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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Kashmiris carrying Pakistani Flag showing unity with Pakistan

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The Kashmiris have a terrifying slogan, "Hum cheen ke raheinge Azaadi", "We'll forcefully take away our freedom". It shows that they have ZERO trust in Indians resolving anything in the interest of the people of Kashmir.

India has not ONCE spoken about the right of the Kashmiris, oh yes it did once when it first approached the UN for a plebiscite desperately seeking a ceasefire from the marching Pakistani army. But other than that, its always about India, India, India. There is no love, no connect, no culture no national pride between the two distinct races.

They're driven to the point where they know, they have to cheehn their Azaadi, nothing else would work. India has brought the situation to this point... In Kashmir India has become synonymous to the words betrayal and deceit

India's broken promise to Kashmir - The Denver Post
By Joe McGowan, Jr.

POSTED: 08/13/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT

Muslim extremists fighting American and other coalition forces in Afghanistan under the Taliban banner capture headlines daily.

But few readers and even fewer of the young foreign correspondents realize this warfare traces its beginnings to the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir and India's failure to abide by promises made 62 years ago.

As one who traveled constantly in Pakistan from 1965 to 1968 and who went back in 1995 to teach at Punjab University in Lahore, Pakistan, I believe much of today's Islamic militance stems from the west's failure to force a resolution in Kashmir.

Many of today's Taliban guerrillas are sons and grandsons of Muslims who have waged war against India virtually since Great Britain granted the area independence on Aug. 15, 1947.

Britain's Lord Mountbatten, in India negotiating with Hindu and Muslim leaders, agreed to creation of East and West Pakistan. In the final days of negotiations, the Muslims demanded Kashmir go to Pakistan.

Mountbatten reported to London that India's Hindu leaders had agreed to a popular vote in Kashmir to determine if the state would go to Pakistan, to India, or become an independent state.

On Dec. 31, 1947, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru wrote the U.N. Secretary-General that as soon as "raiders" were driven out of Kashmir, the people there would freely decide their fate in a "plebiscite or referendum." No such vote has ever been held.

On April 21, 1948, a U.N. resolution said a plebiscite should be held in Kashmir on joining India or Pakistan. No such vote has ever been held.

Through the years, the Kashmir debate has continued and India and Pakistan have engaged in a series of wars. To date, India has ignored 16 U.N. Security Council resolutions saying a vote should be held in the disputed state. Yet, some suggestions have been made that India deserves a seat on the Security Council!

In October, 1963, the U.N. debated Kashmir - the 110th debate on the 90-plus percent Muslim populated state. No outcome.

As a result of the wars, Pakistan controls 5,134 square miles of Azad (Free) Kashmir and China holds a chunk of northeast Kashmir.

Published reports say India stations 600,000 soldiers in Kashmir, the highest percentage of armed soldiers to civilians anywhere in the world. India denies the figure, but will not give one of its own.

By contrast, the United States sent approximately 150,000 military personnel to the Persian Gulf to fight a dictator who had sophisticated jet fighters and missiles. That was one-fourth the size of the Indian army suppressing Kashmiri Muslims, mostly agricultural and handicraft people.

The Vale of Kashmir should be wealthy, with both Pakistan and India benefiting from tourists traveling through their countries to visit the lovely mountain valley. Kashmir is renowned for Cashmere woolens, carpets and children's rugs called Namdas.

Instead, because of the constant military presence and frequent outbreaks of violence, tourism has been dead for years and Kashmiris suffer economically.

Kashmir is a festering cesspool of poverty, hunger and rage. The International Commission of Jurists says Indian legislation on Kashmir is "draconian."

There is little doubt that Pakistan's intelligence agency has for years armed guerrillas fighting the Indian forces in Kashmir. It is also widely accepted that many of the guerrilla fighters left Kashmir to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Today, they are the Taliban.

Would American servicemen have to be battling the Taliban today if India had resolved the Kashmir issue years ago?

Joe McGowan, a Lakewood resident, and retired Denver bureau chief, spent 42 years with The Associated Press, including years in Asia, Central and South America. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an online-only column and has not been edited.
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A Self-determination day!


Islamabad—Kashmiris across Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan and abroad would observe Self-determination Day on Thursday (today) in commemoration of UNCIP ( United Nation’s Commission on India and Pakistan) resolution of August 13, 1947 which promises plebiscite as solution to the dispute of Kashmir. The Patron-in-Chief of JKLF Mr Amanullah Khan told Pakistan Observer on telephone that the best viable settlement of the Kashmir dispute could come via granting right of self-determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. “That right promised to Kashmiris by UN is sacrosanct with the Kashmiris for which they are struggling for past over 61 years, making immense sacrifices”, he added.

It was on August 13, 1947 that the United Nation’s Commission on India and Pakistan constituted by the Security Council had passed a resolution accepting right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir as the basis of settlement.

However on January 5, 1949 the same Commission passed another resolution that prescribed the accession solution - Kashmiris either to accede to Pakistan or to India. JKLF believes that the self-determination principle should not be conditional; that should be unviersal.

