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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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what the heck is that for?

iran's words on kashmir should be taken with a table spoon of salt - these are the guys who have stopped kashmir becoming a bigger issue in the islamic world and have previously sided with india - never forget this, sure we should exploit them opening up but remember these iranians are like chameleons and i think they realise they need us to be friendly - well lets get a bloody good deal:pakistan:
a pleasant air coming from iran in times of osama opps sorry obama arming india..., enemy's enemy is a friend
Even TOI is equating Khamenei's statements to that of Iran's.

not to say that i am buying into this as match as others but khamenei is the real power in iran, not a'jad.
India is not going to support them to become a nuclear weapon state and they r not getting a nuclear weapon as long as Israel is there.
Good to see Iran has finally woken up to the truth. India is very close to Israel while it says its a friend to Iran. While Pakistan doesn't even recognize Israel.





Times of India said:
... as do other Islamic countries even as they privately tell the Indian foreign office that they did not mean it.

'Friend' Iran calls India a Zionist regime - The Times of India

Horrible journalism. I don't know how true this claim is but it portrays a warped understanding of how international diplomacy works. "Privately telling" someone otherwise after publicly having a dig at them should be more of an insult than a gesture of loyalty. It might soothe the ego but seriously, read between the lines.
not to say that i am buying into this as match as others but kamini is the real power in iran, not a'jad.

The day a Religious leader of Iran calls the shots on the foreign policy of Iran will be the day that the few remaining friends Iran has isolate it....

A'jad is tolerated because no matter what, he is still a democratically elected leader of the nation....

I think its such irresponsible statements from religious figures that will provide the west fodder to promote their agenda wrt Iran...
Not in a mood.. figure it out all by urself please.

wooow man!!!, im not near as intelligent enough as compared to you my lord, good job keep it up

hope no other buddy gives a shyt to your post..(btw where did u learn the manners from gandhi??)
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