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Kashmir files vs The Shudra


Nov 29, 2020
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Another propaganda film called Kashmir files made by casteist Brahmin director Vivek Agnihotri, this time targeting Muslims. He also made propaganda films against OBC SC ST who resist RSS.

OBC SC ST and minority don't have any media to counter this propaganda. 97% of the media is owned by upper caste, 87% by Brahmins. There is more coverage on 0.0001% Kashmiri Pandits than 80% OBC SC ST and minorities. There are four pillars of Indian democracy, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. Executive is 70% upper caste, before reservation it was 95%, But reservation for OBC only started in 1990, still no OBC in upper echelons of Executive. Judiciary is also 95% upper caste, through a Collegium system 3000 families rotate the judicial jobs among themselves. Initially, a upper caste party Congress dominated the Legislature, now BJP is trying to replace it.

If there is one HIndi TV channel owned by 80% OBC SC ST and minorities, by pooling their resources, through it we can counter upper caste Hindutwa narrative. For example when all TV channels raise the issue of Kashmir files, fake Love Jihad etc, it can remind OBC SC ST of the 3000 year of caste system. Remind people about Religious riots in Gujarat.
If there was such a news channel, result of UP elections would have been different. By changing the narrative, the real majority of India OBC SC ST and minorities can gain control of Legislature. Legislature is the master key to opening the doors of change, it can make the upper caste dominated other pillars of democracy( Media, Judiciary, Executive) to fall in line.
What happened in UP is upper caste narrative, 80:20 won, Only way to counter this is a counter narrative is reverse polarization.

What happened in Kashmir is all the OBC SC ST got converted to Islam, then one day they got fed up and kicked out the Brahmins. Kashmiri Pandits owned most the the land and government jobs in Kashmir
No for the govt not intervening when they were being killed,raped and thrown out of their homes in the middle of the night.

Keep seething and yelling. Its people like you who make Modi and Yogi stronger day by day. Keep on going. One day the same treatment will be given to all Urban Naxals as KPs received.
You RSS half chaddhis will get the same treatment. When the majority of Indians say enough is enough

You RSS half chaddhis will get the same treatment. When the majority of Indians say enough is enough
And that day will never come :lol:
Keep seething, RW never used to have the amount of support it is today, thanks to Liberandus like you.
Another propaganda film called Kashmir files made by casteist Brahmin director Vivek Agnihotri, this time targeting Muslims. He also made propaganda films against OBC SC ST who resist RSS.
View attachment 823350
OBC SC ST and minority don't have any media to counter this propaganda. 97% of the media is owned by upper caste, 87% by Brahmins. There is more coverage on 0.0001% Kashmiri Pandits than 80% OBC SC ST and minorities. There are four pillars of Indian democracy, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. Executive is 70% upper caste, before reservation it was 95%, But reservation for OBC only started in 1990, still no OBC in upper echelons of Executive. Judiciary is also 95% upper caste, through a Collegium system 3000 families rotate the judicial jobs among themselves. Initially, a upper caste party Congress dominated the Legislature, now BJP is trying to replace it.

If there is one HIndi TV channel owned by 80% OBC SC ST and minorities, by pooling their resources, through it we can counter upper caste Hindutwa narrative. For example when all TV channels raise the issue of Kashmir files, fake Love Jihad etc, it can remind OBC SC ST of the 3000 year of caste system. Remind people about Religious riots in Gujarat.
If there was such a news channel, result of UP elections would have been different. By changing the narrative, the real majority of India OBC SC ST and minorities can gain control of Legislature. Legislature is the master key to opening the doors of change, it can make the upper caste dominated other pillars of democracy( Media, Judiciary, Executive) to fall in line.
What happened in UP is upper caste narrative, 80:20 won, Only way to counter this is a counter narrative is reverse polarization.

What happened in Kashmir is all the OBC SC ST got converted to Islam, then one day they got fed up and kicked out the Brahmins. Kashmiri Pandits owned most the the land and government jobs in Kashmir
Going to watch tomorrow. 😎

This oppression-showing clip should be shown in every school, college and work environment in India and the West the Hindutvadis have infested. Look at the ha ha reacts @Sudarshan and @Sharma Ji have given to your OP despite this clip's posting. And look below what they have written. But if anyone thinks this caste oppression stopped in 300 BC via the entry of Alexander the Great and the subsequent Buddhist rule then they are wrong. Caste oppression happens even now in India ( and abroad where Hindutvadis infest ). Read this incident from just last year :
Five people have been arrested for allegedly seeking to fine a Dalit family of Rs 25,000 for "purification" of the Hanuman temple in Miyapur village in the district after their two-year-old son entered it, police said on Wednesday.

