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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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3. Islam prohibits continuing living under tyrants and Islam also calls for speaking against injustices NOT to support these injustices which this Deobandi Indian mulla is doing.
How is that Sharia law working for you people in Pakistan? Oh yes, Pakistan has very able, gentle, intelligent rulers! Kudos!
BTW Islam in itself represent a separate Nation.
Yes. Indeed. You are talking about the Ummah, no?
and yeah these Indian deobandis are spreading militancy in Pakistan since long.
:woot: :hitwall:
Srinagar, Oct 11: Prominent separatist leader Professor Abdul Gani Bhat has said the global situation demanded that Kashmiris found alternatives to armed resistance and the UN resolutions about Kashmir dispute.

Speaking to the Executive Council of his party, Muslim Conference, Prof Bhat acknowledged that the UN resolution formed the legal founding of the Kashmir dispute but asserted, “As of now implementation of these resolutions does not seem a possibility.
We have to, therefore, find alternatives to resolve this dispute.
” He has proposed a joint mechanism between India, Pakistan and J&K about discarding all forms of violence and forging a political and economic relationship between the three.

The resolutions adopted during MC meet state that dialogue and reconciliation was the only substitute to war. One of the resolutions reads, “In the present world supporting any armed movement is next to headache. We have to recognize the contradictions in J&K’s collective thinking and decide that the sacrifices won’t be allowed to go waste. For that to happen, the ongoing movement has to be linked to meaningful dialogue process.”

Prof Bhat, also Chairman of Muslim Conference, a key constituent of Hurriyat Conference (M), sought an unambiguous declaration from India and Pakistan about the Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. “We won’t accept political hegemony from any side,” he said adding that confidence building measures should be taken to facilitate the dialogue process.

In order to “abolish all forms of violence” Muslim Conference has sought permanent guarantees from India, Pakistan and Kashmiri people and suggested a “cross-border Kashmir Council” that would over restoration of trade, travel and other mutual relations of two parts of Kashmir. This council, reads the MC resolution, will also decide matters including water sharing, trade, tourism, travel documents etc.


Although some points are militant, at least some sane voice is emerging out from the separatists
Those who were scared to get killed and who refused to give sacrifices during partition Were NOT at all part of Pakistan in anyway.
You mean to say that Muslims who stayed behind were not brave enough to embrace the idea of Pakistan?
What an inane pov!
If there was fair referendum and there were three options

1. Join India
2. Join Pakistan
3. Form a separate country

then majority would have either opted for Pakistan or a separate country but would not have joined a Hindu dominated India.


Seriously? Does it even make any sense?
Many Muslims did including my ancestors, are you smoking weed?

he is talking about those Muslims who showing full loyalties to India remained there, who were later burnt alive in Gujrat for this loyalty.

Who's Mosque was demolished by Hindu fanatics and who were recently reminded that they are not even considered full Indians to be imparted justice under Indian justice system. read ayodhya verdict.

These are fruits of their loyalty to India.
hi jana ji u r here...well let me ask this q on kashmir here again..why was there peace till 1989???
Those who were scared to get killed and who refused to give sacrifices during partition Were NOT at all part of Pakistan in anyway. So there is NO question of defeat of idea of Pakistan.

no actually those who felt personal freedom is more important than religious bigotry choose to stay back,atleast here in India,no Muslim have to live under the shadow of Sharia

If there was fair referendum and there were three options

1. Join India
2. Join Pakistan
3. Form a separate country

then majority would have either opted for Pakistan or a separate country but would not have joined a Hindu dominated India.

Majority already made their choice back in 1947,u only failed to see it

A small counter question. As per first part of your post all those Muslims who have opted to join India means defeat of Idea of Pakistan. In other words those millions of Muslims shown loyalties to India SO why Indians all these 63 years have never integrated these INDIAN MUSLIMS as equal partners ???

and according to u how Muslims chossing to stay in a Hindu dominated society is the failure of Islam,do u consider ur religion that weak

Why these Indian Muslims are still asked to dump their religion, faith, culture to prove they are more Indians than being Muslims ??

