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Kashmir must get its own Army

Today Pakistan faces a Dilemma, which is quickly being translated into an existential crisis.

What Pakistan want is to retaliate against India over annexation of Kashmir for which it has two options.

First option:

first option for Pakistan is what Pakistan has done in the past, that is sending mujaheddin across border.this option is double edged sword as not only we risk sanctions against us but also risk damaging Kashmir cause. What most people don't realize that the world has changed a lot and while mujaheddin can achieve tactical goals , they fail to achieve any strategic advantage.

moreover Pakistan is already under the eye of the whole world for their support of such elements and it will do much more damage to Kashmir cause then it will do good.

Second Option:

Pakistan has repeatedly shown its prowess in mountain warfare, from Kargil to Waziristan and FATA. Pakistan holds the edge in mountain warfare and it can overrun Kashmir which seems to be the popular assessment from previous wars (Pakistan maintained edge in Kashmir front in all wars). However things are much more complicated when we move further south. while tactics work in mountains , south is plain, which means no tactics but only raw strength will determine outcome and that while Pakistan has , it falls short when compared to 8-1 advantage enjoyed by the adversary, while Pakistan is still capable of defensive warfare, History stands witness that a military oriented towards defense is bound to lose.

this significantly reduces Pakistan's conventional option. so how can Pakistan manage to retaliate, but still avoid a total war and sanctions and global condemnation.

Third Option:

here comes a new perspective, Azad Kashmir already has its own Government, what it needs is a AN Army, in theory Azad Kashmir will declare itself a sovereign state with an Army and will hold foreign contacts with multiple countries urging to recognize it.


first of all it will Kashmir a voice not dependent on Pakistan, second Pakistan can support Kashmir militarily without any sanctions and condemnation while still not giving India any cassus belli to open hostilities in the southern border.

while this will clearly advantageous for Pakistan and Kashmiris , Pakistan's top brass has not thought about it or is unwilling or it might be the case that the never thought about it . in which case it should give them a perspective.

Case studies:

South ossetia



Turkish cypriot

@MastanKhan @WebMaster @Jango @Dubious @waz @Khafee @Pomegranate
Thats what i want... Help them to keep decent army.. Train them arm them and then provide them lethal weapons to fight with occupiers
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