"We have arrested five people in connection with the case," the superintendent of police T Sreedhara told PTI.

According to the official, the incident took place on September 4 and it came to light only on Monday following which a case was registered. "The Dalit family was reluctant to lodge a complaint," Sreedhara added.

Chandrashekhar belonging to the Chennadasar community wished to seek the blessings of Lord Hanuman for his two-year-old son on his birthday on September four. "Chandrashekhar and his family members were standing outside but the boy ran inside the temple, which irked the temple priest who sought to make it an issue," they added. Some others from "upper castes" sided with the priest, and a meeting was held on September 11 where they demanded Rs 25,000 towards the expenditure for the "purification" of the temple. However, other villagers from upper castes opposed the move terming it 'harsh.'

The episode sparked a debate in the village and came to the notice of the Kushtagi police. The family was afraid to approach the police fearing backlash from sections upper caste. Some members of the Koppal district Chennadasar Mahasabha too visited the village and held meetings, leading to a tense atmosphere.

Based on a complaint by Social Welfare Department assistant director Balachandra Sanganal, the case was registered on Tuesday. In the past two days, the district administration conducted a series of public meetings to sensitise people of the village against the evil of casteism and its impact on society. Further, a grand Pooja was organised where all the communities of the village took part including Chennadasars in the presence of police.
An innocent two-year-old Dalit child became the object of blame for the priests' anti-human thinking and just exactly like the film clip in the OP there gathered a meeting of the village "elders" who obeyed with the oppression of the priests and imposed a punishment on the child's family because the child had "defiled" the holy place through his "impure presence", though the child's tongue was not cut this time but a 25,000 rupees fine imposed on the family who later were reluctant to file a police complaint because they were surrounded by an oppressive political and socio-economic environment which may decide to, as they say in the Subcontinent, do a "Hookah paani bandh" on them, essentially a socio-economic boycott or even an expulsion from the village. This is Dear Leader Modi's "Vishwaguru" India ?

So @Protest_again, who's the psycho here ? Do you not think a cleansing Communist revolution is required in India ( and the Subcontinent ) ?

kashmiri pundits should get justice.

No for the govt not intervening when they were being killed,raped and thrown out of their homes in the middle of the night.

I agree that the Pandits must be allowed to return to the Valley and again set up homes and businesses but do give a think about the injustices perpetrated by the military occupation on the non-Pandits for the last three decades, whether it be the Kunan-Poshpora mass gangrape incident of 1991 or it be the current electrocutions, pellet gun firings and other daily big and small tortures of now.

He's a chamar

An Urban Naxal is a sophisticated and evolved creature that you Hindutvadi will never be. :)

Is a chamar not a human ? Should chamars not have the same human rights as you ? Why do you think you are superior than them ? I can say that you, Sharma Ji, are inferior to me and other progressives by a light year not only intellectually but also because of your anti-human thoughts. Same goes for Sudarshan who thanked your stupid post. That is why revolutionary societies like the USSR and North Korea had set up gulags for people like you two. Please repent and change your ways.

@Joe Shearer, good that you gave him a -ve rating.

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @Goenitz @Bilal9 @KedarT @vishwambhar @Naofumi @N.Siddiqui @Vapnope

Going to watch tomorrow. 😎

Sure, a film made by an anti-human idiot for other anti-human idiots who don't have the thoughtfulness of a cat.
Another propaganda film called Kashmir files made by casteist Brahmin director Vivek Agnihotri, this time targeting Muslims. He also made propaganda films against OBC SC ST who resist RSS.
View attachment 823350
OBC SC ST and minority don't have any media to counter this propaganda. 97% of the media is owned by upper caste, 87% by Brahmins. There is more coverage on 0.0001% Kashmiri Pandits than 80% OBC SC ST and minorities. There are four pillars of Indian democracy, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. Executive is 70% upper caste, before reservation it was 95%, But reservation for OBC only started in 1990, still no OBC in upper echelons of Executive. Judiciary is also 95% upper caste, through a Collegium system 3000 families rotate the judicial jobs among themselves. Initially, a upper caste party Congress dominated the Legislature, now BJP is trying to replace it.

