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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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What I wrote was from myself. The links that I provided was what I felt would be a better attempt to exaplain what I was trying to say about Jihad from a Islamic scholars perspective. His book which was the second link is also a must read but I don't know if that is availble in Pakistan. Now boht the book and the article on the blog were published in Urdu. Yoginder Sikand is not interpreting anything but just translating that Urdu article. And I suggest you do a littel google search on him as well, he may be a non-muslim but he has spent a lot of years researching and reporting on hindu-muslim issues and is well versed in Urdu and traditional Islamic teachings as well. This is just a translation of the Maulana's article in a Urdu magazine.

What I have said is not my own opinion although I admit I have paraphrased it in my own words. Many ulema hold this view including the conservative ulema such as those associated with the Tablighi Jamaat elders and ulema for example. It would be helpful if you actually read through what I say as I have mentioned that taking up arms require important conditionalities to be fulfilled and that is not the case here.

Ofcourse there are blots like the Gujarat and Babri riots, but constitutionally and at the government level there is still freedom of religion. After Babri masjid incident, the BJP never formed the government in UP and it never won the consitituency of Ayodhya. The sants and sadhus themselves went to the district collector to ban VHP BD e.t.c. entry because of what they had done.
Similarly after the Gujarat riots, it was a muslim female who was elected as mayor of Ahmedabad in 2003.

Of course muslims are at a disadvantage in their socio-economic level, but again that does not fulfill the requirement either. Let me be blunt and say that even if India declares itself a Hindu Rashtra but still guarantees freedom to practice and preach religion, Jihad will not be applicable. Do you see my point now?

Like I mentioned earlier, Indian is probably the only non-muslim majority country in the world that provides the use of personal laws based on your faith for its religious minorities. This is a source of intrinsic strength of the Indian society IMO. For example, a muslim in India can LEGALLY marry more than one wife if he wanted (although very few are brave enough to take on that extra headache :D). Is there any other country that does that? Do you see what I mean by freedom of religion now?

Brother, its not the "zionists" or "kuffar" that are the main problem, its muslims themselves. Our Iman has become so weak that instead of believing that God is all powerful and rely on ourselves, we consider the "zionists" all powerful who can orchrestrate elaborate conspiracies with the finesse of a puppeteer on the world stage.

Anyways, we are getting off-topic. I was simply saying that as the situation stands today, there is no possible to say Jihad in Kashmir is valid. Pakistan has all rights to settle the Kashmir dispute. If they wish to do so diplomatically and peacefully as GoP has agreed to based on numerous treaties it can do so. Otherwise, if it feels the need, it can go ahead and revoke the treaties and then attack with its army or militias. But still this would be a war to "protect its interests" so to speak, not a Jihad. Wether it uses "Jihadi" groups or not this is the fact of the matter. Not every war fought by muslims automatically becomes Jihad.

Yes, may Allah guide us all to the right path, we are certainly in need for his guidance these days. Amen
According to your logic......Every time Muslim Population in any of the India state....becomes a majority.....it should be handed over to Pakistan.
Yes! If you accept the theory that INDIA can be divided on the basis of religion.
Yes! If you accept the theory that INDIA can be divided on the basis of religion.

Wow.....twisting words....

India was divided....Thats a fact...India can be divide is a Great Pakistani Wishful thinking.
In the portal circles we know the stinking language BR monkeys use for Pakistan and Pakistanis so we dont care what some worthless people say about us.

The main point is the freedom of Kashmiri people. And we wish and assure them we are with them.

I suggest Jana to first look at your own conduct, your language is not best either, remember the use of word Kapoorey many times. I have hardly seen females use that kind of words. Also you are 100% anti Indian and lack balance.
FREEDOM OF PRACTICE IN INDIA...??? can sm1 tell me what is freedom of practice??? my dear you do not treat minorities even like humans... there r thousands of xamples.. i'll qoute just one of them..

every one knows that India has got a huge army and we also know that one fifth (1/5) of the population of India consist of Muslims, so called warrior nation.. can you qoute a single name of a MUSLIM GENERAL in your army...??? you just CAN'T...

this is called FREEDOM OF ACTION..

get a life man..When you preach about minority abuse in India first ban Indian minority like me from PDF because i will oppose it and i can also quote 100's of examples of Hindu -Muslim or Hindu-Christian friendship and for your knowledge,I dont see anybody treat as a second class citizen here in India ..yes there are some incidents but majority of them are friendly to us
I suggest Jana to first look at your own conduct, your language is not best either, remember the use of word Kapoorey many times. I have hardly seen females use that kind of words. Also you are 100% anti Indian and lack balance.

Jesus christ and the holy goat!
some of the comments you guys post really do baffle me!

There are trillions of you who are anti-pakistani on this site even though it is meant to be a PAKISTANI forum. There are only a handful of genuine pakistanis, like Jana, who post regularly on this site and you still complain and think there is a lack of balance towards you guys?

You really are unbelievable! :rofl:
Jesus christ and the holy goat!
some of the comments you guys post really do baffle me!

There are trillions of you who are anti-pakistani on this site even though it is meant to be a PAKISTANI forum. There are only a handful of genuine pakistanis, like Jana, who post regularly on this site and you still complain and think there is a lack of balance towards you guys?

