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Kashmir attack leaves 8 Indian troops dead

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RIP to the dead.

By the way, what does "mard-e-momin" mean?

The Hindus use the term to troll... Just report them

Indian Army should find and kill every one of these terrorists, and every one remotely attached to these $cumbags like their family, relatives, friends, etc. Maybe then they can all be happy in hell...

Then it's equal right? Don't cry when they kill yours

Same old misplaced attempt at ambushing their betters and trying to push us through intimidation. Misguided to say the least.

1 million troops and still can't control insurgency? :lol:
Who exactly is the better when these are daily attacks :lol:
Lets hope that Indian Army will kill the pigs in multifold in return.

RIP to the shaheeds who died defending their country.
The Hindus use the term to troll... Just report them

Then it's equal right? Don't cry when they kill yours

1 million troops and still can't control insurgency? :lol:
Who exactly is the better when these are daily attacks :lol:

Controlling the insurgency is not required in the terms that you conflate controlling with, it is desirable not necessary.

What we need from Kashmir, what is rightfully ours, we are already extracting. That is all that matters and that cannot be altered by any action whatsoever.
We will cry and mourn for these brave fighters, and then make sure that every terrorist muslim in kashmir pays for his crimes...

Muslims can never be shaheed, only terrorists is the term used to describe these s$cums in the civilized world....

Calm down my friend.

The very fact that they need to use extended proxies shows their martial bankruptcy, which they have advertised for the whole world by selling their sovereignty after a single phone call to the "commando".

Let them keep trying as their own compatriots rend each other asunder like a pack of rabid wolves.
We will cry and mourn for these brave fighters, and then make sure that every terrorist muslim in kashmir pays for his crimes...

Muslims can never be shaheed, only terrorists is the term used to describe these s$cums in the civilized world....

Make sure these brave fighters don't accidentally kill themselves or set up fake encounters... It's happened way to many times to count :lol:

Calm down my friend.

The very fact that they need to use extended proxies shows their martial bankruptcy, which they have advertised for the whole world by selling their sovereignty after a single phone call to the "commando".

Let them keep trying as their own compatriots rend each other asunder like a pack of rabid wolves.

Proxies is fair play and they are doing a good job as shows :lol:
Make sure these brave fighters don't accidentally kill themselves or set up fake encounters... It's happened way to many times to count :lol:

Proxies is fair play and they are doing a good job as shows :lol:

A passable job at causing attrition.

No where near what is required for achieving the desired strategic objective. Blood they can shed but land they will not be able to annex. We will still hold what we hold and still do what we do.
A passable job at causing attrition.

No where near what is required for achieving the desired strategic objective. Blood they can shed but land they will not be able to annex. We will still hold what we hold and still do what we do.

Your country makes so much babies each year that there is no end to how many Indians are occupying Kashmir obviously but either the militants give up or.indians give up.
Your country makes so much babies each year that there is no end to how many Indians are occupying Kashmir obviously but either the militants give up or.indians give up.

We haven't even started occupying yet.

Sure thing, beat a nation of 1.2 billion through attrition. I am beginning to understand that oft stated jape that our western neighbors have no understanding of grand strategy. Keep at it, at least our soldiers embrace martyrdom knowing that their nation will acknowledge their service rather than leaving them as carrion on desolate peaks.

This is neither new nor a causative factor leading to a loss of initiative.
RIP brave soldiers.

Indian army will hunt down the bastards who killed our jawans.
For every action, there will be reaction. In next few days twice the number Pakistan army soldiers will be killed by terrorists. On top of that, Sunnis will slaughter shias, shias will slaughter sunnis. Both will bomb each others mosques. You create trouble for others, trouble will come to your home. That's natures law. You'll reap what you sow.
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