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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Very good arguments for putting the onus on Pakistan to make the next step: universal renunciation of terrorism as a tool of policy. Well, before Pakistan can do that, I believe it has to create not a domestic consensus, but at least a coherent argument and core of popular support for doing so.

What do the Pakistanis on this forum say to that? After the events of the past year, are you, personally, ready to renounce terror as a tool in the conflict with India, either public or secret, and to support politicians who advocate the same?
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I don't recall the last time terror arrived with a Canadian or Mexican return address. It has been nearly a century since we had a conflict with Mexico, the Canadian border is open and unpatrolled, we've successfully and peacefully shared the Great Lakes to mutual profit for two hundred years, and through NATO the Canadians and we are allies.

As for armed intervention elsewhere in the New World in the past century, you should ask the citizens - and former citizens - of Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico, Columbia, Panama, etc. whether it was desirable or not; the range of answers may surprise you.

In short, maybe India can learn something from America.

Sure - India can learn a lot from the USA - civic sense, driving etiquette spring to mind. LOL...turning a blind eye to the AQ Khan network - infact the President of USA certifying year-on-year that Pakistan was not developing nukes, bombing of N and H....
Where are the terrorist cheer leaders now - take out a juloos condemning those bastards responsible for the death of the kid.

In a gruesome incident, an 11-day-old baby was killed when a group of men enforcing a strike attacked a vehicle in Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, on Monday.

Police said the new-born Irfan was being taken to hospital by his parents, when the matador that they were travelling in was intercepted by some young men protesting against the arrest of some stone-pelters in the area.

The men began beating up the passengers and the infant, who was in his mother's lap, was killed in the ensuing stampede. His four-year-old brother, Ubaid was injured. The new-born had been referred to Baramullah district hospital by the local village doctor.
A case has been registered, but no arrests have been made so far.

Police said the assailants were bent upon enforcing a strike they had called in protest against the arrest of some people for stone-pelting. In a mammoth crackdown, in the last month, more than 100 separatists and stone-pelters have been arrested under the Public Safety Act - an Act that provides for two years of imprisonment without trial

Men enforcing strike kill 11-day-old infant in Kashmir
Despicable act. These stone pelting youth should be punished for this hooliganism. I doubt if they know anything about the Kashmir issue or why they are pelting stones at policemen. Youngsters all over the world drive fast cars, drink, or chase women. Kashmiri youth pelt stones. They need to grow up sooner and act more maturely.
Btw there was a report recently that they are paid for stone pelting.
Who paid those brutal men to murder a Kashmiri infant and injure the other child? Why no arrests have been made?
Who paid those brutal men to murder a Kashmiri infant and injure the other child? Why no arrests have been made?

Whom will you arrest, every single person who pelted stones and Protested? Does that make any sense to you?
Murder case against the killers of 11-day-old baby - Omar
Tue, Feb 23 05:50 PM

Jammu, Feb. 23 -- Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has promised to take very strong action against the stone pelters who caused the death of a 11-day-old baby in north Kashmir district of Baramullah on Monday, stunning the people all across the state. He has asked the police to identify the stone pelters and register a case of murder against them. "These goondas should be awarded severe punishment." Omar who has been facing flak over police inaction against the stone throwers in the Valley, demanded to know from those talking about the rights of the stone pelters, "whether the 11-day bad didn't have the right to grow." He promised that he would go all out to seek justice for the baby and his four-year-sibling injured in the stone pelting. A visibly disturbed Omar said that it was shocking that stone pelters targeted the vehicle of Irfan whose parents were taking him for a medical check up. "These goondas killed the baby," he said. Omar attributed this action of the stone throwers to the "encouragement from various opposition groups, particularly the principal opposition party based in Kashmir." This was a clear reference to the main opposition PDP that has been talking of the rights of the stone pelters and chastising the government for its action against the stone throwers. PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Monday had stated that the youth were pelting stones because the government had failed to honour its promises made to the people of Kashmir. "The opposition had been demanding justice for the stone pelters, now I am asking, didn't 11-day-old baby had the right to justice," Omar asked. "Did this baby had no right to grow." Omar made it plain that he would offer no apologies for action against stone pelters. The security forces have been asked to deal with utmost restraint with the stone pelters. "But, where they would take law into their hands, they would have to face consequences," he said. "I will not allow 700-800 stone throwers to hold one crore people hostage."

The culprit was identified in four days and was taken into police custody.
that is True pakistan.........& ironically they ask for freedom of kashmir
NEW DELHI: A sharp U-turn by the opposition Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) over the Kashmir dispute has been indicated by one of its top think tank members, who has suggest that India should give up its claim on the valley or else go for “joint sovereignty”.

The idea was propounded by Chandan Mitra, editor of the Pioneer, who is also the BJP national executive member. However, even he doubts that such a gesture would restore permanent peace with Pakistan. The Hindu nationalist BJP may wriggle out of the expected controversy over the issue, by describing it as a personal view of Mitra and not that of the party as it did in the wake of a series of articles written by former union minister Arun Shourie. But still, such views coming from one of its think-tank members is “shocking”.

Writing in the Sunday issue of the Pioneer, Mitra says a small but influential section of public opinion has been pleading for “flexibility” in the government approach over the Kashmir issue. He states, “Some important opinion makers have, in fact, gone on record to suggest that India will gain, not lose, stature if it gives up the Kashmir valley in order to buy peace with Pakistan.” “At any rate, we will stop bleeding in the valley and the world would look upon us as a mature, self-assured, emerging global power once the ‘thorn’ of Kashmir is removed,” he said, toying with veteran BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani’s line that no one other than Jawaharlal Nehru internationalised the issue by scurrying to the UN in 1948 and pledged India to conduct a plebiscite in the state. iftikhar gilani
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