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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Satu yaar, you should say that India will not be humiliated this time.

Well yes you have rightly said India wont be humiliated this time..We definitely have move ahead and thank god after Kargil even with more determination...Our defeat from China was definitely humiliating and we acknowledged that and took corrective measures..I am sure you would have done the same after your humiliating defeat in 1971...

Anyways it is off-topic and sure have been discussed in lengths within the same forum many times...so lets leave it there...No why "India asking china to stay away from Kashmir"..as per me it is in reciprocation of their recent fuss about PM visit to Arunachal...
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You cannot argue that just because you believe a particular leader was popular, that that satisfies the condition of plebiscite or is illustrative of the sentiment of Kashmiris on a particular issue.

Political leaders tend to be popular with different people for different reasons - social programs, ideological reasons, economic policies, vision for the future etc. But popularity as a political figure does not automatically imply widespread support for a specific issue (becoming part of India or Pakistan) amongst the populace.

AM.....Im forced to throw the same argument back at you....

Jinnah and the other prominent Muslim leaders who pushed for partition were looked upon as representatives of the Muslims in the subcontinent....Based on their words, assurances and vision, an entire nations people went through seperation......
I dont remember any poll being conducted or a plebiscite to ask the Muslim masses whether they wanted partition???....especially based on the fact that a significant majority of the Muslims actually stayed in India!!!
So why discount the importance of Mr.Abdullah in the entire matter??
If Muslim's followed their leaders into Pakistan, it is but obvious that popularity of Mr.Abdullah would have led to the people choosing India.....
Care to explain??
So how many Hindus have been exploited because of Modi??

Shiv Sena activists entered Dilip Kumar's house and threatened him and his wife, so there is your rich Muslim theory.

Saif Ali Khan, Shaban Azmi and Javed Akhter can't get a house in Mumbai - here is another example.
Well if you objectively folow news, you will see that there are mutiple cases of "encounters" where students in manipur and UP were killed only recently, some where Hindu, some sikh. There was recent news story of a custodial death of a Hindu bussinessman in Jammu. South Indians and North Indians are beaten up by Shiv Sena activists and MNS when the try to get jobs in Mumbai or try to get homes. Yes most of these are Hindus too who were beaten up just because they came to apply for jobs or even married local marathi girls.

Many Indian members will agree with me and if you do search news articles related to this you will find out that this is true

People were kidnapped and deported but not in thousands. Most of the missing actually went missing to create trouble for Gen.

So do you worry when you go to India?

All the action is not limited to one ethnicity or religion either unlike India where all action is against Muslims and Kashmiris.

I'm not talking about foreigners, Im talking about Pakistani citizens. This was happening long before Musharraf. That is why CJ of Pakistan is taking up this case because finally there is a CJ strong enough to stand up to the military.
Judge resumes case of Pakistan's missing persons

I have lived and studied in India for about 10 years. Before that me and my family use to travel to India every year from Saudi Arabia. And other than the occasional corrupt customs official or the traffic police I or my family have had no problems. This is despite the fact that they would easily be able to recognise me and my family as muslims. So no I don't worry personally. I even know some friends in the Hyderbad police force. To be frank I am more afraid of the Saudi police and avoid them as much as possible because they are so secretive and don't allow any contact outside whereas in case with India that is not the case.

But ofcourse I am concerned over the general police attitude. Its not just muslim specific although there is indeed a bias in the lower rungs of the police. I am also concerned about thier in ability to investigate crimes and terrorism related cases quickly and their use and political tools. That is why police reforms are so important and why civil society and Judiciary in India along with Chidrambram has been giving high priority to it.
J&K cricketer puts it down to God?s will- Hindustan Times

Twenty-year-old Parvez Rasool was the highest scorer for Jammu and Kashmir under-22 team last year, including two back-to-back centuries. He did so well that he forced himself into the Ranji side, even if it was only for the last match of the season. But this time around, Rasool is so mentally traumatised that holding the bat in the nets is a problem.

Rasool was recently in the news for all the wrong reasons, after Bangalore police detained him for a day saying his bag contained traces of explosives. “I had not just come here just to play in the CK Nayudu tournament. I was keen on the trials for the Ranji Trophy. But I am unable to concentrate. I don't know whether I'll be able to perform my best,'' Rasool told the Hindustan Times from Bangalore.

The team is playing in Bangalore. Rasool, who bats at No. 4 and is also an off-spinner, says the year was crucial for him as he was hoping to get to the big league. His brother Asif also plays in the Ranji Trophy for J&K.

The other issue weighing Rasool down is his panic-stricken parents. “My parents have been supportive and I have been travelling since I turned 13.

