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Kasab wants someone to tie him a rakhi

Ok you guys have seen my previous post on this thread now read this:

Ok lets turn this topic little bit. When Kasab Attack Mumbai he was only I am guessing between 19-22 years old right. We do lot of stuff in our life which we regret later on that why we do that (not to that extent but just bare with me). So what if he really really thinking in jail why I did that it is wrong I shouldn’t be doing this etc. So do you think that Indian Government will let me him go after he served few years in prison? Well or how about if he convert into Hindu is that going to effect anything? This Rakhi thing is ring a bell that. Guy who do not care about any human life, who do not care about any relationship, how come suddenly he wants someone to tie him a Rakhi? Any suggestion?

Machoman bro...I share your opinion.
It might be a very cold thing to say but I guess he was naive to the major part of his actions...he might have been somekid who dint go to school...got influenced by some hardliner...and the foolishness that comes with youth made him believe the $hit.
I guess sitting in a solitary cell...does things to one's mind that we can't even fathom...and probably the realization is kicking in now.
Indian Government is trying to make Qassab another Gandhi. Qasaab is not our metal my friends.

Kasab is not your metal?
meaning your metal would have preferred to go down in a blaze of glory and not cry and say ridiculous things sitting in an indian jail cell?
I understand the need felt by the Indians to be sarcastic with the Pakistanis and by the Pakistanis to be sarcastic with the Indians


it simply does not help either one of us !! :disagree:

this is where it always leads to :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

couldn't agree more...but you know what it stings when some people here pay a total disregard to the souls of those departed in the mumbai incident and call it a total sham..and worse, point fingers at our govt. and agencies...i have heard survivor accounts from a 7-8yr old girl who was shot in her leg and handicapped for life by this sonofabich kasab...and many other mind numbing accounts....in our animosity we forget the basal human virtues that link a pakistani to an indian and a hindu to a muslim.
couldn't agree more...but you know what it stings when some people here pay a total disregard to the souls of those departed in the mumbai incident and call it a total sham..and worse, point fingers at our govt. and agencies...i have heard survivor accounts from a 7-8yr old girl who was shot in her leg and handicapped for life by this sonofabich kasab...and many other mind numbing accounts....in our animosity we forget the basal human virtues that link a pakistani to an indian and a hindu to a muslim.

I am with you paritosh a 1000 %, thats a whole 1000 :smitten:

it stings when some people here pay a total disregard to the souls of those departed in the mumbai incident and call it a total sham

I feel your pain and of those who lost their lives, believe me all Pakistanis do, even if they wont show it, Why dont you make them understand this same point, we are all human beings here right? :cheers:

a 7-8yr old girl who was shot in her leg and handicapped for life by this sonofabich kasab...and many other mind numbing accounts....

You have a first hand account, let others show their pain, there's a great great chance they and you will meet somewhere in the middle if not on your side :agree:

and call it a total sham..and worse, point fingers at our govt. and agencies

Since this in your post is the part that most Pakistanis would click to, the only way out would be if they have some really concrete facts to back it up rather than just that fabled and elusive "Pakistani look" ;)

PS: I say kasab is MOFO, burn that A**Ho** to the stake :agree:

Really! A Islamist who despise Hindus wish to wear Rakhi :undecided:

How many ways Bharati desire to **** up on this guy?????

Bunch of retards...:tsk:

Nope, he is from the land that teaches him for wrongdoing and playing victim card at same time :woot:
we should create a new thread called "Loser's last days" and add all the news about Kasab and his stupid requests. today in TOI i read that Kasab want to eat Biriyani and is on hunger strike. isnt there anybody out there to shoot him in right between the eyes. such a low life!!
lol we got your ‘democratically’ elected government to admit that ‘Ajmal Kasab’ is a Pakistani national and you still doubt our wisdom?:cheesy:

AxvZgM62M5Q[/media] - Pakistan Government admits that Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani

vTsLmL6a7NE[/media] - Pakistan Government admits that terrorist Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani Citizen

This government doesn't have 15% of ground popularity in Pakistan and no-one in public believes what our representatives have admitted but where is Credible Evidence that Ajmal Qassab is Pakistani?? Even if our Information Minister has admitted that, Where is the evidence?? This government is so lame that crowed of 50thousand proved enough to change their rigid stance on Judiciary few months back. No one in Pakistan believes what this Government is saying. Where are proofs? So far there is non and you guys are only bouncing up and down because Government has said so? Are you really looking for Culprits behind Mumbai Attack or you just want Pakistan to be penalized for that? I am Pakistani and acknowledge Qassab and the company were heinous terrorists. They and the people who did genocide must be brought to justice, even if they were Pakistani or Indian or American Nationals or Whoever. Are you really looking for real culprits or you are happy that Pakistan has admitted??
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Quit saying negative thing about your country man. :agree:

Did you miss both the Indian flags under Boxer's avatar? I think you're confused. Kasab is a Pakistani, the Government of Pakistan issued an official statement admitting that he is a Pakistani.
This government doesn't have 15% of ground popularity in Pakistan and no-one in public believes what our representatives have admitted but where is Credible Evidence that Ajmal Qassab is Pakistani?? Even if our Information Minister has admitted that, Where is the evidence?? This government is so lame that crowed of 50thousand proved enough to change their rigid stance on Judiciary few months back. No one in Pakistan believes what this Government is saying. Where are proofs? So far there is non and you guys are only bouncing up and down because Government has said so? Are you really looking for Culprits behind Mumbai Attack or you just want Pakistan to be penalized for that? I am Pakistani and acknowledge Qassab and the company were heinous terrorists. They and the people who did genocide must be brought to justice, even if they were Pakistani or Indian or American Nationals or Whoever. Are you really looking for real culprits or you are happy that Pakistan has admitted??

The popularity of the GoP is irrelevant in this case.

The culprits of 26/11 were Pakistani, therefore Pakistan should be held responsible and it should take actions against the criminals.

Credible evidence was given to the GoP and other governments across the world. We are happy that Pakistan had to come out in public and acknowledge that the terrorists are from its country, as we had always known them to be, its a step in the right direction, now it is up to Pakistan to punish those responsible so we can put this entire episode behind us.

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