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Kashmir Day Today

I am just curious does this Kashmir Day also take into account the freedom for Kashmiri region under Chinese control that is known as Aksai Chin. In addition, the Trans-Karakoram Tract, also known as the Shaksam Valley, that was ceded to it by Pakistan in 1963.
Does the solidarity day take into account these disputed region or it's the solidarity day for Indian administered Kashmir only. Please excuse my ignorance.

The 5000sq land which was ceded to China under the 1963 Sino-border agreement, had an articel which is called Article six.

And article of the agreement mentioned "that the 'two parties have agreed that, after the settlement of Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the government of People's Republic of China on the boundary, so as to sign a formal boundary treaty to replace the present agreement, provided that, in the event of that sovereign authority being Pakistan, the provisions of the present agreement and the aforesaid protocol be maintained.'
“I will not let the Kashmiris down”: Musharraf

ISLAMABAD, Feb 9 (APP): President Pervez Musharraf Saturday reiterating his resolve not to let the Kashmiris down said there were indications to a forward movement on Kashmir dispute and hoped Pakistan and India will make progress in this regard. “I can never let down the Kashmiris, can never forget Kashmir. A solution for Kashmir is closest to my heart and I will take it forward, towards a resolution,” President Musharraf said while inaugurating the Rs 130 billion Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric project aimed at generating 969 MW power.

President Musharraf said some progress has been made towards finding a political resolution of the lingering Kashmir dispute but pointed at the slow-down in the past few months.

“Again there are indications ... [and] again we will make progress towards dispute resolution with India,” the President said and added that Pakistan wants to resolve all disputes with India, including that of Kashmir, politically.

He said he was proud to have made some contribution in this regard but pointed that “unless there is clarity in the hearts we cannot move on effectively ... we have to go for dispute resolution.”

The President said the progress on the dispute has come to a stage where it can be resolved politically. He said its resolution was important both for Pakistan and India otherwise, he warned their economic, trade ties and relations can never normalize.

Associated Press of Pakistan - “I will not let the Kashmiris down”: Musharraf
I think first he should think about Pakistan and its awam who are getting down every day by sucide bombers. Pakistan is not a party in Kashmir issues.

Kashmir is Pakistan. And your argument barely made any sense.
Kashmir is Pakistan. And your argument barely made any sense.

Frankly who cares... Now let us for a moment put aside ethics, human rights,border disputes, freedom struggle, identity etc.... Now Indian Kashmir is under Indian control and pakistani Kashmir is under pakistani control.. even as you guys claim if there is any struggle, violations on our side the world dosent seeem to mind . I dont think Kashmir issue has everr had a centre stage in world geopolitics as Palastenian issue or Chechnya or Bosnia.. The western or to say global media dosent mind nor does report the issue in a manner or point of view you guys would love to highlight it.. So let bygons be bygons and let us settle this issue for once and all by converting the LOC to International border and put an end to it.. I am sure India is not interested in *** so let us settle the issue and move on.. we've had enough of fighting each other over a piece of territory that i am sure over 90% of our population hasn't visited ... For me Kashmir is just an ordinary state like any other If Kashmiris wanna stick with Pakistan I think they should be allowed to migrate to *** and those willing to stay back can stay...

I seriously believe that war will not solve this problem ... but talks can and let us convert the godamm loc to IB but if still if Pakistan persists we don't have a problem..the war or the so called struggle is definitely not in the scale like Srilanka or CHECHENYA or Aghanistan so it'd be just another day for us..

Lets live in peace .. lets forget the past.. Seriously why do we need to figt over a piece of land . lets put an end to this
Aksai Chin is very much a part of Jammu and Kashmir.

And so is the Saksgam Valley ceded by Pakistan to China.

One cannot decide for convenience or PC's sake what constitutes Jammu and Kashmir.

Siachen is also not populated by Kashmiris since none populate it any case. Therefore, is not then not a part of J&K?

Jammu is not populated by Kashmiris either, if one wants to be legal minded about the issue.

Also, by the logic, Ladhakis are not Kashmiris and the Kargil Shias do not claim to be Kashmiris either!

Therefore, would it be correct to state that Kashmir porblem is merely the Kashmir Valley?
The 5000sq land which was ceded to China under the 1963 Sino-border agreement, had an articel which is called Article six.

And article of the agreement mentioned "that the 'two parties have agreed that, after the settlement of Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the government of People's Republic of China on the boundary, so as to sign a formal boundary treaty to replace the present agreement, provided that, in the event of that sovereign authority being Pakistan, the provisions of the present agreement and the aforesaid protocol be maintained.'

