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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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One must realize that the power to "break" India lies in the decision of the Indians.....meaning unless the masses of India believe Kashmir needs to be freed and vote for the same....no politician or political party can unilaterally decide the fate of this region...

So as much as people on the other side of the fence feel that this is some sort of an endorsement of their stand, it is simply an opinion and thats all it is!

My friend all the tyranny cannot hold a man in chains forever, the brits used to laugh at Gandhi, saying how a half naked fakir would kick them out. The Kashmiri people have decided that they wish to be free. This poem represents better than what words I could use.

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^^ Give us a break will ya. The dude first says he is a 'Christian'(3:07), then says he is a 'Muslim'(4:09). Let him first figure out what religion he belongs to, then may be we shall give him a hearing. I actually stopped listening once he said that he is 'Christian but... I'm a circumcised Muslim'(4:15) (whatever that means).

An effing liar.

being 'secular' and all, what is it to you?
hacktivism has been going on for quite some years now --especially regarding Kashmiri occupation
Kashmir focus! | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

by Khalid Iqbal

Although India harbours a delusion that one day the Kashmir dispute would stand eroded beyond recognition, there’s no indicator that it would ever happen. History tells us that disputes cannot be shied away; ultimately they have to be resolved. Over the recent months, the Kashmir conflict has indeed become an eye-catcher for individuals, states, and international institutions.

The current unease in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK), which has claimed more than 100 lives, is very different from the previous uprisings. It is largely a homegrown non-violent political movement being propelled exclusively by local Kashmiri youth.

They have put Kashmir’s resistance on the internet. A decade ago, the Indian troops could cordon off Kashmir, yet stay unnoticed, but now their atrocities are being observed online 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

As international pressure is incrementally mounting on India, its frustration is snowballing. There are no signs of the situation in Kashmir returning to normal. There are ominous indicators that the occupied state’s government is resorting to strong-arm strategy to suppress a genuine political movement of the estranged masses to smother the voice of political dissent.

For this, the policy pursued by the Indian administration for over two decades, from early 1990s onward, may soon be back in full swing. This would invariably add an element of militancy to the movement.

During the 2009 session of the UN General Assembly, President Muammar al-Gaddafi highlighted the disputed nature of IHK, though from his own perspective; Libya has since then been sponsoring follow-up actions in support of its Kashmir policy.

Now, Iran has taken the initiative by focusing on Kashmir and mentioning it as an occupied territory. Over the preceding six months or so, Tehran has supported the Kashmir struggle at least on three occasions, and has bracketed the situation in the state with Gaza and Afghanistan.

Recently, in his message to the Haj pilgrims, Ayatollah Khamenei called upon the Muslims across the world to back the liberation movement in Kashmir. He said: “Today, the major duty of the elite of the Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation, to sympathise and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the US and the Zionist regime.”

Iran has taken a principled stance; this indeed marks its ‘comeback home’ in the context of its original Kashmir policy.
And how is 'secularism' even remotely related to this dimwit's propaganda video?

ask your fellow indian (Hindustani) who made a point regarding the man's views and intepretations on his faith

ask yourself as well........since you were the one also posing such questions

I got this ''dimwits'' video from a Kashmiri facebook page, I see nothing propagandic about it as he isnt really sensationalizing or inciting hatred; merely exercising the freedom of speech. Rights which I assume you do enjoy ;)
ask your fellow indian (Hindustani) who made a point regarding the man's views and intepretations on his faith

What was wrong in his question ?---
I am a Christian but also a Circumcised Muslim
. :woot:

ask yourself as well........since you were the one also posing such questions

I asked myself and even googled for the term 'Islamic Christian',but sadly even google got confused.

I got this ''dimwits'' video from a Kashmiri facebook page, I see nothing propagandic about it as he isnt really sensationalizing or inciting hatred; merely exercising the freedom of speech. Rights which I assume you do enjoy ;)

There is nothing propagandic in it --- for propaganda is the clever manipulation of facts to further one's own agenda.

