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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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^^^The fact is that the ISI/PA establishment will not allow an independant J&K to exist. This is one of the core reasons of differences between the Geelani and the Mirwaiz factions.

If you have a chance to read BAsharat Peer's curfewed midnight-his personal account on Kashmir- you will learn how the ISI was responsible for brutally killing and putting down pro-independance and pro-India KAshmiris. The militants were also responsbile for killing Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's father, Sajjad Ghani Lone's father and more recently Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's uncle Fazl-i-Haq Qureshi.
^^^The fact is that the ISI/PA establishment will not allow an independant J&K to exist. This is one of the core reasons of differences between the Geelani and the Mirwaiz factions.

If you have a chance to read BAsharat Peer's curfewed midnight-his personal account on Kashmir- you will learn how the ISI was responsible for brutally killing and putting down pro-independance and pro-India KAshmiris. The militants were also responsbile for killing Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's father, Sajjad Ghani Lone's father and more recently Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's uncle Fazl-i-Haq Qureshi.

Yes I agree with you. I feel if Kashmir separatist provide support to leader like Yasin then Kashmir movement can get some support from the world...The reason is Yasin present himself as non violent statesman rather than other religious fanatic separatist....but i know this will never happen...people of kashmir always fundamentalist in nature.....they always like the leader like G....and others...
Not all of them were protesting nor were any being used as human shields:

And do you except them to never go outside as long as they is some danger? That means that you shouldn't ever go outside because they is always a chance of danger the second you leave your house.

Why were those boys still outside in their compound when protest and police firing take place near to their compound.
and nobody is telling kashmir's to not to go out out side, this restriction is only when there is a big mob violance and police going on, and if they avoid the warning it's their own fault.
@NWO..Put some logic in your argument.
If they were your kids would you allow them to go outside in this situation. Would you rather not go if you really have to instead of sending your kids? I know without any hesitation that I would.
^^^The fact is that the ISI/PA establishment will not allow an independant J&K to exist. This is one of the core reasons of differences between the Geelani and the Mirwaiz factions.

If you have a chance to read BAsharat Peer's curfewed midnight-his personal account on Kashmir- you will learn how the ISI was responsible for brutally killing and putting down pro-independance and pro-India KAshmiris. The militants were also responsbile for killing Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's father, Sajjad Ghani Lone's father and more recently Mirwaiz Umar FArooq's uncle Fazl-i-Haq Qureshi.

Where is your proof that ISI was responsible for killings and putting down pro-independence?

Again you indians blame everyting on Pakistan.

Here is what Mirwaiz Umar Farooq says:

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
‘Kashmir is not an Islamic issue’

Mirwaiz Maulvi Umar Farooq is a popular figure in Kashmir. He joined politics at a tender age of 17 in 1990 shortly after his father, Mirwaiz Maulana Farooq, was assassinated. Since then Maulvi Umar Farooq has matured enough to comprehend the intricacies of politics. He is a former chairman of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and holds a master’s degree in Islamic Studies. Nasir Husain Peerzadah of The Milli Gazette met the Mirwaiz at his residence in Nageen. Excerpts:

You joined politics at a very critical juncture when your father was martyred. Was it a choice or compulsion?
When my father was martyred in May 1990 I was advised by some relatives not to join politics. But looking to the past when our family is seen involved in preaching the message of Islam to Kashmiri Muslims, I had to take the responsibilities albeit reluctantly in the beginning. Later things were left to Allah and I willingly accepted to shoulder the responsibilities thrust upon me and willingly accepted the challenges.

How has the Kashmir issue emerged in your view?
Kashmir problem emerged at the moment when India and Pakistan came into being. Logically it had to be part of Pakistan. But the conspiracies of Indian leaders coupled with some Kashmiris stopped Kashmir to be a part of Pakistan. So the problem emerged and later the refusal of the right of self determination aggravated the problem further which was promised by Nehru-a promise which could never be fulfilled.

The Kashmir problem is lingering for a long time. We see other international conflicts heading towards some solutions. Why such a long stalemate for Kashmir?
India is not serious for the resolution of Kashmir issue. Post nuclear scenario demands that the issue be solved amicably in order to ensure peace in the Subcontinent. It would be in the interest of India if the issue is resolved.

How would you highlight the role of the APHC?
The APHC was formed in 1993 when all the religio-political parties came under a single banner to voice for the oppressed Kashmiris. Since then the Conference has been strongly advocating the cause of Kashmiris. It has internationalized the issue to a great extent. It has been granted the observer status by the OIC. I have been the former chairman of APHC. I travelled to many foreign countries pleading for the cause of Kashmiris. So APHC is a potent force.

Why are you not joining hands with the 200-million-strong Indian Muslims so as to be an honourable community in India?
Kashmir is not a Hindu-Muslim case. It is a political and human problem. We have been made to loose our identity. Indian Muslims were given the chance to determine their fate in 1947. Kashmiris have never felt that they are a part of India. So we cannot be kept as hostages.

What is your view about a long lasting solution of Kashmir?
We want the implementation of the UN resolutions which state that the people of Kashmir should be asked to opt for either India or Pakistan. We also support tripartite talks between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris. The princely state which existed before 1947, all the representatives from all regions of this state should be allowed to discuss in order to reach some amicable solution.