Why was the area cede to China in any case?

Would one cede NWFP to Afghanistan?

And does anyone believe that China will ever renegotiate?

Startegic interests rule China and they are no fools.
Frankly who cares... Now let us for a moment put aside ethics, human rights,border disputes, freedom struggle, identity etc.... Now Indian Kashmir is under Indian control and pakistani Kashmir is under pakistani control.. even as you guys claim if there is any struggle, violations on our side the world dosent seeem to mind . I dont think Kashmir issue has everr had a centre stage in world geopolitics as Palastenian issue or Chechnya or Bosnia.. The western or to say global media dosent mind nor does report the issue in a manner or point of view you guys would love to highlight it.. So let bygons be bygons and let us settle this issue for once and all by converting the LOC to International border and put an end to it.. I am sure India is not interested in *** so let us settle the issue and move on.. we've had enough of fighting each other over a piece of territory that i am sure over 90% of our population hasn't visited ... For me Kashmir is just an ordinary state like any other If Kashmiris wanna stick with Pakistan I think they should be allowed to migrate to *** and those willing to stay back can stay...

I seriously believe that war will not solve this problem ... but talks can and let us convert the godamm loc to IB but if still if Pakistan persists we don't have a problem..the war or the so called struggle is definitely not in the scale like Srilanka or CHECHENYA or Aghanistan so it'd be just another day for us..

Lets live in peace .. lets forget the past.. Seriously why do we need to figt over a piece of land . lets put an end to this

Your post is full of self-denial and ostrich like mentality.
For you Kashmir will be another ordinary place but for Thousands of Kashmiris it is not.

India indeed is not intrestes in solving Kashmir beacuse your 70,000 Army Soldiers are buthering Innocent Kashmris daily.

And Why we need to resolve Kashmir issue beacuse


Kashmir fake encounter revelations 'tip of an iceberg'

Feb 10, 2007:

The recent revelations of civilians' killings by police in set up encounters in Indian administered Kashmir are just 'tip of an iceberg', the relatives of the disappeared in Kashmir say.

The Association of parents of Disappeared Persons Kashmir says that about 10000 people have been subjected to enforced disappearance in Indian administered Kashmir.

"You see, a single case led to five more cases of fake encounter killings. It would surely have revealed the truth about many more, if the government would have been really serious about the issue," Shaheena Gul an executive member of the APDP said today.

Investigation into the case of Abdul Reman Padder, who was missing since December 8 revealed he had been allegedly picked up by the Special Operation Group of Police and killed in a set up encounter and bradned as a foreign militant.

Police has since exhumed four more bodies, all civilians killed in fake encounters and labelled as foreign militants.

APDP alleges that 10000 civilians have been subjected to enforced disappearances and government is not bothering to find the truth about them.

According to Parvez Imroz, a human rights activist in Kashmir, a number of these disappeared persons "have been killed during custody in fake encounters and they are buried in mass graves near various army and police camps".

APDP has documented at least 25 such cases since 2002, wherein the civilians were killed in fake encounters.

Lashing out at government for continuously changing statements, Imroz said that since 18 July 2002 Chief Ministers and other lawmakers have given 21 different statements.

"Sometimes like in April 2003, then CM Mufti Mohammed Syed says 3744 persons are missing from 1990 to December 2002 whileas current CM G N Azad said on August 06, 2006 that only 108 custodial disappearances have taken place" Imroz says. "This shows the height of contradictions" he further adds.

Kashmir fake encounter revelations 'tip of an iceberg'
Frankly who cares... Now let us for a moment put aside ethics, human rights,border disputes, freedom struggle, identity etc.... Now Indian Kashmir is under Indian control and pakistani Kashmir is under pakistani control.. even as you guys claim if there is any struggle, violations on our side the world dosent seeem to mind . I dont think Kashmir issue has everr had a centre stage in world geopolitics as Palastenian issue or Chechnya or Bosnia.. The western or to say global media dosent mind nor does report the issue in a manner or point of view you guys would love to highlight it.. So let bygons be bygons and let us settle this issue for once and all by converting the LOC to International border and put an end to it.. I am sure India is not interested in *** so let us settle the issue and move on.. we've had enough of fighting each other over a piece of territory that i am sure over 90% of our population hasn't visited ... For me Kashmir is just an ordinary state like any other If Kashmiris wanna stick with Pakistan I think they should be allowed to migrate to *** and those willing to stay back can stay...