The Day on Thursday would be marked by open public meetings, walks, and adoption resolutions urging world leaders to help Kashmiris materialize their aspirations.
:) ok Asim you are right

Kashmiris shouting long live Pakistan in indian occupied Kashmir

Asim and you are just Tag teaming.

Trying desparately to get imagined Indian involvement in Baloch out.

In fact we should talk about *** to be handed over to India.
Asim and you are just Tag teaming.

Trying desparately to get imagined Indian involvement in Baloch out.

In fact we should talk about *** to be handed over to India.
See! Again for you its always about India. I'm tag teamed with Kashmiris only. Thats the reason why Kashmiris hoist my country's flag and burn down yours. You guys hate Kashmiris! Or look down upon them as masters. You illegally occupy them.

The only thing you need to do is come off your high horse, and deal with the problem.
The Kashmiris have a terrifying slogan, "Hum cheen ke raheinge Azaadi", "We'll forcefully take away our freedom". It shows that they have ZERO trust in Indians resolving anything in the interest of the people of Kashmir.

The same slogan, or even worse was raised in 47. And Indians had to conceed at the time. And look what happened. All blood no sense.

Never again.

Happy I Day to me too. May god bless us all.
Asim and you are just Tag teaming.

Trying desparately to get imagined Indian involvement in Baloch out.

In fact we should talk about *** to be handed over to India.

Yeh and millions of Kashmiris, and thousands who stage protest and hoist Pakistani flags and burn down Indians flag, they are also team tage teamed.

learn to absorb the truth Mr Indian.

Kashmir is an independent state which had been occupied your illegal Indian army.

Kashmiris simply want the Indians out of their land.

Now please do not demand Asim not to speak for Kashmiris just because you see it as injustic to adminship to speak for innocent people just because it doesnt sit well with your ideas. Thanks
See! Again for you its always about India. I'm tag teamed with Kashmiris only. Thats the reason why Kashmiris hoist my country's flag and burn down yours. You guys hate Kashmiris! Or look down upon them as masters. You illegally occupy them.

The only thing you need to do is come off your high horse, and deal with the problem.

See large minorities in non-kashmiri muslims too, love you and when we ask them if they would like to go over still they refuse. Then what do we do. Obviously India cannot be partitioned again, even if the whole world wishes to.
Yeh and millions of Kashmiris, and thousands who stage protest and hoist Pakistani flags and burn down Indians flag, they are also team tage teamed.

learn to absorb the truth Mr Indian.

Kashmir is an independent state which had been occupied your illegal Indian army.

Kashmiris simply want the Indians out of their land.

Now please do not demand Asim not to speak for Kashmiris just because you see it as injustic to adminship to speak for innocent people just because it doesnt sit well with your ideas. Thanks

Respected lady kindly inko le jayiye.
See large minorities in non-kashmiri muslims too, love you and when we ask them if they would like to go over still they refuse. Then what do we do. Obviously India cannot be partitioned again, even if the whole world wishes to.
Ok, fine if that's the case the minorities can move out!

And plus how can we believe you?

You don't believe, us, we don't believe you. So let's conduct an independent vote and ask the Kashmiris? Masla Solved.
A Self-determination day!

Kashmiri ancestor had already self determined. Obviously self determination cannot be done with every generation. Otherwise let Baloch self determine. and Seraiki, and sindhi, and ...........
The same slogan, or even worse was raised in 47. And Indians had to conceed at the time. And look what happened. All blood no sense.

Never again.

Happy I Day to me too. May god bless us all.
So you're saying you guys are enslaving and illegal ruling over Kashmiris as part of a child's tantrum?

We weren't yours to begin with in 1947, the Kashmiris aren't yours now. Countries aren't made by putting a gun to their temples and make them follow you. They have to want to be Indians. The people who left you didn't want to be Indians. The people who are going to leave you also don't want to be Indians.

Let the lands that don't want to be Indians leave.
Ok, fine if that's the case the minorities can move out!

And plus how can we believe you?

Ab aap ko apne Pakistani bhaion par to bharosa karna chahiye (my suggestion only obviously only the choice of you two participants matter - Pakistanis in Pakistan and Pakistanis in India)

You don't believe, us, we don't believe you. So let's conduct an independent vote and ask the Kashmiris? Masla Solved.

Answered in earlier post
Kashmiri ancestor had already self determined. Obviously self determination cannot be done with every generation. Otherwise let Baloch self determine. and Seraiki, and sindhi, and ...........
No they didn't, an Independent UN administered plebiscite was never held.

IF you're confident that Kashmiris will choose India then there should be no debate and let them cast their vote.

Right now as the situation stands, Indians appear horrified by the notion of self-determination because there is only one determination. Kashmir is not a part of India. The only thing that needs to be decided, by vote obviously, if Kashmiris want to be Pakistan or Independent.

Pakistanis will support Kashmiris 100% in either decision.
Ab aap ko apne Pakistani bhaion par to bharosa karna chahiye (my suggestion only obviously only the choice of you two participants matter - Pakistanis in Pakistan and Pakistanis in India)

Answered in earlier post
There is only ONE opinion that matters. Kashmiris... Kashmiris only!

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