Jammuites and Ladakhis have not joined the movement. Which solution would be applicable to the Kashmir issue?
Well, you see it is not an Islamic issue. Let the people of Jammu and Ladakh be given the option: if they want to join India we cannot stop them.

Do you favour the division of state and the solution on communal lines?
If that is the only way what can we do? Still then there is support in some regions of Jammu with predominant Muslim population for the movement.

How do you look to the report issued by the Kashmir Study Group based in the US?
A lot of ‘solutions’ have been suggested by people. One professor from California suggests some 35 solutions. The Kashmir Study Group suggests a state within state seeking guarantees from both India and Pakistan and urging both the governments to enter into certain international agreements. The report/suggestions would be thoroughly debated and discussed. Yet no official stance has been taken by us.

You were offered talks by India. Any comment?
On one hand, India is suppressing us and on the other hand we are offered to come to table and to talk within the confines of Indian constitution. This is not possible.

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
If thats the reallity and soo easy as 1+1=2 then man GoI is really a dumb as turd!

You think so??... if GoI is really dumb they have successfully kept a comedian at bay without paying a single paise?? .. GoI knows what to spend where.. atleast now we have some people who think better for there country... They have created some education facilities, Job opps etc etc instead of paying to that comedian.. See the difference between GoI and ISI/GoP?
The age of the victims 14,17 raises a distressing question - what were these boys who ought to have been studying 8 th and 11 grades in school respectively doing in the violent protests/stone-pelting/arson which caused their death.?

Are they being used as human shields by the other protestors/separatist leaders so that their death can be used to generate more anger and consequently the cycle of violence continues ?

Well, human shield term doesn't fit here. Because nobody is shooting bullet from behind these kids. So, this term is totally nonsense.
During this whole protest non Indian soldier or policeman died because of bullet. It proves its fight between Indian guns and Freedom fighters stones.
Even its independent Kashmir, still Pakistan in win win situation. OK then do the plebiscite. Evac Indian forces and leave the new country name Kashmir from daily oppression. I think after 100,000 Kashmires death, India is just wasting its time,money and manpower.
Well, human shield term doesn't fit here. Because nobody is shooting bullet from behind these kids. So, this term is totally nonsense.
Haider bhai, He used the term human shield to imply that the protesters are putting the kids in the front of them in the mob to face the bullets.

I am sure if I was a kid playing on the streets and see 10 people throwing stones, I would join them with even more enthusiasm. The youths can throw and hide behind the walls in the alleys, but sometimes the innocent kids can't run fast enough to avoid the actions of the forces. Thats the reason why the elders and guardians should keep the children inside when such protests are going on.
You think so??... if GoI is really dumb they have successfully kept a comedian at bay without paying a single paise?? .. GoI knows what to spend where.. atleast now we have some people who think better for there country... They have created some education facilities, Job opps etc etc instead of paying to that comedian.. See the difference between GoI and ISI/GoP?

Well, its common dilemma and complaint when Muslim goes down from valley to seek jobs, they been treated as Muslim terrorist or Pakistnai sympathizers and badly treated. So, go to see in forums Indian call them brother, but in real life not more then Pakistan sympathizers. That s call double standard and hypo ism in Indian politics and culture.
Well, human shield term doesn't fit here. Because nobody is shooting bullet from behind these kids. So, this term is totally nonsense.

It doesnt have to be always bullets..btw no live bullets were used.they were Rubber bullets that are used all over the world.

Secondly I think you are oblivious to the damage a stone weighing about a pound can cause if it hits the right spot.It could be even fatal.

They theow stones hiding behind the back of children and women so that the Sec Forces think thrice before doing anything and this is nothing but a Human Shield.

During this whole protest non Indian soldier or policeman died because of bullet. It proves its fight between Indian guns and Freedom fighters stones.

False..over 4000 policemen and CRPF jawans have been injured in stone pelting in the last 3 months and over 1000 of them critically injured.No where in the world does the Security forces show so much restraint.

4000 Security forces injured in stone pelting
Tactical error by Mr Gilani.. He shouldnt have said it.. Damaged his own cause by diluting the slogan of Aazadi...:cheers:

Thats exactly what I thought immediately after reading this report. How naive of him to come out and say this when Kashmiri people are demanding 'aazadi'. He goes on to say that Independent Kashmir is NOT a viable option unless India, China and Pakistan support the state. That is in NO WAY happening - and surprisingly he mentions that too!

Kashmiris are going to realize that they are being taken for a ride by their leaders. Given the option of joining Pakistan, people are definitely going to judge that by looking at the present state of affairs in Pakistan and the direction the country is heading into. Joining China is NOT an option.

Ultimately, there will be a solution worked out - within the framework of Indian constitution.

Blood has been shed in vain. When will people realize this?
Nehru, india's first prime minister, promised the people of Kashmir a referendum.

People desperately hold on to some vague promises made by long dead politicians, decades ago, but let the present day politicians who make flimsy, false promises for votes go scot-free!

Nehru has been dead for decades. So have many of his policies and promises too.

Welcome to the 21st century.
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