I seriously believe that war will not solve this problem ... but talks can and let us convert the godamm loc to IB but if still if Pakistan persists we don't have a problem..the war or the so called struggle is definitely not in the scale like Srilanka or CHECHENYA or Aghanistan so it'd be just another day for us..

Lets live in peace .. lets forget the past.. Seriously why do we need to figt over a piece of land . lets put an end to this

Here is more to your BS BS BS

HRW report on Kashmir skips 'rapes'

by Shahnawaz Khan,

Sep 14, 2006:

A report released by US based Human Rights Watch here on September 12, documenting human rights abuses in Indian administered Kashmir, makes no mention of 'rapes' in the region.

The 156 page report, "'Everyone lives in fear": Patters of Impunity in Jammu and Kashmir" claims to document abuses by the Indian army and paramilitary forces, as well as by militants, and is the first ever report to be released by an international human rights group in Kashmir.

The Indian government's failure to end widespread impunity for human rights abuses committed both by its security forces and militants is fuelling the cycle of violence in Jammu and Kashmir, the report said.

While the report details instances of custodial killings, disappearances, shootings and arbitrary detentions, in the region, the words 'rape' or molestation' do not appear anywhere in the report.

In the 17 years of conflict in Indian administered Kashmir , there have been many allegations of rapes and molestations particularly against the Indian troopers. A 1994 United Nations publication (E/CN.4/1995/42, pp.63-69) says that 'during 1992 alone, 882 women were reportedly gang-raped by Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir'.

The absence of 'rapes' from the latest report has not gone well with many Kashmiris.

Syeda Afshana, lecturer at the Media Education Research Centre, University of Kashmir describes the absence of rapes from the report as a "major flaw".

"Women are the silent sufferers in Kashmir and their voices are being ignored" said Syeda.

Syeda however blames the local groups for the problem.

"The problem is that local press and human rights groups have not reported the incidents (of rape and molestation) well. So how can we expect international groups to do that," she said.

Human rights activists say most of the 'rapes' in the region have gone unreported.

"The graph of rapes in Kashmir compared to other rights abuses is very low, but it is so because most of these are not reported. The victims do not come forward in most of the cases because of the social stigma," said Pervez Imroz, a human rights activist in Srinagar .

Imroz adds that most of the 'rapes' have occurred in remote areas "where the press and the human rights groups have little access".

Dr Sheikh Showkat Hussain of the Department of Law, University of Kashmir says there are "bundles of mistakes' in the report.

"Not only rapes, many other things have been ignored, like employment of private groups for counterinsurgency operations, etc. The figures about the Migrant Pandits provided in the report contradict the census reports," said Hussain.

Allegation of rapes began to emerge in Kashmir with the outbreak of anti-India insurgency in 1989.

Kunanposhpora rape controversy in 1991 is one of the most infamous cases in Kashmir .

Ritu Dewan a Mumbai based journalist was part of a four member fact-finding team, which visited Indian administered Jammu-Kashmir in May, 1994. In an article published later she writes:

"The incidence of rape is higher than what is reported, because of the associated stigma. As in Kunaan Poshpora in Kupwara, near the border, known throughout Kashmir as the "raped village". On the night of February 22-23, 1991 , over 30 women and children were gang-raped by soldiers of the 5th Rajputana rifles. No marriage has taken place in Kunaan Poshpara since then. The victims have been deserted by their families. The experiences of Kunan Poshpora's women have been repeated over and over. Women are molested routinely by the para-military forces during searches. Pandit women who have remained in the Valley too face harassment from the forces. Some who worked as teachers in schools at some distance away have given up their jobs because of humiliation."

Fifteen years after the incident the victims 'still wait for justice'. To their dismay even the Press Council of India gave a clean chit to the accused troopers and accused the women of fabricating the story.

In November 2004 alleged rape of a mother-daughter duo by an Indian army soldier in Langate Handwara dominated the headlines. The incident sparked protests across the Kashmir Valley. The Langate incident was preceeded by another in Mattan Anantnag where a woman was allegedly gangraped by troops of Rashtirya Rifles.

Hardliner women separatist leader Aasiya Andrabi attributes the absence of rape in the report to "well entrenched Indian policy".

"Basically India uses rape as a war crime and they don't treat it as a HR violation. So it employs all curbs and other tactics on the rights groups to pressurise them to desist from publishing it".

Human rights groups like Amnesty International, Asia Watch a division of Human Rights Watch have however acknowledged the occurrence of rapes in Indian administered Kashmir in their reports earlier, blaming both Indian troops and militants.