“Convincing them to allow me to leave home to play cricket will be difficult,” he said. “I have been going out of Kashmir but this has never happened to me. I am too shocked.''

Recalling the day, Rasool said. “The police team came to my room and said that they wanted to check the room. The bag had the Quran in it. I told them to frisk with hands and not let the dog sniff it. They agreed, searched the place and the bag and left.”

After breakfast, he found the room doors open and police asked him to accompany him for questioning.

“They were not rough, they were decent, even gave us lunch. Besides I was convinced that nothing would happen to me as I was totally innocent and have done nothing wrong,” he recalls.

Rasool says the team got the bags from the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association on October 8 and they left Kashmir on October 10, 2009. “We passed through four airports before reaching Bangalore. Kashmir airport has the highest security. The baggage is hand checked thrice and scanned twice, nothing came out of there,” said Rasool.

Rasool is grateful for all the support he received.

“I am thankful to all, my association, and both Farooq Abdullah and the chief minister,” he said.

At the end of the day, though, Rasool is viewing the episode philosophically, and says it's god's will: “Allah ki marzi thi, zaroor is mein kuch acha hoga.”

No comment from Karnataka Body

The Karnataka State Cricket Association has refused to comment on the incident, but sources said that this was a matter for the police to address. Once the alarm went off, the KSCA's security firm had no option but to hand the matter over to the police.

“We have sent the bag to the Forensic Science Laboratory. It may take couple of days to receive the report.

“Things will be clear once the report is available,” city Police Commissioner Shankar Bidari said.
Baluch militant killed in Valley: Police
Wed, Oct 21 05:45 AM

The killing of a foreign fidayeen earlier this month in south Kashmir's Pulwama district has thrown up a surprise for the security forces. The slain militant reportedly belonged to Baluchistan province in Pakistan and the forces claim he is the first militant from Baluchistan killed in Kashmir in the past two decades.

"During all these years, I have never come across any militant from Baluchistan," IGP, Kashmir, Farooq Ahmed told The Indian Express. "Militants from Punjab, NWFP and other areas of Pakistan have been getting killed here, but it is for the first time that a Baluch militant has got killed in Kashmir."

Omar Maviya of Hizbul Mujahideen was killed on October 9 in Gusoo Pulwama in south Kashmir. The militant, the police said, was killed before he could carry out an attack in Srinagar and the police also recovered 25 kgs of RDX strapped to his body.

Days after the death of the militant, the police investigations have now identified the slain militant as Zaffar Iqbal of Baluchistan Pakistan.

"During the investigation of the Gusoo encounter, the police have succeeded in identifying the slain militant as Zaffar Iqbal, son of Mohammad Iqbal of Bang Balouch village in Pakistan's Baluchistan province," a police spokesman said. "The militant was deputed by Saqib, the divisional commander Pir Panchal Range of Hizbul Mujahideen for carrying out a fidayeen attack."

Majid Jahangir
China's Response= :rofl::rofl: .The projects are already inked with China.Besides, WHAT can India do if China does not stop?

what can a 1985 Daihatsu Charade do against an SL55 AMG during a drag-race?


Tribal invasion was unprovoked aggression against J and K: Black Day conference | Sindh Today - Online News

London, Oct.20 (ANI): A ‘Black Day Conference’ arranged by the Kashmir National Party in Watford, England, has said the tribal invasion of Jammu and Kashmir from October 22, 1947 onward was unprovoked aggression against the people of the region, and clearly violated Kashmiri sovereignty.

Over the years, Kashmiris have been holding ‘Black Day’ demonstrations to coincide with the anniversary of the arrival of the Indian Army in Srinagar and the subsequent acession of the state to India.

The Black Day Conference in Watford was the first of its kind and attracted a lot of interest by concerned parties.

Thirteen political parties from the UK, representing various political view points, participated in the conference and declared that the tribal invasion was designed to force the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir to join Pakistan.

Apart from Kashmiris, a number of Pakistanis were also present and expressed their support for the Kashmir cause.

KNP Chairman Abbas Butt welcomed all participants and explained the agenda of the conference.

He said: ‘Our struggle is not against Pakistan or Pakistani people; it is not against India or Indian people. Our struggle is against injustice and wrong policies of Pakistan and India. If India and Pakistan change their Kashmir policies and people of Jammu and Kashmir get their right of self determination then we can all live in peace and harmony and work for peace and stability of the region.’

‘We have produced a booklet which explains with historic evidence that the State of Jammu and Kashmir was independent after the end of the British Raj; and that tribal invasion was supported by Pakistani authorities in clear violation of the Standstill Agreement concluded between the Maharaja Government and Government of Pakistan,’ he added.

