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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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At the end of the day, though, Rasool is viewing the episode philosophically, and says it's god's will: “Allah ki marzi thi, zaroor is mein kuch acha hoga.”

He is absolutely right, this issue will raise awareness amongst Muslims about the bias of India police towards Muslims.

This will also let the world know that Muslims in general and Kashmiris in particular are viewed as suspects in India.
Well if you objectively folow news, you will see that there are mutiple cases of "encounters" where students in manipur and UP were killed only recently, some where Hindu, some sikh. There was recent news story of a custodial death of a Hindu bussinessman in Jammu. South Indians and North Indians are beaten up by Shiv Sena activists and MNS when the try to get jobs in Mumbai or try to get homes. Yes most of these are Hindus too who were beaten up just because they came to apply for jobs or even married local marathi girls.

Many Indian members will agree with me and if you do search news articles related to this you will find out that this is true.

You commented that rich people will work around such issues and I am suggesting that this may not be true for rich Muslims. No matter how you look at the situation, Muslims (rich or poor) suffer in India because they are Muslims.

I would ofcourse agree that recently there has been an increasing bias towards muslims, but that is understandable but definitely not condoned in the current situation. The problem is not only confined to some sections in the police but also the biased nature of lawyers and bar associations refusing to provide poor accused of any free legal help to the accused (they are still payed by the govt.) inspite of being mandated by law to do so. But at the same time there are clean cops who are professional and protecting the country by doing their investigations objectively, and lawyers who actively help in protecting and upholding civil rights.

Infact, hasn't there been an increasing bias in Pakistan targetting Afghans, Pashtoons, people with beards just because of the current situation. Again, it is no excuse for not following due process of law and indulgin in human rights violations.

The police in India needs to be reformed and the poor most definitely suffer more, I can assure you on that as I have lived there. Comparitively the police in western countries also suffers from bias towards arabs for example unfortuantely but because of their more professional training and human rights monitors in their countries, they have a more fair trial and treatment by the police there than even in some muslim countries.
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You commented that rich people will work around such issues and I am suggesting that this may not be true for rich Muslims. No matter how you look at the situation, Muslims (rich or poor) suffer in India because they are Muslims.

Do you think its just happening in India :no::no::no: These terrorists are defaming Muslims all over the world.

The police in India needs to be reformed and the poor most definitely suffer more, I can assure you on that as I have lived there. Comparitively the police in western countries also suffers from bias towards arabs for example unfortuantely but because of their more professional training and human rights monitors in their countries, they have a more fair trial and treatment by the police there than even in some muslim countries.

Buddy you lived and I'm leaving in India. Believe me Indian police (except in Gujarat) really fears to take any action against Muslims specially if it's illegal. and yes they are faaar behind to be termed as professionals (except the police of metro cities). Indian media is running behind them deliriously. :mod:
Buddy you lived and I'm leaving in India. Believe me Indian police (except in Gujarat) really fears to take any action against Muslims specially if it's illegal. and yes they are faaar behind to be termed as professionals (except the police of metro cities). Indian media is running behind them deliriously. :mod:

I just left India three years back, and I have lots of family back there so I can say that Im fairly aware of what the situation is.

If you look at stats from prison and arbitrary arrests to pending cases, the bias will definitely show. Recently a number of magazines and invesitgative journalists have exposed the fake encouters that have been going on. There was another report on police using farm houses as safe houses to avoid bringing the arrested person in court. Not only muslims but sikhs and Hindus were also targeted in various parts of India like UP and Manipur. The Gujarat cases was just some of them. Ofcourse these are only sections in the police and is in no way representative of the majority of the police force and the good cops who do an excellent job.

There might be collusion between criminal gangs(whichever community) and corrupt police and politicians just to let "their" men go do what they want. The police might also be used as a political tool.

If the police is afraid to do anything "illegal" isn't that a good thing? That benefits all Indians.
Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today

SRINAGAR: Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today, Kashmiri people on both sides of the LoC and the whole world is observing Black Day today to convey to the international community to reject the illegal occupation of India in its territory.

The day will be marked with the total strike in the occupied territory. Call for this has been given by the Conference of All Parties Hurriyat and senior Kashmiri Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Geelani, Kashmir Media Service reported Monday

It was on 27 October 1947, when Indian troops invaded Kashmir in clear violation of the subcontinent’s partition plan and the aspirations of Kashmiris. ”

Senior APHC leader Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi addressing a party meeting in Badgam urged India to flee their intransigence and take steps to resolve the Kashmir dispute once and for all.

The Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred three innocent Kashmiri youth in Shopian Kellar. The officials said one of the martyrs was a division commander of Hizbul Mujahideen.

People took to the streets in Habba Kadal, Maisuma and Gaw Kadal in Srinagar, at present, contrary to submit to peaceful protesters in the city by force by the troops yesterday.

Several protesters were injured and the condition of one of them was stated to be critical. Handwara, protests continued against the assassination of a 12th student by Indian troops.
Kashmiris heed strike call as India PM visits

SRINAGAR, India, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Shops and businesses closed on Tuesday in Indian Kashmir's main city in response to a strike called by separatists, a day before a planned visit by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The strike, called by hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, marks the 62nd anniversary of New Delhi's rule over the troubled region.

"By observing a strike on October 27 Kashmiris will make it clear to the international community that they are still protesting Indian occupation with vigour," Geelani said in a statement. "October 27 is a black day for Kashmir."

The former independent state has been disputed by India and Pakistan since they won independence from Britain in 1947 after a bloody partition. The two countries have fought two of their three wars over the region.

The streets in Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital, and other major towns in the Muslim-majority valley were largely deserted, witnesses said. The strike closed most of the schools and colleges.

The Indian army marks the event as "Martyrs' Day."

Geelani called for a complete shutdown on Wednesday during a visit by Manmohan Singh, who is scheduled to inaugurate a railway line in south Kashmir.

After the partition, independent Kashmir, with its largely Muslim population, was expected to go to Pakistan.

Its Hindu ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, wanted to stay independent but faced a revolt and the threat of an invasion by Muslim tribesman from Pakistan.

In October 1947, Hari Singh hastily signed an instrument of accession to India in return for military aid, and the territory became a battleground.

Simmering discontent with Indian rule boiled over into open revolt in 1989 in which tens of thousands have died.
^^Not sure why Kashmiris supported Indian troops in 1965 and 1999 and why are they actively partcipating in Elections
Turkey’s help for Azad Kashmir to continue: Erdogan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visiting Sports Complex in Muzaffarabad.—Photo by APP

MUZAFFARABAD: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan flew into Azad Kashmir capital along with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Monday and inspected several facilities built by his country after the 2005 earthquake.

This is Mr Erdogan’s second visit to Muzaffarabad in four years. He inaugurated the Khurshid National Library and planted a sapling in its lawn.

Later, the Turkish leader visited the multi-purpose community hall where students, waving flags of Turkey, Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, greeted him with welcoming slogans.

AJK President Raja Zulqarnain Khan hosted a reception for the leaders which was also attended by AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider.

Mr Erdogan said Muzaffarabad was in a much better condition today than it was four years ago after the earthquake.

‘It is really heart-warming to see life return to normal in such a short time … and such exquisite buildings,’ he said. ‘Turkey will continue to support Kashmiri brethren,’ he added.

Mr Erdogan said he could still recall the horrifying scenes that he had seen after the quake.

Prime Minister Gilani highlighted commonalities in approach on regional issues, urged Turkey to support Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir and said that it was important to resolve the issue for regional peace.

Reiterating Pakistans desire to maintain friendly ties with all its neighbours, he said: ‘The sacrifices and just stand of Kashmiris will bear fruit.’

Earlier, Mr Erdogan unveiled a plaque and offered prayers at the Osmania Masjid.

The Turkish government had approved the construction of the mosque and Khurshid National Library in addition to the huge district headquarters complex, including offices and residential quarters and a multi-purpose community hall and a shopping plaza.

Turkey has rendered remarkable help in all three post-quake phases – rescue, relief and reconstruction.

From retrieving survivors from beneath huge concrete slabs, providing food to building majestic structures, the Turkish government, civic bodies and non-governmental organisations have made the most noticeable contribution towards alleviating the sufferings of the quake survivors.

APP adds: ‘Turkey may be far away … but its people keep you close to their heart,’ he said.