A report by 1994 Human Rights Watch/Asia and Physicians for Human Rights titled The Human Rights Crisis in Kashmir: A Pattern of Impunity says,

"The incidence of rape is also high. Women are often raped in the course of house searches by the security forces, and in retaliation for militant attacks on government patrols." The 1994 report also cites rapes by militants.
India indeed is not intrestes in solving Kashmir beacuse your 70,000 Army Soldiers are buthering Innocent Kashmris daily.

Great response but one mistake. India has 700,000 troops in Kashmire not 70,000..
Sorry Mujahideen im in hurry

The horror of mass massacre in occupied Kashmir

The Dogra rule, followed by Indian occupation in 1947, is a bleak chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. The Dogra rule, which continued from 1846-1947, is considered as the gloomiest period. Indian armed forces occupied a major part of Jammu and Kashmir on October 27, 1947 and the occupation is still continuing.

The Indian troops pursued the policy of suppression in a systematic manner to reduce the overwhelming Muslim majority in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. To achieve this objective Indian troops started the process of mass massacre. There are plenty of events and evidences to support this gory fact. Some of the events are mentioned as under:

July 13, 1931
The people of Kashmir have been raising their voices against the Dogra usurpation of their land and as a result, they faced brutal consequences. On July 13, 1931, a large number of Kashmiris, gathered in front of the Srinagar central jail, at a time when the trial of a youth, Abdul Qadeer, accused of involvement in a case of agitation, was in progress inside the jail. The objective was to demonstrate solidarity with the young man. As the time for obligatory prayer approached, a young Kashmiri stood for Azan(Call for the prayer), The Dogra police opened fire on him, and he got martyred. Thereby, another youth took the place of the martyred young man and started Azan. He too was shot dead. In this way, 22 Kashmiris embraced martyrdom, in their efforts to complete the Azan.

August 26, 1947
Earlier in June 1947, people of Poonch had launched a no-tax campaign against the heavy taxation of Maharaja. To curb the agitation, Maharaja Hari Singh, the last Dogra ruler of the state, ordered the use of brute military force. On August 26, the mobs clashed with the Dogra-armed forces. The Dogra troops opened bran-gun fire on the huge crowd of 5,000 civilians, martyring and wounding hundreds of them.

October-November 1947
Maharaja Hari Singh fled from Srinagar to Jammu on October 26th 1947, as the liberation armed activists were poised in Srinagar's suburbs to capture the city. On reaching Jammu, he issued orders to his troops and police besides the Hindu extremist groups, to kill Muslims found anywhere. The Muslims were asked to assemble in parade ground in Jammu so that they would be driven to Pakistan in lorries. While on their way, on October 20, 1947, eight thousand Muslims were massacred at Malatank Jammu. On October 22, 1947 at least 14000 Muslims were massacred at Saniya Jammu and 15,000 Muslims were gunned down near the bridge at Akhnoor. On November 5 and 6, 1947, more than 100 lories were loaded with women, children and old men who were taken into the wilderness of Kuthua forests. Hindu extremists and armed gangs were let loose on these innocent people and an unparallel butchery was perpetrated, killing thousands of them. Women were raped, molested and their valuables looted. All these bloodsheds were taking place in full view of the Indian army, which had by that time occupied a major part of the state. In another act of butchery, a large gathering of 25000 Muslims, in Miran Sahib and Ranbir Singhpora, were machine-gunned.

On 9th November 30, while on their way to Pakistan, through Suchitgad route, nearly 300,000 people, were massacred in cold blood.

The British daily "the London Times," wrote on October 10, 1947 in a report from its special correspondent in India that the Maharaja, under `his own supervision, got assassinated 237,000 Muslims, using military forces, in Jammu area. The editor of "Statesman" Ian Stephen, in his book "Horned Moon" wrote that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were assassinated. Right from 1947, the fury of mass killings go on unabated. Kashmiris suffered massacres in 1965 and 1971. Since 1989, India increased its acts of brutalities and people were killed enmasse. Some of the savage events are as under.

January 15, 1990
In Handwara town, the Indian army and paramilitary forces shot dead 17 unarmed civilians including one woman when they subjected peaceful protesters to unprovoked firing.

January 21, 1990
55 innocent civilians were killed in the localities of Basantbagh and Gawkadal, in Srinagar city by CRPF troops when more than 20,000 people took to the streets, defying curfew.

January 22, 1990
The Indian army and paramilitary forces, resorted to unprovoked firing at Alamghari Bazar, Srinagar and killed many unarmed civilians. The people had come out unarmed to protest against the military killings at Gaw Kadal in Srinagar.

