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Kashmir Has Always Been a Part of Pakistan

Kashmiris want freedom from Pakistan, India and China
Who i'am from mirpur originally and nearly everyone is pro pakistan but i am not sure about kotli or the other districts i have never been there.

because my dear sir, arabia, just like india, existed as a political/geographical entity.
ask urself the question, why a country such as bangladesh has a bay named after it, but pakistan, older than the former, still has nothing named after it.
btw, arabia is not equal to pakistan. arabs may find this idea amusing though.
regarding arabian sea near mumbai, who the frig cares when the only ocean named after any country is indian ocean.
Its actually named after the indus river which is in pakistan.
because my dear sir, arabia, just like india, existed as a political/geographical entity.

Who ever named the sea in English; had first contact with the Arabs....

ask urself the question, why a country such as bangladesh has a bay named after it, but pakistan, older than the former, still has nothing named after it.

When European/English reached the bay area; there already they found the adjacent state name Bengal; so they named it as Bay of Bengal; Bangladesh has nothing to do with it.

btw, arabia is not equal to pakistan. arabs may find this idea amusing though.
regarding arabian sea near mumbai, who the frig cares when the only ocean named after any country is indian ocean.
I don't understand the reason of above blabbering.
Who i'am from mirpur originally and nearly everyone is pro pakistan but i am not sure about kotli or the other districts i have never been there.

Its actually named after the indus river which is in pakistan.

Who ever named the sea in English; had first contact with the Arabs....

When European/English reached the bay area; there already they found the adjacent state name Bengal; so they named it as Bay of Bengal; Bangladesh has nothing to do with it.

I don't understand the reason of above blabbering.
if u dont understand my blabbering, then dont quote me. simple.
yet u quote me again n again. either u do understand my blabbering or u like blabbering. take ur pick.
if u like i can name the pond behind my house as "pakistan ocean", if that wud quench ur majesty's thirst for identity fix.

Its actually named after the indus river which is in pakistan.
absolutely definitely.
however, that doesnot make pakistans name to india or import indus river to india.
as u know, india was,historically, the land east of indus. who named india so? definitely not the (bragging) indians on PDF, not the party of mir qasim, definitely not the british (although they kind of gave their stamp of approval).
it may be difficult for countries with relatively shorter timeframe, but old countries/nations had multiple names attributed to them. india, japan, germany, iran, iraq.
whether the name india/hindustan came from indus/sindhu is immaterial. but howsoever the name came to be, i m sure, pakistanis had nothing to do with it.

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