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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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As per India this is engineered by ISI and PA.
They talk about being a super power and cant effectively combat a thorn ISI is planting in their bottom for 63 years!

che che..
it is disappointing that these Indians find the whole situation in kashmir funny
whereas looking at Indian PM you can tell he is about to cry any time
one can tell that the strain is taking its toll. just because there is limited media access and Indian Media is selective in showing the facts so these guys think its all funny emotes time.

they will see an ISI spy behind every tree in kashmir now because the whole Kashmiri land is against India now.
As per India this is engineered by ISI and PA.
They talk about being a super power and cant effectively combat a thorn ISI is planting in their bottom for 63 years!

che che..

CORRECTION 21 years since 1989!!!!!!!!!!!
Strawman & Digressive- nothing related to the question I asked.

Let me ask the question again - When the F-16s of the PAF fires LGB on the mountains,how does it make sure all the people killed are TTP militants .?

Shifting poles, aye..??

Same old "kids having stones" bla bla bla.Hizbul are a terrorist organisation proscribed by India,EU and other countries
Did i ever say HM was NOT a terrorist organization?

JuD has also been declared one. But the concern remains how did you geniuses found out that the deceased were HM? Though i am sure they must be circumcised. :lol:

Grow up!

If zombies had Indian passport with their photo on it,legally they are Indian citizens.


Please send me a passport, i'll not bother you with the foto thingy.
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There are some mistakes in your post -

Its not a uprising of entire Kashmiri ppl perse - only that of a section of the Valley Muslims.

Indian soldiers are not killing and dragging anyone on the streets - Only non-lethal crowd control measures are allowed and they are implemented strictly

And face it ppl - India is a democracy and any political party making any concessions to Pakistan on Kashmir can immediately kiss their power goodbye,dig a grave and jump into it.
There are certain redlines that no political party will ever dare cross and everybody should understand our limitation also.

So the only way acceptable to us,the general Indian population is to internationalise the LoC.If that's not possible,then nothing is possible.
Was Hitler and Gengis Khan also given the blue/black lion-ed passport that we missed in the course of history?
A bit old article but a good read and is very much relevant with the present discussion about Indian state terrorism in IOK.

An inconvenient truth has bubbled over in Indian-held Kashmir, blowing the lid off a method that suggests madness in the Indian army’s fight against militancy in the troubled region. The method has made murderers of soldiers, and there’s no saying how much of the fall of militancy to an all-time low in the troubled region in recent times is owed to terrified submission by the local population.
But now that the truth is out, pro-independence Kashmiris are back again rampaging through the streets. As of Wednesday morning, 11 civilians have died in the worst flare-up of street violence in the Kashmir Valley in a year.