January 25, 1990
26 civilians, most of them pedestrians, were shot dead in Handwara town of Kupwara district. The township was set afire by BSF, after the latter was panicked by a bang. Some of the slain persons, including women, were roasted alive.

March 1, 1990
In order to halt massive demonstrations by the people, who were to submit a memorandum to UNMOGIP, Indian army opened fire at Tengpora bypass and Zakoora crossing in Srinagar, killing 21 and 26 demonstrators, respectively.

May 21, 1990
Fifty nine persons were put to death by CRPF troops near Islamia College Srinagar. The unarmed civilian mourners, were carrying the dead body of late Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq, prominent liberation leader and father of former APHC chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq. More than three hundred people were injured. Five women, one of them pregnant, were killed. Even minors were not spared. The forces did not spare even the coffin-bearers. The dead body of late Mirwaiz was also shot at.

August 6, 1990
The troops besieged Mashali Mohalla, in Srinagar, raided the houses of local inhabitants and killed innocent civilians. In this incident, more than two-dozen people were brutalized, of whom nine died on the spot. Some others could not be identified as their bodies had been disfigured.

August 10, 1990
BSF cordoned off the whole area of Pazipora, Kupwara. The male inmates were ordered to gather in a park for identification parade. The locals objected to let ladies stay at their homes without being accompanied by any male members. Later the forces, in absence of male members, entered the houses, raped and molested a number of ladies. By hue and cry of the ladies, the male members tried to rush to their respective homes in order to rescue the ladies from the clutches of the armed forces. But the troops fired on the unarmed civilians of the locality and killed 25 of them on the spot.

September 11, 1990
A civil passenger bus, carrying about fifty persons, was intercepted by the BSF troops. Passengers, who tried to come down and save themselves, were fired upon. 22 civilians died on the spot. The bus was set on fire due to which, eight persons got burnt alive. The driver and the conductor of the vehicle were also killed on the spot.

October 01, 1990
The BSF personnel, deployed in Handwara town of Kupwara district, started indiscriminate firing on the unarmed civilians, who were busy in marketing activities, killing 20 of them on the spot.

October 08, 1990
In Rainawari Srinagar, the Indian armed forces set ablaze a number of houses and when the people tried to put out the fire, the forces indiscriminately fired on them due to which many persons, including Ghulam Muhammad Gasi, Muhammad Yousuf Gujri, Muhammad Yousuf Dar, Muhammad Yousuf Bhat, Shaikh Nawaz Pal and some more got killed.

December 24, 1990
At Charar-e-Sharief, in Budgam district armed forces cordoned off the area and fired indiscriminately, resulting in killing of a ten-month-old baby and five other innocent people.

January 19, 1991
The personnel of 42-CRPF Bn opened indiscriminate fire, killing 11 civilians in Magarmalbagh, Srinagar. Most of the victims were waiting for bus and being a busy place, most of the passers-by received bullet shots and died on the spot.

January 30, 1991
In Achabal Islamabad, the Indian armed forces opened indiscriminate fire, killing seven innocent persons.

March 11, 1991
At Rakhi Haigam, Sopore, in Baramullah district, Indian armed forces started indiscriminate firing, killing six civilians, including Manzoor Ahmad Dar aged 12 years.

March 12, 1991
At Zakoora Nagbal, Srinagar, the BSF troops fired on unarmed civilians. The passers-by started taking shelter in the nearby houses and shops. However, the forces cordoned off the area and killed many civilians, including Ghulam Nabi Rangrez of Bohri Kadal, Abdul Hamid Magray of Nowbug, Habib Ullah and his minor son Mehraj-ud-Din Teli of Zakoora.

March 16,1991
The Indian troops cordoned the area in Pishwari Trehgam, in Kupwara district. At that time, about 12 persons were offering prayers in a Mosque within the cordoned area. The forces directed the worshipers to come out of the Mosque but they could not come out, as they were engaged in the prayers. The forces entered into the Mosque and started firing. The Imam (Leader of the prayers) did not break the prayers. He was shot in his head. Other persons were dragged in the compound of the Mosque and six more persons were shot dead.

May 5, 1991
At Khayam, Khanyar in Sriangar, the troops fired indiscriminately on the pedestrians due to which, five persons including a girl, Aisha, aged three years were killed.

May 8, 1991
In Pir Dastgeer, Khanyar locality of down town Srinagar, troops of CRPF, BSF's 2nd and 60th -Bn opened fire on thousands of people, assembled to bury some martyred Kashmiris. 18 civilians were killed. In this incident, one infant aged two years, and his father were also killed.