This guy is just a welcome break of comedy and is just of nuisance value. :lol:
I think any person on this forum who calls Kashmiris as "Indians" should be automatically banned.
What was wrong in his question ?--- . :woot:

what was wrong with mine?

i.e. why bring up religion in this topic to begin with --I'd pose a similar question to the v-blogger himself even

Occupied Kashmir is one issue where secularist and orthodox leanings play little to no roll in the art or act of strategic defiance and seperatism from hindustan

I asked myself and even googled for the term 'Islamic Christian',but sadly even google got confused.

try vegetarian Quarter pounder big mac with fries and McFlurry....maybe google will be less confused

There is nothing propagandic in it --- for propaganda is the clever manipulation of facts to further one's own agenda.

which you'd have to point out where in the video said manipulation takes place.....unless you will willingly chuck the logic of your fellow comrade in the dust bin for him

This guy is just a welcome break of comedy and is just of nuisance value. :lol:

a blogger in Sri Nagar wont make much difference.....but at a time when facebook and other sites are BANNED by the occupation forces in iOK, it is nice to catch a perspective from such people

especially when we (Pakistanis) feel very close to them and have moral reasons to back and support them unequivocally till death do us part
what was wrong with mine?

i.e. why bring up religion in this topic to begin with --I'd pose a similar question to the v-blogger himself even

Occupied Kashmir is one issue where secularist and orthodox leanings play little to no roll in the art or act of strategic defiance and seperatism from hindustan

Not true at all. The entire issue of division of Jammu & Kashmir is based on religious outlook. The so called separatists are demanding cessation from the Indian Union due to their differing religious leanings. In fact, a major party in the dispute, Pakistan, was founded on religious grounds.How can you say religion does not matter in the Kashmir Issue?
Kashmiris were Indians.

Kashmiris are Indians.

Kashmiris will always remain Indians

Oops! :oops: Watcha gonna do now kid?


P.S. If I'm not wrong, were you not flaunting Israeli falgs sometime back? So now you have switched your loyalty to the United Sates? What's next?


opps.... :wave:
Geelani hits back at Farooq, calls him ‘brash’

Monday, 06 December 2010 20:02 KDNN

Srinagar: A day after Farooq Abdullah launched a scathing attack on him, Hurriyat(G) chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani Monday hit back, calling the National Conference patron and union minister ‘brash’.

Farooq Abdullah is a conscienceless person whose party and family is responsible for all the miseries and sufferings of Kashmiris,” Geelani said in a statement.

“National Conference and the Sheikh family are the Mir Jafars and Sadiqs of Kashmir. Had they not deceived Kashmiris at every step there would have been no Kashmir issue, no political instability in the sub-continent nor would there have been any animosity between India and Pakistan,” Geelani said.

The octogenarian said the Kashmir dispute was not his or Hurriyat Conference’s creation, but 'a product of Sheikh Abdullah and National Conference’s treacherous politics.’

“If Sheikh Abdullah, under the influence of Indian leaders, had not converted the Muslim Conference into National Conference in 1938, Kashmir’s history would have been different today. If National Conference had not validated the accession in 1947 for the sake of enjoying power, Indian troops wouldn’t have been killing our youth. The oppression unleashed by National Conference during its tenure from 1947 to 1953 is a tragic part of our history. It was a period when Azadi-seeking people were tortured or exiled, and even tuning into Radio Pakistan was considered a punishable crime,” he said.

“It was the loss of power in 1953 that, according to its own leaders, forced the NC to opt for political vagrancy for 22 years. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have taken the seat of power given in charity by New Delhi in 1975 for burying the demand of plebiscite,” Geelani added.

Lashing out at Farooq Abdullah, Geelani said it was he who signed the death orders of ‘Shaheed’ Maqbool Butt, “a man he had taken oath with for liberating Kashmir.” “When he began to lose, he rigged the elections wholesale in 1987, forcing desperate Kashmiri youth to pick up guns. And then, after the sacrifices of thousands of Kashmiris, Farooq Abdullah stabbed this nation in the back again by participating in 1996 elections. Dreaded Task Force responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent Kashmiris is his creation. There is only one reason for Indian occupation of Kashmir : Farooq Abdullah and his family,” he said.

Geelani said that he was against India’s military occupation of Kashmir and would never change his stand. “Even if they hang me I would never change my stand unlike Farooq Abdullah and NC.”

Reacting to Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah’s statement that separatists shall talk to India having talked to its parliamentarians, Geelani said, “Unless and until India openly accepts Kashmir dispute, there is no question of talking to New Delhi. However, we will talk to Indians who meet us in informal manner.”

Geelani hits back at Farooq, calls him ?brash?
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