Curfew has been clamped in the northern, central and southern parts of the valley, but as of late Tuesday, pro-independence Kashmiris were still coming out in their hundreds, attacking troops with rocks and sticks in the face of gunfire, teargas bombardment and baton charge.
The ongoing uprising has its roots in a shocking finding by the state police earlier this month that confirmed long-held suspicions by Kashmiris and human rights activists of brutality by sections of the nearly 500,000 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) soldiers deployed in the region.
The report revealed that the paramilitary soldiers had staged a gunbattle in the town of Anantnag, 55 km south of the capital city of Srinagar, in order to kill three civilians and claim that they were militants. The army was forced to suspend two officers and order a court martial inquiry following the expose..
Police and human rights activists say several other recent incidents were similarly staged. These include the killing of three laborers this month who police investigators found were lured to their deaths by locals bribed by an army officer. In another suspicious incident, the army claimed that a 70-year-old beggar they had shot dead was a militant.
And as recently as last week, police opened an investigation into the deaths of two porters who, according to the army, were hit by gunfire from Pakistani troops across the Line of Control. Doctors who carried out a postmortem, however, found that the two were shot at close range.
The killing of civilians is evidently because the CRPF’s method to notch up the headcount of militants is incentivized by a bonus for soldiers bringing in each kill.
The method, while helping inspire bounty hunters among the troops, can be seriously flawed because, in a region wracked by militant violence for the past 30 years, it’s not impossible to pin the charge of militancy on anyone.
Kashmiri outrage over the stage-managed killing of civilians erupted on June 11 after a 11-year-old schoolboy was shot dead by CRPF soldiers deployed to quell a street protest staged by pro-indepence Kashmiris. On Tuesday, the death toll rose to 11 after three more Kashmiris were killed by the troops.
Eyewitnesses said the soldiers barged into houses and shot people dead. “My nephews were killed in our compound. There was no provocation,” one report quoted a Kashmiri man as saying.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who had challenged the Saudi Gazette a year ago to cite any recent instance of a civilian death in Kashmir, is now fast losing ground and goodwill as the new generation leader who has what it takes to turn Kashmir around.
“The Omar Abdullah government has succeeded in turning the state into a land of licensed murder,” says Membooba Mufti, his fiercest political opponent and a former chief minister. She blames the troubles on Abdullah’s “poor administration” and inability to speak the local language and thereby vibe with the people.
For the right-wingers in India’s arch-enemy Pakistan, the uprising could not have been better timed. Last week, the Indian and Pakistan governments resumed talks for paving the way toward lasting peace and succeeded in arriving at a two-track procees whereby discussions on developing commercial relations would be delinked from the political dialogue.
India had broken off all talks with Pakistan following the Dec. 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks which it blamed on extrremists operating freely from Pakistani soil. Extremists in Pakistan are against any dialogue with India, and the elected civilain government in Islamabad is taking a grave political risk by pursuing the peace process with New Delhi.
Political analysts in India argue that the current uprising is staged by Pakistan-implanted extermists operating in Kashmir and that it is not quite a groundswell of popular sentiment. They point to video clips of policemen being brutally assaulted by protestes to make their point. But that’s no argument against the madness in the army’s method and fire that has been lit.
The situation is escalating out of control. SMS text-messaging services have been blocked throughout the Kashmir valley to stop more residents from massing. In north Kashmir, cell-phone services have been completely suspended.
Opposition politicians and protest groups plan to mount a general strike and organize an extended march this weekend.
And worse, tens of thousands of Hindus started pouring into the Valley Wednesday for their annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine in south Kashmir.
A public demand by hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani that the Amarnath pilgrimage be curtailed to 15 days instead of the present two months has been countered by Leela Karan Sharma, former convener of Shri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti (SASS).
“If anybody tries to disrupt or create impediments in the (Amarnath) yatra, he will be given befitting reply,” Sharma has warned.
The battle lines are drawn. New Delhi is rushing more troops to the Valley.
And the discredited army remains central figure in it all, having more than one battle to fight.

Feedback: balanramesh@gmail.com __

License to Kill In Kashmir
And this thread is not about the stone throwing teenagers, but the likes of the brainwashed suicide bombers of NWFP, who instead of blowing themselves up in towns like Peshawar, travel to the Indian side of Kashmir to attack and be terminated by the Indian armed forces..

fascinating, show me proof
Kashmir valley is more than 95% Muslim so the collective views expressed by the Valley Muslims are in fact of the overwhelming majority.

Ever wondered how it became 95% majority..? Nearly a million Hindu pandits were terrorised into leaving their native lands by these same separatists and now giving into their demands only validates that ethinic cleansing done in the early 90s.

No matter how gently you portray the picture, the people in general are protesting in Kashmir Valley and Indian state is indeed brutalizing the people all the while it is protecting its agencies from investigation and trials regarding their brutal tactics which include r ape and killing of unarmed civilians.
Hardly any terrorist has been raped.
The r ape case of 2009 really highlighted this again.

These are not hardcore terrorists but ordinary folk who are in the streets now, even harsh police tactics and torture will breed the hatred to the point that there will a young generation which shall have no avenue but to turn to violence and eventually many shall turn to extreme and may even take up terror tactics.

In a democratic country they have every right to protest for whatever reason they see fit.
But that doesnt mean the state has to fulfil every one of their demands.
The MahaRaja signed the accession of Kashmir in 1947 and that is there to stay.

This struggle based on a flawed notion of religious intolerance and the supposed supremacy of one religion over other cannot be entertained in a secular democracy.

PS: the bolded apart caught my eye.If by any chance you are mentioning the supposed raping of two girls in Shopian,then sorry it has been proved that they were not raped and they died by drowning in the nullah.
The governement doctor under pressure from the local separatist leaders fudged his report and that has been proved.

So all the killing of unarmed civilians,raping etc are by and large only of propaganda value fed to keep the hate against India alive.
Sorry to see that you are so much in denial,
Be honest now… tell me, have you never ever seen even a single video or picture of Kashmiri women weeping on the slain/ tortured corpses of their relatives at the hands of the Indian military? Have you never ever seen wailing civilians being dragged out on the streets and their homes?
Have you never heard about the draconian law called DATA?
Is that how Indian democracy works in Kashmir? Where the soldiers can kill anyone without any proof or just on the basis of suspicions?
How have conveniently missed the burnt out houses and fake encounters by Indian military for the past 60 years?

