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kashmir is unfinished agenda of Partition #COAS

Only that it is happening. Kashmiris have lower fertility than Dogras. From 77 % in 1900, the share is reduced to around 63% percent. Including Shia and Ahmedis. Plus, this number is most likely inflated by a small fraction to make the disappearances missing. So it can be as low as 61% already.
Plus once art 370 is out...thereis going to be mass migration there for sure... i will certainly buy land there...

Please. Tell me, was the 1965 war launched to capture Lahore or to capture Kashmir? If it was launched to capture Lahore and you threatened Kashmir, we failed in achieving what we set out to do.

But, then Pakidiots (since you used the term first), do know what it means right? You set out to achieve something. Failed miserably at it. Then celebrate defending a major city after losing 3 times the land, which you would not have lost btw if you had not started the bloody war! Savvy?

It was launched b/c of indian army's hostile movements and mobilizations which compelled Pakistan to act.....dig deeper.

And yes - celebrating the Defense of Pakistani mainland and repelling an enemy approximately 8.5 times our size is something to celebrate. It's a national day of Pakistan and we've been celebrating it every day for years - what is it to you thick heads? Sept. 6 isn't to celebrate Operation Gibraltar (which was not a successful mission due to 3 key reasons i'll be happy to discuss elsewhere). We celebrate the day simply b/c of the valor of our soldiers; the good coordination between the ground forces and the air force of Pakistan (which thrashed yours to bits). Celebrates the counter attack in Sialkot - the graveyard for thousands of indians and their tanks. Every country has days where they celebrate such military victories or accomplishments - or to remember those who fought and died in uniform to defend their country from external aggression.

By the way - defending a "major" city like Lahore resonates in the minds of most patriotic Pakistanis - even those like me who are not even from Lahore. It's our cultural capital. S. Sajad 'Nosy' Haider (the celebrated pilot who led the squadron who turned your Pattankot air base and most things on it into a wall of fire and smoke) himself writes in his book how enraged he was that the indians were advancing towards Lahore. So enraged and yet cool headed that he flew missions (within and across the border) to bomb indian tanks, radar installations, fuel/logistics trains and anything indian on it - - landing back to safety with fuel in his aircraft so dangerously low he was pretty much operating the engines on leftover fumes.

My point is - keeping the indians out of Lahore and sending them back shitting in their dhotis was a matter of life or death. Not just for the military for but regular people on the street even vegetable vendors. We gave indians plenty of thrashing, but when it became about our very survival as the war was expanded - we did what we had to do to defend our mainland.

In the meanwhile - and off topic - Kashmiris celebrate August 14, 1947 every year and we saw that on full display last month. Go cry about that as well.
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From where did you learned that term "bhokla" ...it's a bihari term...
I thought its hindi

Only that it is happening. Kashmiris have lower fertility than Dogras. From 77 % in 1900, the share is reduced to around 63% percent. Including Shia and Ahmedis. Plus, this number is most likely inflated by a small fraction to make the disappearances missing. So it can be as low as 61% already.
Plus once art 370 is out...thereis going to be mass migration there for sure... i will certainly buy land there...

it wont be repealed.......i can assure you on that ;)

(yes - i heard your govt. made that pledge during campaign season) :laugh:

in 1918, Peace conference in Paris we were called India too.
So unkil if you wanna fillibuster the same old rant, better get your facts correct. India was always there, Just Pakistan was coined after partition. Regarding India being divided, you should worry about Pakistan more than India. :crazy::crazy:

Aint no "fillibuster" putar......"india" didnt become a country until 1947, the borders were irrelevant until 1947

how ironic that Muslim Mughals and the British were needed to even remotely unify the people of india today - some who share absolutely nothing in common and have no national identity

:crazy::crazy: Hadd hoti hai unkil Quit India movement 1947 ke baad start hua? If there was nothing called as India, what was it called before? :crazy: There are so many examples, aaj aapne sasti waali chadha li :haha::haha:
Regarding blah blah Pakistani Kashmir blah blah, go ask your beloved separatists to take part in elections, militants dont have voter ID's maybe:haha::haha:

Kashmiris had no choice but to vote to keep the BJP out of majority. The "separatists" could have been more pragmatic. I dont call them separatists simply b/c Kashmir isn't indian. They aren't "separating" from india - though they are fighting to ensure the 7 lakh cowardly occupation forces (sissies) are thrown out one day. To do that, the means will have to be provided and God willing - we will have a leadership one day that is not Nawaz Sharif who believes in mango diplomacy
One question....what will Pakistan do when Jammu and Kashmir becomes a non Muslim majority state? The demographics point to such a direction.
But the kashmiris of valley ,they dont want freedom of jammu. They only want freedom of kashmir valley. K valley as an independent country.
My point is - keeping the indians out of Lahore and sending them back shitting in their dhotis was a matter of life or death. Not just for the military for but regular people on the street even vegetable vendors. We gave indians plenty of thrashing, but when it became about our very survival as the war was expanded - we did what we had to do to defend our mainland.