Mr Erdogan expressed the hope that Pakistan would soon be able to eradicate terrorism which was having a negative affect on it. ‘Let’s work in solidarity to fight the menace.’
Kashmiri groups condemn Pakistan's 1947 invasion

NEW DELHI: As Pakistan teeters on the precipice of instability, Kashmiri groups, particularly in the UK, appear to be doing their own review of
history and strategy. For the first time in 62 years, 13 Kashmiri political groups in the UK, under the umbrella of the Kashmiri National Party, passed a resolution against Pakistan's tribal invasion into India in October 1947.

This is significant as the Kashmiri groups, for the past six decades, have commemorated October 22 as a black day against Indian forces marching into Srinagar in October 1947. It's a quiet but determined turnaround by the Kashmiri diaspora, mostly in the UK, where they have mainly settled after leaving Azad Kashmir.

Kashmiri representatives said the tribal invasion was designed to force the maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir to join Pakistan. Interestingly, sources said, apart from Kashmiris, a number of Pakistanis were also present in the conference to express support for the cause of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pushing for independence, the Kashmiris said they were opposed to both Indian and Pakistani policies.

A Kashmiri representative, Shabir Choudhry, criticised the tribal invasion while Pakistani Kashmiris said that over the years, Kashmiris remained confused about their identity. "We don't know if we are Pakistanis or Kashmiris."

Given the fact that Pakistan has made the territorial acquisition of Kashmir a form of jihad, this was rejected by many Kashmiris. Their resolution opposed militancy and religion-based politics. There was a general rejection of the "genie of extremism and hatred released in the name of jihad in October 1947 to advance political agenda".

Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today

SRINAGAR: Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today, Kashmiri people on both sides of the LoC and the whole world is observing Black Day today to convey to the international community to reject the illegal occupation of India in its territory.

The day will be marked with the total strike in the occupied territory. Call for this has been given by the Conference of All Parties Hurriyat and senior Kashmiri Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Geelani, Kashmir Media Service reported Monday

It was on 27 October 1947, when Indian troops invaded Kashmir in clear violation of the subcontinent’s partition plan and the aspirations of Kashmiris. ”

Senior APHC leader Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi addressing a party meeting in Badgam urged India to flee their intransigence and take steps to resolve the Kashmir dispute once and for all.

The Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred three innocent Kashmiri youth in Shopian Kellar. The officials said one of the martyrs was a division commander of Hizbul Mujahideen.

People took to the streets in Habba Kadal, Maisuma and Gaw Kadal in Srinagar, at present, contrary to submit to peaceful protesters in the city by force by the troops yesterday.

Several protesters were injured and the condition of one of them was stated to be critical. Handwara, protests continued against the assassination of a 12th student by Indian troops.

:rofl:that says it all.we know how people feel abt hurriyat(big loser in recent elections)
Why People Defied Election Boycott Call In Jammu And Kashmir By Ghulam Nabi
Kashmiri groups condemn Pakistan's 1947 invasion

NEW DELHI: As Pakistan teeters on the precipice of instability, Kashmiri groups, particularly in the UK, appear to be doing their own review of
history and strategy. For the first time in 62 years, 13 Kashmiri political groups in the UK, under the umbrella of the Kashmiri National Party, passed a resolution against Pakistan's tribal invasion into India in October 1947.

This is significant as the Kashmiri groups, for the past six decades, have commemorated October 22 as a black day against Indian forces marching into Srinagar in October 1947. It's a quiet but determined turnaround by the Kashmiri diaspora, mostly in the UK, where they have mainly settled after leaving Azad Kashmir.

Kashmiri representatives said the tribal invasion was designed to force the maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir to join Pakistan. Interestingly, sources said, apart from Kashmiris, a number of Pakistanis were also present in the conference to express support for the cause of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pushing for independence, the Kashmiris said they were opposed to both Indian and Pakistani policies.

A Kashmiri representative, Shabir Choudhry, criticised the tribal invasion while Pakistani Kashmiris said that over the years, Kashmiris remained confused about their identity. "We don't know if we are Pakistanis or Kashmiris."

Given the fact that Pakistan has made the territorial acquisition of Kashmir a form of jihad, this was rejected by many Kashmiris. Their resolution opposed militancy and religion-based politics. There was a general rejection of the "genie of extremism and hatred released in the name of jihad in October 1947 to advance political agenda".


media works:cheesy:................everywhere:rofl:for everyone
^^Not sure why Kashmiris supported Indian troops in 1965 and 1999 and why are they actively partcipating in Elections

Election under occupation has no credibility.
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