If there is one HIndi TV channel owned by 80% OBC SC ST and minorities, by pooling their resources, through it we can counter upper caste Hindutwa narrative. For example when all TV channels raise the issue of Kashmir files, fake Love Jihad etc, it can remind OBC SC ST of the 3000 year of caste system. Remind people about Religious riots in Gujarat.
If there was such a news channel, result of UP elections would have been different. By changing the narrative, the real majority of India OBC SC ST and minorities can gain control of Legislature. Legislature is the master key to opening the doors of change, it can make the upper caste dominated other pillars of democracy( Media, Judiciary, Executive) to fall in line.
What happened in UP is upper caste narrative, 80:20 won, Only way to counter this is a counter narrative is reverse polarization.

What happened in Kashmir is all the OBC SC ST got converted to Islam, then one day they got fed up and kicked out the Brahmins. Kashmiri Pandits owned most the the land and government jobs in Kashmir

The biggest shame is not these indians being vociferial anti-Pakistanis/Muslims but the Pakistanis/Muslims who watch these indian films.
This oppression-showing clip should be shown in every school, college and work environment in India and the West the Hindutvadis have infested. Look at the ha ha reacts @Sudarshan and @Sharma Ji have given to your OP despite this clip's posting. And look below what they have written. But if anyone thinks this caste oppression stopped in 300 BC via the entry of Alexander the Great and the subsequent Buddhist rule then they are wrong. Caste oppression happens even now in India ( and abroad where Hindutvadis infest ). Read this incident from just last year :

An innocent two-year-old Dalit child became the object of blame for the priests' anti-human thinking and just exactly like the film clip in the OP there gathered a meeting of the village "elders" who obeyed with the oppression of the priests and imposed a punishment on the child's family because the child had "defiled" the holy place through his "impure presence", though the child's tongue was not cut this time but a 25,000 rupees fine imposed on the family who later were reluctant to file a police complaint because they were surrounded by an oppressive political and socio-economic environment which may decide to, as they say in the Subcontinent, do a "Hookah paani bandh" on them, essentially a socio-economic boycott or even an expulsion from the village. This is Dear Leader Modi's "Vishwaguru" India ?

So @Protest_again, who's the psycho here ? Do you not think a cleansing Communist revolution is required in India ( and the Subcontinent ) ?

I agree that the Pandits must be allowed to return to the Valley and again set up homes and businesses but do give a think about the injustices perpetrated by the military occupation on the non-Pandits for the last three decades, whether it be the Kunan-Poshpora mass gangrape incident of 1991 or it be the current electrocutions, pellet gun firings and other daily big and small tortures of now.

An Urban Naxal is a sophisticated and evolved creature that you Hindutvadi will never be. :)

Is a chamar not a human ? Should chamars not have the same human rights as you ? Why do you think you are superior than them ? I can say that you, Sharma Ji, are inferior to me and other progressives by a light year not only intellectually but also because of your anti-human thoughts. Same goes for Sudarshan who thanked your stupid post. That is why revolutionary societies like the USSR and North Korea had set up gulags for people like you two. Please repent and change your ways.

@Joe Shearer, good that you gave him a -ve rating.

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @Goenitz @Bilal9 @KedarT @vishwambhar @Naofumi @N.Siddiqui @Vapnope

Sure, a film made by an anti-human idiot for other anti-human idiots who don't have the thoughtfulness of a cat.
Bahujans are rising, and soon Brahmins will have to divide India in order to save the "already-established-order".
Sure, a film made by an anti-human idiot for other anti-human idiots who don't have the thoughtfulness of a cat.
Not my job to give fatwas of human, anti-human and neither do I listen to losers who indulge in that business. :wave:
Not my job to give fatwas of human, anti-human and neither do I listen to losers who indulge in that business. :wave:

And what do you mean by "losers" ?

And what do you think about Vivek Agnihotri ?
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Keep seething and yelling. Its people like you who make Modi and Yogi stronger day by day. Keep on going. One day the same treatment will be given to all Urban Naxals as KPs received.

And why do you hate the Urban Naxals ?
I agree that the Pandits must be allowed to return to the Valley and again set up homes and businesses but do give a think about the injustices perpetrated
Sorry to pick this part only, but did Kashmiri leadership denied them entry? Or common populace was the one who stopped them? Just because some militants (never been more than 200 as per official statements) persecuted them, doesn't mean all population is responsible.

kashmiri pundits should get justice.
The militants who killed Pundits are killed. Unless you want to punish every single kashmiri, i don't see how else justice can be served.
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