June 11, 1991
The CRPF troops opened indiscriminate fire, having been frightened by the sound of a tire burst, leaving 32 civilians killed in the densely populated area of Chotabazar, Srinagar. The killed included, shopkeepers, passers-by, old persons, women and children.

September 03, 1991
At Safanagri and Nelora, in Pulwama district, the armed forces fired on unarmed civilians and more than 23 got killed.

April 2, 1992
In Aloosa village of Bandipore tehsil of Baramullah district, the villagers were kept confined to the village limits for the whole day by the Indian troops, while those out for fishing were fired upon. At least five boatmen were killed in the firing. Many bodies were recovered from the Wular Lake as they had been made to sink by tying heavy stones to their limbs.

April 13, 1992
Early in the hours, BSF troops charged into the area, comprising Mohalla Hajama, Talian, Syed Sultanpora, Mahrajpora, and Chinkipora, started indiscriminate firing which resulted in killing of 13 civilians, including one woman.

July 2, 1992
There was a tyre burst of a moving vehicle, which created a panic in the crowded marked of Lal Chowk, Srinagar. In response the CRPF troops, posted at Hari Singh High Street, fired indiscriminately, killing six civilians.

July 6, 1992
Ishbar locality in the outskirts of Srinagar was subjected to firing by the BSF men and at least 7 civilians were killed.

July 13, 1992
Army personnel entered the village of Nasrullahpora, adjacent to Budgam, and started indiscriminate firing, killing ten innocent people.

August 15, 1992
In Taj Mohalla of Tral, in Pulwama district, BSF troops in cold blood, killed 6 civilians. One of them was burnt alive.

October 2, 1992
10 civilians were killed in Handwara town of Kupwara district by BSF troops.

December 12, 1992
Indian troops killed 7 civilians in Kishtwar area of Doda district.

January 6, 1993
94-BSF-Bn personnel ran amuck, killing 57 civilians, mostly roasted alive, when they arsoned 37 residential and 35 commercial structures at Sopore in Baramullah district.

April 10, 1993
47 innocent Kashmiris were burnt alive when BSF set afire, most of the Lal Chowk, Srinagar, destroying 59 houses, 190 shops, 53 go-downs and 2 office complexes.

July 01, 1993
In Baba Reshi, area of Baramullah district, the troops started indiscriminate firing and killed 9 civilians who had come to the shrine.

August 1, 1993
Sub-inspector Ajmer Singh of BSF, 60-Bn along with three of his subordinates, killed a couple Abdul Rashid Dar and Hajra after barging into their residence in Daribal Srinagar. Their critically injured son Hilal succumbed to wounds in hospital. After thousands of people took to the streets in anti-India demonstration, the police and army resorted to firing, killing 10 of them.

August 14, 1993
Indian secret agents dragged out passengers from a bus on Sarthal link road in Kishtawar, Doda and sprayed them with bullets, killing 14 civilians.

September 03, 1993
In Rohmoo area of Shopian in Pulwama district, the Indian troops fired on passers-by, killing five persons.

October 22, 1993
Troops of 7-Bn BSF, opened fire on a procession in Bijbehara town of Islamabad district, taken out to express solidarity with hostages in Hazratbal shrine in Srinagar, killing 44 civilians. A number of devotees were made hostage in the shrine by the troops for more than a month.

November 20, 1993
At Aadipora, in Sopore area of Baramullah district, the BSF personnel opened fire and killed five persons including a woman.

November 24, 1993
In Sangrama in Baramullah district, the BSF troops fired indiscriminately and killed seven unarmed civilians.

December 22, 1993
At Bulbul Nowgam in Shangas area of Islamabad district, the Indian troops fired indiscriminately, killing six civilians.

January 24, 1994
Indian troops killed 18 Kashmiris in Kupwara.

April 23, 1994
At Warpora Sadunara in Sonawari tehsil of Baramullah district, the Indian troops, during crack-down, fired at and killed 5 civilians.

May 10, 1994
In Bandipora BSF troops, during crack-down, arrested 9 persons in presence of the locals, took them to a military camp in Bandipora where they were killed and their dead bodies were handed over to their relatives.

February 10, 1995
BSF opened fire in narrow business street, in Gad Kocha, Srinagar, killed 6 shopkeepers and injured 38 others.

January 5, 1996
Indian armed agents massacred 15 Kashmiris, 10 of them belonging to one family, in Barshala village in Thathri belt of Kishtwar tehsil in Doda district.

June 8, 1996
In Kamlari village, in Doda district, Indian armed agents killed eight civilians.