Dr Shabir Choudhry, spokesman of the KNP, said: ‘The tribal invasion was planned and supported by the Government of Pakistan, and the aim was to punish the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir who had refused to accede to Pakistan or India.’

‘This tragic event changed the course of our history and our destination. It undermined our sovereignty and deprived us of our independence. It divided our beloved motherland and divided families and the nation. It killed innocent Kashmiri men and women. It plundered and looted Kashmiri resources. It is the main cause of our present miseries and troubles,’ he added.

‘If there was no tribal invasion, then there might have been no Kashmir dispute as we see it today. It was possible that both countries in absence of this dispute could have resolved other issues and could have developed friendly and cordial relations; and that could have led to peace and stability in the region,’ Choudhry said.

Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, the Chairman of the UKPNP, praised the KNP leadership for taking this daring step of having a Black Day Conference.

He claimed that no progress had been visible insofar as the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination was concerned.

‘We must not be afraid of criticism and exploring our history which has been distorted by those who occupy us. We must get our facts right and in this regard Dr Shabir Choudhry and KNP has done a considerable work and that must be appreciated by the Kashmiris,’ he added.

‘The Kashmiri struggle is a political struggle. It is not fight against any religion or any community. We have common problems and we have common enemy and that is illiteracy, poverty, and extremism,’ he added.

Apart from declaring the 1947 tribal invasion as an act of aggression, conference participants passed 13 other resolutions.

It was acknowledged that terrorism should be opposed in all its manifestations and that the struggle for the unification and independence of Jammu and Kashmir would continue.
Kashmiris will never leave India: Farooq Abdullah | TwoCircles.net

By Sarwar Kashani,IANS,

New Delhi: India should not doubt Kashmiris and stop thinking they will ever "leave this nation", says former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister and union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah.

"Kashmir will remain a part of India and Kashmiris will never leave this nation. You should not doubt us. India should stop thinking that Kashmiris will ever divide off from India," Abdullah told IANS in an interview on the sidelines of a function organised here wednesday evening to celebrate his 73rd birthday.

The Kashmir issue, he said, "will be solved peacefully only if India and people at the helm (in New Delhi) stop thinking that Kashmiris will ever secede".

"I am a Muslim. I am Kashmiri and I am a proud citizen of India, the country whose unity in diversity amazes me," Abdullah, who is also president of the ruling National Conference in the state, stated.

The former chief minister appreciated the central government's move of "quiet diplomacy" to solve the problems in the state that has been ravaged by a two-decade separatist war.

"It (resuming dialogue) is a good move. I think New Delhi is sincere this time and the other side (separatist leaders) is also serious," Abdullah said, adding "there should be no hype if the Kashmir issue is to be solved sincerely".

Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram had announced in Kashmir last week that the central government was working "on quiet diplomacy to arrive at a unique, acceptable and honourable solution to the problems in Kashmir", raising expectations that the stalled talks with separatist leaders would resume.

The moderate faction of the separatist Hurriyat Conference has indicated its willingness to talk to New Delhi saying it was a "positive development".

Abdullah said New Delhi should learn lessons from past mistakes of giving "too much hype" to the Kashmir peace process -- which led to the brutal killing of a Hizbul Mujahideen militant commander, Abdul Majid Dar, who had agreed to hold talks with the central government after he declared a ceasefire in 2000. Dar was expelled from the outfit and was later shot dead by militants in March 2002.

Abdullah said dialogue to encompass all shades of opinion was "inevitable and it seems New Delhi has recognised the fact".

"They are sincere," he reiterated, adding that some political prisoners had been released. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also holding a meeting to implement the recommendations of the five working groups set up to look into the problems in the state.

Earlier, addressing an invited audience at the function organised by the Foundation for Amity and National Solidarity, Abdullah said India wanted peace with Pakistan.

"We don't hate you (Pakistan). We feel sad to see what is happening (in Pakistan). We want a friendship with you but please allow us to live happily," he said while expressing concern over rising terrorism in the neighbouring country.

Abdullah urged politicians not to mix religion with politics. "Every election in India divides the nation because elections are being fought on religious sentiments. People are seeking votes in the name Ram and Allah.

"Please don't do this. I and my state have paid dearly for religious radicalism. Please listen to the heartbeats of the people of India. They want to live in peace and harmony. Don't divide them," an emotional Abdullah told the gathering, which also included former ministers Vasant Sathe and M.M. Jacob as well as former Jammu and Kashmir governor and ex RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) chief G.C. Saxena.
Why would they?