Has a fact lost to you that Indian state has to station over a million soldiers in Kashmir to keep its occupation? Do you honestly think that India needs that many soldiers if the uprising is only inspired by ISI and some foreign fighters as claimed by your state?

Do I need to start posting videos & pictures of the mutilated bodies of men who were taken away by security forces during crackdown and then dumped on the side roads?
Come on and show some grit and have the heart to question the atrocities of Indian state that one would only see on an occupation.

It’s a pity that my Indian colleagues will continue to ignore the reality and the inevitable outcome. You can’t claim to be democratic and fair and then brutally suppress the people who don’t want you there.

Sooner or later India will have to let go of Kashmir. Better to do resolve it from the point of strength. The way the world geopolitical map is changing, the partnerships and alliances are being made and broken before the sun goes down. The Indian policy makers have to think for the future generations as well. a peaceful and amicable resolution will go a long way for this region. Given its size, India will be the biggest benefactor and it will find all its neighbours by it side to challenge the western monopoly on world politics.

With respect to your thinkings the reality is in stark contrast to what you have tried to potray.

See I am tired of explaining this again and again.

So I will just say shortly in one sentence - "Another Partition bassed on religion is not happening in India" .Period.

The sooner my neighbours and the Valley Muslims realise it,the better for all.

Shifting poles, aye..??

Same old "kids having stones" bla bla bla.Hizbul are a terrorist organisation proscribed by India,EU and other countries
Did i ever say HM was NOT a terrorist organization?

JuD has also been declared one. But the concern remains how did you geniuses found out that the deceased were HM? Though i am sure they must be circumcised. :lol:

Your buddy Abu answered that question (bolded part) better than I could ever do.

Its called Counter Insurgency Intel...Refer post # 982.


Grow up!

Please send me a passport, i'll not bother you with the foto thingy.

Was Hitler and Gengis Khan also given the blue/black lion-ed passport that we missed in the course of history?

As for the rest....you always have the option of skippping sections for which you obviously have no answer to and resort to kiddish things like "lollzz" , "Grow up" and some drivels that you thought were witty.lol.
Your buddy Abu answered that question (bolded part) better than I could ever do.

Its called Counter Insurgency Intel...Refer post # 982.

As for the rest....you always have the option of skippping sections for which you obviously have no answer to and resort to kiddish things like "lollzz" , "Grow up" and some drivels that you thought were witty.lol.


i never wanted to say that, but then i dont listen to 'borrowed' answers!

BTW, yes i usually skip rants.

Also i usually avoid arguing to universal lies as doing so would validate them.

Lies like Kashmir is india's integral part, ISI is throwing stones on indian sissies, those killed were HMs etc etc.

Never knew that you had access to your military's intelligence or may be they like to share it with some e-warrior that all of a sudden you came to know that those 'fighters' (even if one should consider them - they probably were some ordinary guys who turned up dead on the hands of aggressors and were named terrorists) belonged to HM.

Talk tangibles dude! or else everyone can create facts. You for one should know this better!
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i never wanted to say that, but then i dont listen to 'borrowed' answers!

Its a tragedy that you didn know of that in the first place and that too from an army background.:lol:

BTW, yes i usually skip rants.

Good to know mine wasnt a rant...cos you havent skipped that.
Its a tragedy that you didn know of that in the first place and that too from an army background.:lol:

You are trying to give me a borrowed answer from Abu and surprisingly you still dont feel shame.

Use that tiny little thing laying useless up in your head if you want to discuss something with me.

But alas! This may be too subtle for some especially people like you, or else you shouldnt have resorted to yaps, AGAIN.
HuM isn't the only anti-indian Kashmiri group operating in the valley....as usual, the sissies give us too much credit for an otherwise purely local phenomenon

nobody there is doing our bidding......they have no other way than to take up arms to resist the increasingly troublesome occupation
HuM isn't the only anti-indian Kashmiri group operating in the valley....as usual, the sissies give us too much credit for an otherwise purely local phenomenon

nobody there is doing our bidding......they have no other way than to take up arms to resist the increasingly troublesome occupation

i m sure mothers in india must have forgotten Gabbar and replaced in with ISI to make their kids go to bed!

ISI is such a bada$$....!!

And surprisingly, they do it without proof, atleast gabbar scared the shyt out an unwitting viewer.
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