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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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:what::what::what: I am lost and will you help me find my way, my good SIR? :smitten:

Did I say people in Taiwan were clamouring to "re-unite"? No, I simply implied that it is an international issue, regardless how PRC sees it internally.

So you do accept Taiwan (a nation) cant be compared to Kashmir (state)?

And irrespective of how you "democracy" this and "election that", Tibet is an internal issue just as Khalistan or Balochistan is. And by no means am I in agreement with how PRC handled this particular issue from start to finish.

You are comparing Khalistan to Tibet. You are getting too silly. I hope you know about so many state-sponsored curtails on Tibetans. Khalistan?? where does the borders start? How many people claim it - i mean real people who are fighting for it?

For all that free thought of Bharat - plus supersized "free thought" of USA, one would think Sir Raj would appreciate logic ...

And back to your loincloth Kashmiri "democracy", SIR. There is more to democracy than pro-forma elections "fixed" by plutocrats just as there is more to virginity than an intact hymen stitched up by a pimp.

BTW, give anyone half a million soldiers armed to the teeth and some "electronic" voting boxes, and throw in some Rupees or $, and s/he'll have you a list of approved candidates with 70% turn-out just as well.

Excuse me for understanding that you have been in Canada and know what democracy is. You got to have sources to back up your claim that Indian democracy is sham. Apparently, you are the only who is claiming so. India paid people to come to vote? What else are you going to say now? Indian RAW is running the govt. Be credible in what you are saying?

Never mind Asia Times - btw, did I quote it (see why I am lost)? Let me repeat it to you: Kashmir is an international issue and a Plebiscite with an independence option is the way to go - eventually.

For the time being, perhaps a cooling off of the issue is most desirable - analogous to the situation across Taiwan Straight.

Kashmir is a political issue whereas Taiwan is a international issue. Kashmir is already divided among India, Pakistan and China. Taiwan is a country. I cannot see any kind of comparison. Taiwan has its own army, navy, airforce with sole intention of remaining indepent. Kashmir can be compared more to Tibet. Just like Kashmir, Tibet is occupied by China whereas monks dont want them there. And unlike Kashmir, where Kashmiris assists India for protecting them like in 1965 and in Kargil and during recent Chinese intrusion who report back to Indians, Tibetan monks dont want a piece of China.

BTW, you do not know my personal stance regarding Taiwan and I will not veer off topic just for you - not after explicit warnings from mods.

Like it or not, Azad Kashmir is akin to India's Jammu.

And disputed Kashmir is internationally unsettled.

P.S., I registered your "water war" - Bharat's hands on this are blacker than anybody else's in the neighbourhood. But I won't indulge in another off-topic side track.

I dont think any reasonable Indian would say Kashmir is politically settled and that is why posturing is going on between India and Pakistan. It is only a matter of time when it will be settled. India wants to find right moment to get maximum advantage and Pakistan is doing the same thing.
I dont think any reasonable Indian would say Kashmir is politically settled and that is why posturing is going on between India and Pakistan. It is only a matter of time when it will be settled. India wants to find right moment to get maximum advantage and Pakistan is doing the same thing.

I will end my contentions on this sentiment with which I can agree. :cheers:
The difference between the Indian and Pakistani official positions, given that neither support independence, is that the Pakistani position in based on the right of the Kashmiri people to determine their destiny out of the two options provided, whereas the Indian position is to refuse the Kashmiris the 'freedom' to do so, and impose Indian rule through force.

And how did Pakistan occupy the part of Kashmir it does today, way back in 1947? Peacefully ..... winning the hearts and minds of the Kashmiris? Its easy to point fingers, conveniently shutting your eyes to those pointing back at you.

"Religiously brainwashed slumber" has nothing to do here, other than to assuage Indian sentiments and help define the separatist sentiment in a form that Indians can easily demonize. Sort of how the West would (and to some extent still does) brand anything counter to their perceived positions/interests as 'Commie's/Communism'.