You really are unbelievable! :rofl:

I do not deny that there are many Indian's who are anti Pakistani and I do not support them either. Those are mostly new members not a senior who is about to reach 10000 post.
I do not deny that there are many Indian's who are anti Pakistani and I do not support them either. Those are mostly new members not a senior who is about to reach 10000 post.

Oh you will be surprised!
Most do not become senior members because they cross the line so much to the extent that the moderators have no choice but to ban them!
No offence but I think myself and others have come to accept that you guys love whinging! Theres always something or another you like complaining about...whether it is the 'lack of balance' towards you guys (even though the vast majority of you are anti-pakistani') or whether it is because you guys are 'unfairly banned' etc etc...there is always something isn't there?:rofl: And that is not just by new members either!
And let's get this right, we produce suicide bombers so they can attack our people and cities. How very logical of your mind set.
You shelter the afghani taliban who had been working with al-qaeeda which spread terrorism around the world by all means---crashing planes into buildings, suicide bombings in subways&airports .The top al-qaeeda leadeship is in your country and you don't do anything substantial abt it.
And now you crib about the pakistani taliban which is the major terrorist outfit bombing your cities.One must remember ,,what goes about,comes about. You gave support to the taliban in capturing kabul supporting their ideology of strict islam and shariat.The rallying call of the pakistani taliban is also the same.
In today's cut throat geo-political situation countries wouldn't let go any oppurtunity to score over the other.But all the suicide bombers attacking your cities are your own pakistani people. Other Countries might be supporting these groups but because of the obsessively Islamic education,intolerant laws and encouragement of similar activity in your surrounding areas/countries you have created an atmosphere and a system in which such groups find recruits and are able to sustain themselves.So...YES you yourself have produced suicide bombers who attack your cities .YOU have none but your own self to blame.Got the logic?:agree:
Here you go again, comparing and competing with Pakistan again alas 160 Million vis 1.2 Billion. But then again living in a nut shell seldom enhances your capabilities.
I said...second highest engineers instead of suicide bombers. I was emphasising what we and you produce in such high number instead of exact numbers.
Well the nutshell of 1.2 Billion is guess much much larger than your nutshell of " islamic radical fanatics" which is in itself a nutshell in a nut shell of 160 Million .There does exist world beyond "a book". Wake up and take this as your first knowledge/capability pill.:what:

i think only Indians are boastful of the riches while always remain in denial when it comes to millions of poor
I have not seen any Indian in denial of their poor.My be some ppl are boastful of the riches but I have never come across.But..."Indians only"? are boastful? really? I now see how much pakistanis are in love with china.
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You shelter the afghani taliban who had been working with al-qaeeda which spread terrorism around the world by all means---crashing planes into buildings, suicide bombings in subways&airports .The top al-qaeeda leadeship is in your country and you don't do anything substantial abt it.
And now you crib about the pakistani taliban which is the major terrorist outfit bombing your cities.One must remember ,,what goes about,comes about. You gave support to the taliban in capturing kabul supporting their ideology of strict islam and shariat.The rallying call of the pakistani taliban is also the same.
In today's cut throat geo-political situation countries wouldn't let go any oppurtunity to score over the other.But all the suicide bombers attacking your cities are your own pakistani people. Other Countries might be supporting these groups but because of the obsessively Islamic education,intolerant laws and encouragement of similar activity in your surrounding areas/countries you have created an atmosphere and a system in which such groups find recruits and are able to sustain themselves.So...YES you yourself have produced suicide bombers who attack your cities .YOU have none but your own self to blame.Got the logic?:agree:
Subsequent Governments execute their policies of the day as they deem fit, you haven't exactly made a discovery to that effect. Indian leaders likes of Indra Gandhi and her son paid with their lives for their deliverance. And one wonders what ideologies do the Nexel Maoist practice as they run havoc in over half of the Indian States.!!!???
every one knows that India has got a huge army and we also know that one fifth (1/5) of the population of India consist of Muslims, so called warrior nation.. can you qoute a single name of a MUSLIM GENERAL in your army...??? you just CAN'T...
why a general? I'll quote to you the supreme commander of the Indian armed forces -Mr.APJAbdul Kalam our ex-president and the ex-head of state.
may I also quote Mr.Ansari the current vice-president
also I can quote shahrukh khan,aamir khan,salman khan, shabana azmi,farhan ahktar, javed akhtaretcetc etc who havemade itc really big in our film industry.
I can give you thousands of more examples.But If the above examples don't convince you nothing would. And it would be a waste of effort and space in this forum:undecided:
I said...second highest engineers instead of suicide bombers. I was emphasising what we and you produce in such high number instead of exact numbers.
Well the nutshell of 1.2 Billion is guess much much larger than your nutshell of " islamic radical fanatics" which is in itself a nutshell in a nut shell of 160 Million .There does exist world beyond "a book". Wake up and take this as your first knowledge/capability pill.:what:
Why just compare Engineers Vis Suicide bombers, Why not have a break down of Child Labors, Prostitution, Slum dwellers and your high profile call centers, where Hindu priests have to do regular rounds to remind young workers of the moral values. Basically you people will make a song and dance on just about everything and end up proving just what the world already knows.

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