Indian Kashmir has got everything for them.

Right from highways, railways to an international airport which will also serve Haj flights from this year.

What they really need is getting rid of militiancy which will bring more tourism which will apparently help the economy of Kashmir.

If there is an honest answer to this question, i can say that India will NEVER let go of Kashmir. It is totally absurd and out of question. Indian Kashmir is growing rapidly and terrorism is on a decline as more and more kashmiris see that their future belongs with India. I have lived in Mumbai and i can tell you that there are many kashmiris working there and that they are more than happy and have no complains about India or the "so called" torture that India does on them. All these articles that my fellow members post up here pointing out towards India's actions are either baseless or really old. The current situation is very very different. There is a peaceful mood in the valley and the Indian government is taking full steps to peacefully satisfy the needs of the Kashmiris. No one else needs to worry about the rights of kashmiris as they are being taken care of by India. Yes there are bound to be some problems but that totally due to the fact that when a government is trying to deal with terrorism there are bound to be problems. As proved again and again by India, a good 90% of these so called freedom fighters are foreign in origin and are not here to fight any freedom but just spread fear among the population. Kashmiri's have today realized that this so called freedom struggle is funded and ignited by foreign states interested in breaking up India. As the elections this time proved, the Indian congress won by a land slide rather than the extremist party's which again proves what the kashmiris want. Kashmir is an integral part of India and it will always remain so, India has again and again repeated that Pakistan has no role to play in this problem and the idea of an independent Kashmir or a Kashmir belonging to pakistan is totally out of question and India is very well prepared to defend any misgivings from any side. This is the view from the Indian side, feel free to disagree
India will never let go of Kashmir because as such it would prove the absurd two nation theory to be correct and put question marks on Indian nationhood and secularism.
I say make the LOC a permanent border and finish off this dispute once and for all.
Let the Kashmiris fight for their own homeland if they want to. If they wanted to be liberated; they wouldn't have helped the Indian Military in smoking out our commandos in Kargil. This thing has dragged down our country in a bottomless pit.
the reasons i think are

1] india is an imperial colonial power, just look at whats happening in northeast,jharkand and other maoist infected areas.

2] india is an evil empire ,in disguise of seculerism, govt of india is helping fanatic terror groups like shivsina,dharmasina,rss etc to eliminate all the minorities and make inda a hindu rashtra. one should remember the present govt of congress known to be a SECULER PARTY WAS THE REASON FOR DEHLI MASSACE AND OPERATION BLUE STAR

3] any concession to kashmir means ,indians have to give the same to other more than 14 states who are fighting for their God gifted right. so KASHMIRIS SHOULD FORGET INDEPENDENCE BECAUSE THEIR INDEPENDENCE MEANS DISINTEGRATION OF INDIA EMPIRE.




india is illegalay occuping kashmir. it want to occupy azad kashmir and our northern areas also so that
1] it could have link to central asia, remember the wakhan belt[afghanistan] which is only few km between us and cental asia

2] india want to cut the link between us and china

its a realist world where strategic and national intrest are more precious than low of morality or religon.

pro peace propoganda by indians is only a time gaining and diverting tactics.

do you think if we agree on loc as permanent boarder. peace will prevail and kashmir issue will end?????????????

no it will never
read the indian history read how indians occupied independent states of sikkim, jnagarh, hyderabad etc.

the problem with us is that although we have 1000 year of experence we still fail to understand enemies thought process and how he acts

Because Kashmir was given to India by the King of Kashmir.Kashmir deserves to be part of India.

And didnt you feel the utter embarrassment when you talk about terrorism in India ?Since terrorism started with Pakistan fuelling the tribes of Pakistan.
And what really makes you feel that Kashmir is part of pakistan,while pakistan as a whole is used to be a part of India just 60 yrs back?

Again,which genocide are you talking about? the mass murdering of kashmiri hindus by these brainwashed terrorists?

Pakistan is getting waters for its agriculture at the mercy of India.And Indians didnt even had showed that mercy and sympathy towards the muslims, then today the pakistani nation you are talking about would have became another Asian desert and would be fighting to be given a place in the worlds largest and biggest muslim deserts.

Indus water treaty is a completely bullshi$t treaty.Since India and US were on different boats that time, the UN council betrayed the billion Indians giving only few ml of kashmiri waters which actually originated in India while caring few million pakistanis.Waters should be divided equivocally to all the population and perfect ratio have to be achieved. Otherwise India have to exit from the treaty and its northern states water crisis has to be addressed.
If you wanna play a hard ball and wanna try your luck,you are gonna loose all you have at this moment.
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