Why they are asked to "Go to your Pakistan" ??

do body asked here to dump their religion,faith or culture,this is all that u want to see ,to enjoy ruffles created inside a nation called democracy(and this is only applicable to Indian muslims-to keep religion before nation,so that one day pakistan can say for itself see Islamic India speak for us),and not to point out whenever an Indian Muslim speak for our country,that becomes hard to digest for u,because u see the defeat of ur ummah in that,and ur failure as the guardians of the religion
no actually those who felt personal freedom is more important than religious bigotry choose to stay back,atleast here in India,no Muslim have to live under the shadow of Sharia

In India they are living under Hinduism. even your so-called secular justice system proved its is also ORANGE. And my question again to bhartis what You Hindu Indians have given to Muslims for their choice to remain in India? Why you question the Indianism of a Muslim when he speaks against injustices to him in India?

The recent example here is of Firefighter an Indian Muslim member who has reservations against one-sided verdict in Babri Mosque and he was cowed down by Indians here and were asking him to prove himself Indian first and Muslim second.:tdown: personal freedom ? oh yeah very much visible.

Majority already made their choice back in 1947,u only failed to see it

They are considered minority and second class citizens in India. We have no issue with their choice. Their situation is like "na ghar ka na ghat ka"

and according to u how Muslims chossing to stay in a Hindu dominated society is the failure of Islam,do u consider ur religion that weak

You have severe problem of comprehension here. It is failure of their choice. Our religion strong enough to send oldest religion in fear of being dominated by a young religion

do body asked here to dump their religion,faith or culture,this is all that u want to see ,to enjoy ruffles created inside a nation called democracy(and this is only applicable to Indian muslims-to keep religion before nation,so that one day pakistan can say for itself see Islamic India speak for us),and not to point out whenever an Indian Muslim speak for our country,that becomes hard to digest for u,because u see the defeat of ur ummah in that,and ur failure as the guardians of the religion

This is not your right to ask Indian Muslims to keep their nation above their religion. Let them decide that.

2. Your deo bandi mullah can speak for YOU i have no issue with and i already said he is speaking for India. Since Kashmir is an occupied country hence NO Indian statement is for Kashmiri right.

The Indian government has tried to play this card but miserably failed after use of force against Kashniris

Till this thread, Indians were the first talking about 'insane' 'fatwas' of the 'Deobandis'.

Now suddenly, their opinions are educated (and hence have the right to pass on religious laws) and they are no longer extreme. Choose one, guys! You can't have two for everything!
Before hyphenating Junagarh with Kashmir, as is the wont of many a uninitiated members, it would be wise to check the history of the issue.

Here's some fodder for thought:

You see what the problem was? And I was suspended for saying this!!

How is that cheating? Where did India cheat? Care to elaborate?

How are they sympathetic to your cause? Those idiots have no idea what they are doing! They are just being getting carried away by sentiments and adrenalin. They have no practical knowledge of what would happen if the status quo changes - forcibly!

Fine, whatever your opinions are on the Junagadh issue and other princely states. Now- say India takes these states (which it did). Was it fair according to the rules? No, it wasn't. Apparently they didn't want 'pockets' of Pakistan in India. So India absorbed the land.

Okay, that's fine with us. But does that not give Pakistan the right to take Kashmir if the raja (or whatever he was) was a hindu, but his people were Muslims? Whatever is politically right- that does not matter. Right now, Kashmir is angry (if you haven't noticed) about this and is only going to get angrier.
he is talking about those Muslims who showing full loyalties to India remained there, who were later burnt alive in Gujrat for this loyalty.
So 200 million Muslims died in Gujrat?

Who's Mosque was demolished by Hindu fanatics....
And what about those hundreds of thousands of mosques in every nook and corner of India?

...and who were recently reminded that they are not even considered full Indians to be imparted justice under Indian justice system. read ayodhya verdict.
Did you yourself read the Ayodhya verdict?
These are fruits of their loyalty to India.
And the fruits of loyalty to Pakistan is that Ahmedis are declared non-Muslim.
The recent example here is of Firefighter an Indian Muslim member who has reservations against one-sided verdict in Babri Mosque and he was cowed down by Indians here and were asking him to prove himself Indian first and Muslim second. personal freedom ? oh yeah very much visible.

I see many times in this forum, people have been asked to be Pakistani first and stop caring about some imagined ummah! If they have not been cowed down by Pakistani members, how the concerned person being cowed down by other Indians?
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