doesnt india want kashmiris to have a right of self-determination in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council???

thts because we dont do any Actions that may threaten our Nations sovereignity and territorial integrity.Skewed opinions of a small group of separatists is not important is the sovereignity and territorial integrity of my country is in any way threatened by it.:azn:
Hope i made that clear
counting how many \'idians\' have you injected in kashmir, how does that help??

the last census was in the late 90\'s i think n not only AJK but it was for whole pakistan, we have been caught up in crisis since then!!!

why should pakistan hold a plebiscite and not india??? dude we need to go in this together!!!

all i ask is a very simple question why doesnt india want kashmiris to have a right of self-determination in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council???

well....very gud question....answer is india doesn\'t want to free kashmir,thats it........
if u ask why then the answer is,india is a large country with multiethnic society,different languages ,cultures,more then 2 dozen of states(so we,as a country r not united by region,religion or race but by the ideology of unity in diversity).....if delhi bows to d demands of some puny terrorists in one state.... then within a month there will be same demands frm 5 others....just look at NE states n telengana issue....
so d issue of kashmir is not that simple to solve....as i see kashmir will be with india......

but then again if indo-pak relations improve(when,how...difficult to say),,then may be both d nations will take step towards peace in the valley.....
Army comes to the rescue of mosque at LoC

Ishfaq-ul-Hassan / DNA
Sunday, April 4, 2010 0:08 IST
Saujiyan (Line of Control): When Maulvi Sajjad Ahmad leads the prayers at Jama Masjid Gali-Maidan; he never forgets to remember the local army troopers in his prayers.

For this 30-year-old Imam, the army has proved to be the biggest facilitator of prayers by providing best of facilities to the mosque.
From furnishings to loud-speakers to generator sets to illuminating devices, the army has reinforced the facilities at the mosque,
much to chagrin of those who whip-up passions against the troopers playing communal card.

“Thanks to the army, we can now say azaan so that people can come for prayers. The people in this area are very poor who lead a hand to mouth existence and can’t afford other things. It is the army which never hesitates in coming to our rescue when we are in crisis”, says Sajjad.

Unlike the separatists who have been preaching against taking help for mosques from the army, the villagers here feel pride in going to the army and seeking their support for everything they need.

Take Jama Masjid Saujiyan, the biggest mosque where 600 people can offer prayers, it is the army which has come to its rescue. This mosque was lacking all basic facilities and the people were not in a position to support it. Enter the army; now, the people are at least in a position to offer prayers.

“We could not do ablutions in the mosque because we were facing water problems. When we brought it to the notice of the army, they immediately gave us a water storage tank. Plus, they also gave us furnishings for the mosque. The army is also providing us batteries for inverters”, says Hafiz Mohammad Iqbal, Imam of Jama Masjid Saujiyan.

With a population of 3000 people, this village is located on the foothills of the LoC at an altitude of 6400 feet. Most of the people are dependent on the agriculture with maize being the only crop being grown in this remote area.

Living in the harshest conditions, the villagers are fully dependent on the army for facilities. From being the biggest employment generator to helping in women’s empowerment to building infrastructure, the army has been on the forefront in helping the people live a dignified life.

“We are starting a recruitment drive from next month in Rajouri and there are many people who want to join as soldiers. Now we have started counseling them to help them pass the tests. Plus, our endeavor is to help the people in whatever way we can”, said Major Ajay Pathania, second-in-command, 40 Rashtriya Riffles who is entrusted with the job of guarding the LoC and the anti-insurgency grid.

Army comes to the rescue of mosque at LoC - dnaindia.com
Well done Indian Army we are really proud of you.

These things makes us proud to be Indian.
Yeh, Good job. The Indian soldiers can now move their rifle muzzle from his head so that he can get on with life. :rofl:

Bluddy Indian propaganda
Yeh, Good job. The Indian soldiers can now move their rifle muzzle from his head so that he can get on with life. :rofl:

Bluddy Indian propaganda

What's propaganda in this????

Aren't you happy to hear that Mosques are getting renovated, loudspeakers, generators and water tanks etc. are provided in Mosque.
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