Oh yeah, again beating around the bush.

My point is - You would not be keeping is out of Lahore and lost 3 times the territory you gained. Thrashing? You lost 3 times the territory in a war you started? If you call that thrashing, thrash us more!

Go cry about that as well
Ground reality is that we still are in power there and all you can do is cry about it. :D Cry a river, eat more grass, but all you will get is more grass. Get it?
it wont be repealed.......i can assure you on that ;)

(yes - i heard your govt. made that pledge during campaign season) :laugh:

Aint no "fillibuster" putar......"india" didnt become a country until 1947, the borders were irrelevant until 1947

how ironic that Muslim Mughals and the British were needed to even remotely unify the people of india today - some who share absolutely nothing in common and have no national identity

Kashmiris had no choice but to vote to keep the BJP out of majority. The "separatists" could have been more pragmatic. I dont call them separatists simply b/c Kashmir isn't indian. They aren't "separating" from india - though they are fighting to ensure the 7 lakh cowardly occupation forces (sissies) are thrown out one day. To do that, the means will have to be provided and God willing - we will have a leadership one day that is not Nawaz Sharif who believes in mango diplomacy

So before 1947 there was no INDIA and it was called your kabootar.
LOL do you know how many people turned out to vote? 65%+
I think you should know what that means before you cry out loud :haha::haha:. They will never go with Pakistan cuz they know what's the condition of your Azad Kashmir people:yu:
Separatists cant to sh!t apart from being house jailed whole year, sorry to break your bubble.
india was not a country - it was merely a geographical term - like the equator itself.....as Churchill once said

Ah yes, that explains it. I am using India as a term for the geographical subcontinent whereas you are referring to a very narrow political definition. Fair enough, I can accept that.


You sure you not Indian?

100% Positive. Born and bred in Pakistan. :D
So before 1947 there was no INDIA and it was called your kabootar.
LOL do you know how many people turned out to vote? 65%+
I think you should know what that means before you cry out loud :haha::haha:. They will never go with Pakistan cuz they know what's the condition of your Azad Kashmir people:yu:
Separatists cant to sh!t apart from being house jailed whole year, sorry to break your bubble.

Exactly, and I was pointing out that boycotting the elections would only have given BJP a landslide victory - which would have been a communal disaster for Kashmir - which is mostly Muslim and has never accepted indian hegemony (applies especially to the valley - less so Ladakh and those other places where the Chinese will hopefully become more active)

Condition of Azad J&K is excellent actually - good literacy, they are politically active, they have a seperate Parliament/Govt. which does work well in tandem with the Govt of Pakistan (regardless of which political party is in power)

As for the "house jailing thing" - tell me honestly - how intelligent and prideful with your 56 inch chests did you feel when it was announced Geelani was under house arrest and then one hour later after a press statement by Pakistan your BJP-clown led govt. announced that he was no longer under house arrest

So before 1947 there was no INDIA and it was called your kabootar..

Our kabootar is in indian custody on charges of being recruited by the ISI.....in fairness to india, it enjoyed air conditioned holding cell while thousands of indians died in heat wave
Exactly, and I was pointing out that boycotting the elections would only have given BJP a landslide victory - which would have been a communal disaster for Kashmir - which is mostly Muslim and has never accepted indian hegemony (applies especially to the valley - less so Ladakh and those other places where the Chinese will hopefully become more active)

Condition of Azad J&K is excellent actually - good literacy, they are politically active, they have a seperate Parliament/Govt. which does work well in tandem with the Govt of Pakistan (regardless of which political party is in power)

As for the "house jailing thing" - tell me honestly - how intelligent and prideful with your 56 inch chests did you feel when it was announced Geelani was under house arrest and then one hour later after a press statement by Pakistan your BJP-clown led govt. announced that he was no longer under house arrest

he probably is, but even if he isnt - he's perfectly entitled to his opinion.
Yes i know what is the condition there, if i am not wrong Azad Kashmir got no representative in either assembly or parliament.
This is India, we can do anything with scums provided it comes under law.:yay:
Heres a 20 min interview of Lt Gen (R) Tariq khan where he talks abt 1965 war..why did it happen and lessons learnt... A must watch @Abu Zolfiqar & surya kiran

This is India, we can do anything with scums provided it comes under law.:yay:

and who took the majority vote? The PDP which calls for self-rule, self-autonomy and which has on many occasions dis-obeyed the BJP "coalition" by releasing many of these very same flag waving "separatists" as you call them

Yes i know what is the condition there, if i am not wrong Azad Kashmir got no representative in either assembly or parliament

There is a Kashmir Legislative Assembly, and a Ministry of Kashmir Affairs which work together in tandem. Azad J&K has its own Parliament and Supreme Court. There is no anti-Pakistan movement in AJK and there sure as hell arent any indian flags in sight - even for those who are low on toilet paper supplies
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