Sorry, but that's a very simplistic and dare I say self-serving way of looking at this and dismissing it as a "separatist" movement, as opposed to what it has always been ..... an attempt at hostile land grab.

And based on what? What moral right does pakistan have to kashmir? What have you based your demands for Kashmir on all these 6 decades? Self referendum and Independence? Or Islamic majority = Pakistan?

If pakistan was so holier than thou and clean of heart, then why have they not given an Independent nation status to the part of Kashmir they hold and have held for 62 years?

Forget that, you go around distributing land (and the people who live there - whom you would have us and the world believe that you champion) of an "Independent Nation" to a third nation (read China)?

Who gave you the right to do that?

And then we have to hear about Independence wet dreams from Kashmiri separatists and big-hearted selfless Pakistanis ........

Cheers, Doc
India fuming at Pakistani Newspaper for leaking story on Army prostitutes

India is fuming because a Pakistani newspaper broke the news that the Indian military has finalized plans to deploy a unit of women sex providers in occupied Kashmir, where figures of suicides and mental problems among Indian soldiers deployed in a hostile territory have shot through the rooftop. This time, Pakistani diplomats in the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi may receive an unusual Indian protest. So far the Indians have been ISI-phobic, seeing the hands of Pakistan’s feared premier counterespionage service in everything that went wrong in India. Now the diplomats will be receiving a letter of protest against an independent Pakistani newspaper.

For the first time in the 62-year tumultuous relationship between Pakistan and India, New Delhi wants to lodge a complaint with Islamabad against a Pakistani newspaper, The Daily Mail.

On Sept. 8th, 2009, The Daily Mail ran a story filed by the paper’s New Delhi correspondent Christina Palmer, titled ‘Indian Army To Deploy Prostitutes As A Women Battalion In Held Kashmir’.

The PakNationalists, PakAlert, PKKH, PakistanFirst and dozens of other Pakistani and international online news portals, picked it up.

Ms. Palmer’s story was based on a statement issued by the Inspector General of Border Security Force Himmat Singh. The story basically said that the Indian military was concerned about the rising incidents of suicides among Indian soldiers deployed in Indian-occupied Kashmir, a territory where Kashmiris are fighting India for the right to determine whether they want to be independent or join Pakistan.

A high level Indian military delegation went to Moscow to study the Russian experience in dealing with such problems. Like India, the former Soviet Union military was spread thin across a large territory, including distant and difficult regions.

Mr. Singh confirmed that a batch of 178 female soldiers was being sent to Northern Command where they would be deployed along with Indo-Pak border to check the border violations by women, working in the field. Mr. Singh further stated that these women were not fully trained for operational military duties however in the next phase, after further training, they would be given the duties of operational Border security. Mr. Singh refused to admit that these female soldiers were actually prostitutes and were being dispatched to the valley as undercover sex workers. When contacted, Rohit Sharma, a senior defence analyst here in New Delhi, said that the move was a creative step by Indian army leadership as it would boost the medical and mental health of the soldiers. Some departments of the Indian government were permitted to contact licensed brothels in several Indian cities to explore the possibility of recruiting candidates.

But the Indian reaction to this story was unexpected.

According to an Indian newspaper, the Mid-Day, an official of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs retorted by saying what he or she thought is a hit below the belt for Pakistan: “We do not have a Talibanised society like Pakistan’s. In India, women have very successful military careers.”

Never mind that Pakistan has a large women’s police force deployed in all the major cities of the country, in addition to active duty women officers in the Army and the Pakistan Air Force.

The Indian news portal Mid-Day.com confirmed that “India has decided to lodge an official complaint against the ‘wrongful news reports” and that “the order to lodge a complaint has come directly from the office of Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.”

The Indian portal quoted an unnamed Indian diplomat as saying, “Such news can tarnish the image of our forces. So far, it was a conscious decision by the government not to deploy women troops on the border. But we want total success of this experiment and we need to tell the Pakistanis to behave.”

Several foreign reporters based in the Indian capital reported receiving calls from Indian government and intelligence officers asking where to find Christina Palmer.