April 7, 1997
A group of Indian secret agents swooped on Sanghrampora village, in Beerwa outskirts in Budgam district, and shot dead seven Kashmiris.

September 19, 1997
In mortar shelling by BSF, 11 villagers were killed in remote village Arin of Bandipore tehsil in Baramullah district.

January 26, 1998
Indian agents swooped Wandhama village of Ganderbal tehsil, in Srinagar district, and massacred 23 Kashmiris.

June 28, 1998
In the Madwa, Doda 9 villagers were massacred by 26-Rashtriya Rifles, on the Eid (Muslim festival) day.

February 20, 1999
In Baljaralan hamlet, of Udhampur district, Indian armed agents killed 10 civilians. Apparently, the same group reappeared in Mora Pota in Budhal belt, and killed 4 members of a family including the couple and their two sons.

June 29, 1999
Indian troops and their agents dragged out 17 civilians, including 5 women and 7 children, in twin hamlets of Morha Bichai and Sahotri in Poonch and killed them.

March 17, 2000
Indian secret agencies, killed 7 truck drivers, near a BSF camp at Qazigund, in Islamabad district.

March 20, 2000
36 Sikhs,2 were massacred by Indian troops at Chattisinghpora, in Islamabad district, on the eve of US President Clinton's visit to India. March 24, 2000
Five innocent civilians, missing since March 24, 2000, were killed in custody and subsequently roasted by army at Brakpora in Islamabad district.

March 30, 2000
7 protestors were killed by SOG troops near Pathirbal in Islamabad district, who were demanding dead bodies of Brakpora massacre.

May 14, 2000
Five teen-agers, arrested from Sopore, were killed by Indian troops in Tangdar area of Kupwara district.

August 1, 2000
35 Amarnath Yatris (pilgrims) were killed by Indian secret agencies and CRPF troops at Pahalgam in Islamabad district.

November 14, 2000
At Tali Mohalla, near Ikhalha village under the jurisdiction of Kishtwar police station in Doda district, Indian agents massacred 6 civilians.

February 03, 2001
Indian secret agencies, killed 7 Sikhs at Mahjoornagar, in Srinagar.

February 10, 2001
At Kotchatwal, in Bhudal area of Rajouri district, 12 civilians including 6 kids and 4 women were killed by Indian troops and their secret agencies.

March 21, 2001
At Mandi in Poonch district, the Indian troops used helicopters and gun ships and killed 10 Kashmiris.

March 31, 2001
At Doru, Islamabad, 7 Kashmiri drivers were killed by Indian troops.

August 06, 2001
Indian agents killed 7 civilians in Sajjar village of Atholi, in Kistwar tehsil of Doda district.

December 08, 2001
10 unarmed civilians, including women and children, were killed in the indiscriminate military firing in Baramullah.

January 21, 2002
Indian troops killed 14 persons including 8 children of 3 families, at Salwa village in Maindher area of Poonch area of Rajouri district.

July 13, 2002
Twenty-seven people were killed at Qasim Nagar in the outskirts of Jammu city by unidentified gunmen.

August 5, 2002
Nine pilgrims were killed in Nuwan Pehalgam in Islamabad district.

March 23, 2003
In a gruesome act of state terrorism in Nadimarg village of Pulwma District, Indian secret agents killed 24 innocent civilians, including 11 women and two children.

The horror of mass massacre in occupied Kashmir
Dont worry JANA this is just a little mistake, but still I wanted to clear it up for my Indian friends, I know you know the realities. Does it make a difference how many troops India has up their, what makes a difference is that Martial Law which has been imposed in Kashmir for the past 60 years, the thousands who have been killed by the Indians, and other Human Rights violations, as you have pointed out, I am sure we can add more to your list.
Your post is full of self-denial and ostrich like mentality.
For you Kashmir will be another ordinary place but for Thousands of Kashmiris it is not.

India indeed is not intrestes in solving Kashmir beacuse your 70,000 Army Soldiers are buthering Innocent Kashmris daily.

And Why we need to resolve Kashmir issue beacuse

Again I say what can you do about it? answer me..
Even if we assume for a moment that your claims are true then it is the internal affair of India as is Azad Kashmir or Balochistan an internal affair of Pakistan... The rationale is that Pakistan wants a piece of INDIAN territory and that is the way we view it.. I your country is the supporter of freedom moments than whats your contribution to Chechenyan struggle, or palestinian freedom. As I say let Kashmiris in India who dont want to be here should be freed to go to Azad kashmir and those who are willing to stay here can stay back.. Indian Kashmir is the soverign territory of India and I have equal claim in it as a Kashmiri, just as a Marathi has equal claim over Tamilnadu or a Malyali has an equal claim over delhi. So insted of calling me an ostrich why dont you get off from your highhorse and think pragmatically for a moment.. It is Pakistan which wants Indian Kashmir and not vice versa where we want Azad Kashmir.. frankly Indian government is surely not interested in Azad Kshmir...

Now let us analyze what Pakistan can do about the situation
1. War--- I dont think that is feasable
2.Freedom struggle or Terrorism whichever way you look at it--- The insurgency is not large enough.. One or two incidents of bombings or skirmishes is no big deal to let go of a large piece of territory.. The insurgency is not even one fourth of the likes of Srilanka or Chechenya or Palestine of Iraq.. So there goes down another unsuccessful method to free kashmir
3.Peace talks and negotiations--- Of all the talk I am sure India will never consider parting her triitory so there goes another way
4. Pragmatism: the only way to solve the problem..Let LOC be converted to IB and let us live in peace..

FRANKLY I dont understand, why do you guys talk as if you guys are the saviour of the entire Islamic world.. Why should you be bothered about Indian kashmir or why should I be bothered about balochistan or palestine as far as I AM CONCERNED let us mind our own territories and live in peace

Why are you pressing so hard for Pakistan to leave Kashmir alone? Funny how no work has to be done by India in this matter. This is about injustice to the Kashmiri people. Its sheer hypocrisy that your Gov cant do the same.
Kashmiris want freedom, they have been wanting it since independence from the British. You cant change that. And your refusal to see that your troops are fighting Kashmiri civilians is as offending to Pakistanis as it gets.

Kashmiris have been treated anything but unjustly. They have been given full autonomy, the freedom to practice their religion and culture in whatever way they see fit, the freedom to elect their leaders, and the freedom to utilize the expertise and funds of the Indian Government to develop their state.

I'd say the the muslims of Turkey have been treated much worse by their own people.

They have been given an equal opportunity to be a contributing member of the union of India, and to reap the benefit of a strong army to protect their borders.

Any open minded, non-partisan person will realize that joining India is a wise move, just like the people of Sikkim realized in the 1980s.

Unfortunately, Pakistan has been spreading anti-India propaganda, and trying to evoke the religious sentiments of the Kashmiris against the rest of India.
By sending militants and disrupting the daily lives of kashmiris for 20 years or more, they have ruined their lands, their economy and their future.

700 000 Indian troops in Kashmir, and you really believe a handful of militants from Pakistan can walk across the LOC and cause havoc? You are fighting the Kashmiris, and violently oppressing them. Kashmir has always been closer to the Muslim western part of the subcontinent, and thats why Kashmiris identity themselves with Pakistan. This is not a holy war.

Oh don't give me that. You know what has been happening in Balochistan and NWFP....don't make absurd statements.

Kashmiris were fine till the 1980s, when the anti-India sentiment was fanned from across the border.

How will you explain the exodus of kashmiri pandits if this is not a religious movement?

Could you please also elaborate to me why Kashmir is so important to India?

Kashmir is important to India, because it is a part of India. Can you explain to me why Balochistan is so important to Pakistan?

Every part of India is equally important to her.

I'll admit that the Indian Army has been sloppy in the past, especially during the early years of the insurgency. However, violating the human rights of kashmiris is not a policy.
It is always difficult to ensure that soldiers don't misuse their weapons, especially in such a high-pressure scenario.
The record has improved in recent years, as the army has trained its soldiers and officers to ensure that innocents are n.ot harmed.

I am repeating myself, but the Indian army isn't going to vacate kashmir till the militancy is crushed. At the same time, India is rapidly developing the infrastructure in the state, so that the economy of the region improves, and people have better things to do than pick up weapons against the establishment.
If Pakistanis really care about the future of the kashmiris, they should try and help India develop the region, and not try to fan separatist movements.
Dont worry JANA this is just a little mistake, but still I wanted to clear it up for my Indian friends, I know you know the realities. Does it make a difference how many troops India has up their, what makes a difference is that Martial Law which has been imposed in Kashmir for the past 60 years, the thousands who have been killed by the Indians, and other Human Rights violations, as you have pointed out, I am sure we can add more to your list.

I love that - Martial Law.

I hope you have not forgotten the difference between Martial law and democratic means to maintain law and order.

I would hardly call the NWFP as martial law, notwithstanding the employment of the Army and human rights abuses as some would like to term.

Fortunately, as a point of order, I would stae we do not use gunships, or the air force or the artillery on our own citizens.

A shade better, what? )
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