Ms. Palmer, who will be appearing on Geo Network’s weekly show TSS with Ahmed Quraishi soon, is a foreign journalist who lives with her Indian husband. According to Indian laws, you have to be a Pakistani citizen legally residing in India or an Indian journalist to work as a correspondent for a Pakistani newspaper. Non-Indian journalists cannot represent Pakistani media in India. For this reason, Ms. Palmer writes under an assumed name. But to prove that she is real, Ms. Palmer is appearing through telephone from New Delhi on a Pakistani television talk show.

In her report, Ms. Palmer wrote on Oct. 6: “In a unique and unprecedented move, India’s Minister for Home Affairs Mr. P. Chidambaram has threatened the Islamabad-based Pakistani newspaper The Daily Mail over one of the investigative reports by the Daily regarding first female troops of Indian Army that have been deployed in the Held Kashmir. According to the reports appearing here in local Indian media as well as international media, the Home Affairs Minister has ordered his officials to lodge an official complaint with Pakistan’s High Commission in New Delhi to sort out The Daily Mail.”

The paper’s Editor-in-Chief Makhdoom Babar defended his newspaper’s credibility in a special editorial: “Mr. Chidambaram’s action has shocked the entire global media community as it is the first move of its kind in which a top minister of a country has threatened an independent newspaper of another country of lodging a complaint against it and seeking strong action, there this move of India’s MHA has exposed the true face of so-called secular India and the belief of Indian leadership in freedom of press and freedom of expression. In the 62 years of the history of Pak-India relations, The Daily Mail is the first ever victim of this kind of aggression from the Indian government”.
sentimental ho gaya ray :)

pffft , but not even 10% of senti as you.

i am not a hater, the only kind i hate are the haters themselves.

some time i wonder if i post a reply to you - you might shoot me through a internet ak-47. lol

because you get really lost while replying sometimes. you really hate india ay.

not much wrong - if one dont like india as a state but dont hate indians. but who am i to suggest. i might get bombed tonight for posting this reply to you.
Another Chinese propaganda.. :blah: Where did these so called Chinese spokesman when President of India visited AP in 2/4/2009.

President offering prayer during her visit at Tawang Monastery​

President laying wreath at war memorial, Tawang​

Yak and lion dance greeting Her Excellency during her arrival at Tawang​

President dressed in traditional Monpa attire interacting with the jawans at Tawang​

Saw somebody asked for Tawang...:lol::lol::lol:
an accomplished fact should be accepted and india's require is as stupid and useless as chinese diplomatic protest on your president's visit to tawang.
:yahoo: when are you doing that if at all you have guts to do that

Already done .. Indian PM has told China that no more Business Visa for Chinese and neither Work permits for semi skilled labor. My govt thinks and acts like i think. This is the beauty of electing the right people in power.:flame:
Already done .. Indian PM has told China that no more Business Visa for Chinese and neither Work permits for semi skilled labor. My govt thinks and acts like i think. This is the beauty of electing the right people in power.:flame:

Then I guess China has no more alternative but issuing Indian Visa by themselves. To our soldiers, that is.

"Just as I thought I was out, China pulled me back in."
Then I guess China has no more alternative but issuing Indian Visa by themselves. To our soldiers, that is.

"Just as I thought I was out, China pulled me back in."

So China wants a War..I dont think .. "War professor" guess its you who want it more then any in China, rite eh!! ??
So China wants a War..I dont think .. "War professor" guess its you who want it more then any in China, rite eh!! ??

No. I belong to the group in China who believes national territory is not open for negotiation, not an inch. I think India has similar concept in your constitution.
hey 8 pages goneby i thought by now China would have been out of Azad Kashmir development :P why dont you listen to India
No. I belong to the group in China who believes national territory is not open for negotiation, not an inch. I think India has similar concept in your constitution.

Understand, middle path should be used. We have more politician then our constitution. If they tried to negotiate anything, opposite party will kill him. That is not the case of china. Although same applies to Pakistan.
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